Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3187: Worthless to worth

   Chapter 3187

  Wei Zhi and Yin Li:......This jump is too high, go directly from the sixth rank to the second rank?

  I want to say that the position of prince Shaofu is owned by many people in the DPRK. This is a false title. From the second grade, it is to teach the prince to study. It has the same function as Zhuang Xun as a servant, but the status is a bit different.

Many people in the dynasty have this false title, such as Wei Zhi and Yin Li. In addition to the two of them, there are Li Shangshu and others.

  In the early years, this imaginary title was still very valuable. After all, it was from the second rank. Even if there is no real power, there is no high material reward, but it is also very nice and noble.

  But then the prince was ridiculous, and the emperor was keen to invite various teachers to the prince.

  In the DPRK, he thought good ministers, all invited to teach the prince, famous folk Confucian scholars, talented people in the family, who feel good, he invited the prince to be a teacher.

  Since I was a teacher, I naturally had to give a position, because later the prince became more and more absurd, and the conflict with the courtiers and the emperor became more and more serious, and many people looked down on the prince.

  In order to be able to invite these people, the emperor gave him the title of Prince Shaofu as long as he could invite one, so that the crown prince Shaofu flooded and became very worthless.

In fact, it was not very valuable later. Like Wei Zhi, he still occasionally goes to the Chongwenguan to give the prince a lesson for the prince, but he does not receive salary, let alone those who have not been a teacher for the prince long ago. People.

  The virtual title has completely become the virtual title.

   But no matter how fictitious it is, it is also a status, which is not the same as a patron.

  Especially now that the prince has changed his evil and returned to righteousness, the position of the crown prince has been firmly established, as long as there is no accident in the middle, he must be the next emperor.

  The prince young master is the next generation teacher of the emperor second only to the prince prince.

  So now the prince Shaofu is a bit valuable again, and it is from the second grade.

  After thinking about it, Wei Zhi reminded: "Your Majesty, Zhuang Xun has only six ranks. If you add a false title, his actual job..."

   "So I decided to promote him to a bachelor of Chongwenguan."

   Very good, the actual position is also long, but this is a good one, from the fourth grade, the jump is not very ridiculous.

  Wei Zhi raised his hands and no longer objected.

  He had no objection, but the emperor became sad again, "But now I have sealed everything that should be sealed. When the prince takes the throne, how can he seal it?"

  Wei Zhi: "Then do you keep it for the crown prince?"

  The emperor shook his head, "No, what if the prince dislikes his preaching and is unwilling to seal it? Moreover, I will seal it and instruct him to teach the prince, and he will also change his name."

  Wei Zhi asked him to be so entangled, so he asked: "How does your Majesty plan to reward Zhouman and the Zhou family this time?"

He said: "One rice planting, and another wheat planting. Both seeds are of great significance. The reward cannot be low, especially Zhou Man. She is now compiled from the fourth rank, the county lord, and then up... Your Majesty Do you want to leave this credit to the prince in the future?"

  The emperor snorted unceremoniously: "The new wheat and new rice seeds are all things that came out during my tenure, why should I leave it to the prince for a reward?"

  He feels that his body is not bad, and he can live for many more years. How can he make the hero wait so long?

   And the emperor was not willing to give this great feat to the prince, so the emperor said: "I have a good idea in my heart, and I will call Zhou Man and Zhou Li into Beijing."

  Wei Zhi responded, saying that he would draw up his will when he returned.

Zhou Dalang invited people from the village to help cook a meal, and hurried to the field to greet the emperor to go back to eat. It was getting dark at this time. He was very embarrassed, "Our brothers rarely cook, but my sixth brother is not here." , Otherwise you will definitely be able to let your majesty have dinner earlier."

  The emperor smiled and sat down at the table, let Zhou Dalang and Wurilang also sit down, and said: "It's not a problem, I'm late for dinner in the palace."

  He glanced at the dishes on the table and smiled: "It's quite hearty."

  Zhou Dalang smiled and said, “Now the days are better. There are many livestock in the village, so even if you don’t go to the market, it’s not difficult to eat meat.”

  Emperor: "Oh, what kind of livestock do you keep here?"

"Don’t talk about cows. They cannot be eaten. In the village, chickens and ducks are raised, and there are sheep, but not many, just a few. Several new pigs have been added this year. Unfortunately, my family is different. It’s stinky to raise pigs, otherwise I would like to raise some."

  The emperor ate a chopsticks chicken and nodded in satisfaction, “The people live and work in peace and contentment, and their days are happy, and I am happy. Come, come, today is a good day, even if it’s just for new rice seeds, it’s worth a drink with us.”

  Cup is impossible. Zhou Man and the others do not like to drink, so there is no wine in the other courtyard. Zhou Dalang finally came back to Lizheng’s house with a jar of rice wine, which his family used to marry after the autumn harvest.

  Rice wine, naturally it was good to drink it in a bowl, so the bowls in front of them were all bowls. When the emperor lifted a bowl, everyone followed and drank it happily.

  Friday Lang saw that the emperor’s bowl was empty, and immediately refilled a bowl...

In the end, Zhou Dalang and Wurilang were helped back to the room by the guards. Although the emperor's face was a little red, he was in good spirits and showed no sin at all. He still dragged Wei to know: "It's rare to be so happy, Wei Qing, we will be holding candles tonight. Talk, how about drinking together by the way?"

  Wei Zhi also drank a lot, mainly because he was really happy, but he still knew how to measure, so he shook his head, "Your Majesty, it's not good to be drunk. We have to rush back to the capital tomorrow morning. Let's rest early tonight."

   After talking, he snatched his sleeves out, turned around and walked away.

  The emperor looked at Yin Li.

   Yin Li stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the minister will send your Majesty back to the room."

  The emperor nodded, "Well, it just so happens that our monarchs and ministers also have a talk."

   So the emperor dragged Yin Li away, and returned to the house. He drank two more bowls of wine and said it for nearly an hour before letting Yin Li go.

Mr. Zhuang, who had been lowering his sense of existence, let out a deep breath, and went back to his house with the door frame. He has to go back to the capital tomorrow. The carriage can get bumpy when it gets up. Alas, I knew it a few years ago. When a child learns to ride, he should pick it up again, so he doesn't need to ride a carriage now.

  Mr. Zhuang regretted it in his heart and decided to go back and practice riding.

   A good night’s sleep, the next day Mr. Zhuang was shaken awake before it turned on. Wu Wu Lang said anxiously: “Sir, the guard asked me to ask the doctor just now. It seems that the emperor is sick.”

  Mr. Zhuang, who was still confused, woke up, immediately lifted the quilt to get up, and hurried to the yard where the emperor lived.

Yin Li had already got up and was sitting in the yard. He saw Mr. Zhuang coming over with an anxious look, and he smiled slightly: "Servant Zhuang said, don’t worry, Master Wei just relapsed and has taken the medicine. He just fell asleep at this time. , Just wait until the doctor arrives to see."

  Mr. Zhuang: "Dad Wei is sick?"

  Yin Li nodded slightly

  (End of this chapter)

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