Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3189: Expedited

  Chapter 3189 Urgent

  Mr. Liu thought about it for a while, shook his head, and said: "I didn't notice the abnormality, and man, isn't this normal?"

  Xiao Yuan was silent for a while and then shook his head, "No, your majesty... the pulse condition was not like this in the past, unless..."

  Mr. Liu waited for a long time, and when he saw that he had no more information, he pushed him, "Say it."

  Xiao Yuan frowned and said: "Forget it, your majesty came back from outside the palace, who knows who you came into contact with outside? Let's treat the disease first."

   Grand Doctor Liu widened his eyes, lowered his voice and said, "You mean your Majesty will go out of the palace to hunt for Yan?"

  Xiao Yuan looked upright at him and said: "I didn't say that. Also, Doctor Liu, when did you talk so much like Zhou Man?"

  Mr. Liu immediately stopped speaking, and silently stopped talking.

  The two boiled medicine to the emperor silently.

  Waiting for the emperor to drink the medicine, the prince there and the Daming Palace both knew about the emperor’s illness.

The prince came over to ask for peace. The emperor called in and told him about the new rice seed, saying: "This matter is about Sheji. I have already issued an order for Zhou Man and his nephew Zhou Li to enter Beijing. It's for Wei Zhi, but he is sick now, leave it to you to do this."

The prince responded, and the emperor paused, then mentioned Zhuang Xun, "...I asked Zhuang Xun about the strategy of governing the country, and I had a cordial talk with him yesterday. He is indeed a rare teacher."

  The emperor said: "Unfortunately, he is too old. Although he is stable, he has lost his spirit. He can no longer start from an early age like other officials, so I still decided to let him be a teacher and educator."

  The emperor leaned on the bed, looked at the prince, stared at his face and said, "I plan to promote him to a bachelor of Chongwenguan, and add the prince to Shaofu, what do you think?"

  Prince Shaofu or something, the prince is already numb. He is the prince who has the most princes and shaofu in history. Not only is there no one before, but there is also a possibility that there will be no future, so he has no opinion.

  But Chongwenguan Bachelor...

  The prince raised his head and asked, "Is there no opinion on Kong Jijiu?"

  Chongwenguan has two bachelor positions, one of them is Kong Jijiu, and the other is always empty.

   to Zhuang Xun, then he was the first person under Kong Jijiu.

  The emperor said indifferently: "That's for your husband, as long as you have no opinion, do you have an opinion?"

  Prince:......If he has any opinions, he will not shut down, then how did so many teachers come from before?

  The prince said blankly: "Erchen has no opinion."

The emperor is satisfied.

   So the edict that summoned Zhou Lizhong and Zhou Man just came out of Beijing, and Zhuang Xun’s will for promotion was also down.

  The old Zhou family and the Bai family were shocked, and the Zhou’s house immediately became lively.

  Lao Zhou's face blushed with excitement. When he finally calmed down, he sat on the steps and recollected. He was still a little unbelievable when he recollected, "So Mr. Zhuang became a high official at once?"

  Zhou Dalang nodded, and said to his father: "I have asked, the prince Shaofu is from the second-rank, dad, from the second-rank, he is bigger than Manbao's fourth-rank official!"

  Lao Zhoutou immediately asked: "How many jobs can be divided?"

  Mr. Zhuang just met everyone’s congratulations today. He just came down to have a sip of tea and said with a smile: "There is no job field."

   "What?" Old Zhou stood up, "Why don't you have a job?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, "This is a false title. There is no job field, but there are some rewards."

  Lao Zhoutou felt that this official was very unreal. There were only a lot of rewards, and it was not stable. Shitian was the iron rice bowl.

  Lao Mrs. Liu smiled and said: "Although he has no job field, the prince Shaofu is the prince’s teacher. He is very noble, and he is just right for him."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "The old lady is utterly praised."

After a pause, he laughed and said, "Although the prince Shaofu does not have a job field, he has a bachelor's degree, but I can't keep up with this year's job field. I can only wait for the coming year when the court will make up the remaining job field and work You help me take care of it."

Old Zhou said immediately: "Sir, don’t worry, these sons in my family don’t know anything else, but it’s hard for them to plant the land. I ask them to plant for you. Based on your teaching of Manbao, let them give You should plant it for the rest of your life."

  Mr. Zhuang shook his hand, "Break down on me. I am also begging a few children for the good of it, but it is not my merit."

Lao Zhoutou didn’t understand any great principles, so he shook his head and said, “The emperor is so powerful, can he still admit the talent of the prince? He asked you to be a teacher for the prince, it must be because of your good knowledge, it is because of the treasures, and that is also because You teach Man Bao well."

  Lao Mrs. Liu smiled and said, “Yes, if there is no husband’s teaching, the three children will not be today.”

  After a pause, she asked, "Mr. Zhuang, do you want to send someone back to Luojiang County to send a letter?"

Mr. Zhuang was silent.

  Lao Liu smiled and said: “The court wants to summon Lizhong and send the letter back at this time. He can just bring the letter back when he returns, and if the children in the family are interested, they may be able to join him in Beijing.”

  Mr. Zhuang's heart beats.

  Lao Mrs. Liu saw it, and immediately smiled and said, "Sir, write a letter. I will send a letter back tomorrow."

  Lao Mrs. Liu also wrote a letter to Master Bai, telling him the situation in the capital. The Zhou family will become famous with the new rice varieties, and they can do too much.

  The disease came like a mountain, and the disease went like a thread. The emperor’s disease did not go to court for five consecutive days, and the queen moved back from the Daming Palace.

  The emperor finished approving the zhezi, twisted his neck and muttered to his feet, "work hard, work hard, how come there are more and more zhezi in the past two days, isn't it sent to the prince?"

Gu Zhong bent his waist and replied: "Your Majesty, there will be an autumn tax, so there are a lot of things. Lord Wei is sick. Many people at the bottom of the bank are not able to make any ideas, so they all deliver them. His Royal Highness also received a lot of banknotes. , I heard that the lights in the study are on until three shifts every night."

The emperor was ill. Although he didn’t have to go to the court, the Zhezi had to be approved. In order to help him recover from his illness, the prince took over most of the Zhezi. At this time, Wei Zhi was also ill. There are even more folds in the prince's place.

  Is it his own son, the emperor still feels distressed, frowning and asking: "How is Wei Zhi's condition?"

  Gu Zhong lowered his head, his voice also lowered, "Since I moved out of the Piandian, I have been groggy. Princess Changyu and Ma Ma have also moved back from the princess mansion."

  The emperor's face was not very good, and he asked, "Is the imperial decree coming to Qingzhou soon? Send one more so that Zhou Man can enter Beijing as soon as he receives the imperial decree without delay."

  The emperor paused and said: "She is limited to reach the capital within half a month."

  Gu Zhong asked cautiously, "Is it from the moment of receiving the imperial decree, or..."

   "Counting from today," the emperor glanced at him and said, "Qingzhou went to the capital for half a month, she belongs to a tortoise?"

  Gu Zhong did not dare to speak immediately.

See you tomorrow good night



  (End of this chapter)

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