Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3203: There are no classes

   Chapter 3203

  The prince was choked by his own saliva, and he coughed for a long time before he was relieved. The other adults couldn't help but laugh, making Li Shangshu angry and funny, and for a while, he couldn't find his own language.

   Zhou Man turned his head to look at Kong Jijiu who was heading up, "Kong Jijiu has no objection."

  She glanced at Li Shangshu, you Shangshu is going to be on your behalf, what are you against here?

  Although he didn’t say this sentence, his expression revealed no doubt. Li Shangshu was so angry that Yang Heshu, who was sitting next to her, lowered his voice and said, "Guozijian is in charge of the Ministry of Rites..."

Zhou Man was silent for a while, looked up at Kong Jijiu, and asked with a serious face, "What does Kong Jijiu think?"

  Kong Jijiu slowly said: "The saint's words, there are no classes, and women can naturally go to school."

  Li Shangshu: "Kong Jijiu!"

Kong Jijiu smiled at Li Shangshu: "The princesses and clan girls in the palace have all studied Confucianism since childhood, and there are also women who have studied literary and literary since childhood. Since this is true for private schools, why did the Imperial College reject them? outside?"

   Zhou Man nodded fiercely, and decided that Kong Jijiu will be her confidant from now on!

  There are people who agree with Li Shangshu on this matter, and there are many people who agree with Zhouman. The emperor didn't think so much. The restraint of ethics on him is actually not that great.

He only proceeded from reality and thought of the restructuring of the local medical department. According to Zhou Manzhezi, the men and women who are sent to the local medical department should be divided into half as much as possible. In this way, in order to allow the local medical department to develop more smoothly, let them It is necessary to learn histories and arithmetic. Otherwise, you will only see a doctor and will not take care of the medical department. After a few years, it will be a problem whether the local medical department can continue.

  As an emperor, he naturally hopes that there will be more and more smart people like Zhou Man and fewer stupid people.

  And Zhou Man doesn’t know how to do it. The world is so big. The Imperial Medical Office must have its own talents. Otherwise, all officials will choose from him. They don’t know the medical treatment. If you see the doctors, the problem will be bigger as time goes by.

  This is the same as sending officials who don’t know how to fight and look down on soldiers and warriors to supervise the army.

  The emperor’s thoughts were transferred, so he skipped the opinions headed by Li Shangshu, and said with Kong Jijiu Zhouman: “The Imperial College and the Imperial Medical Office will discuss the number of dispatched persons and the method of teaching in private. Both men and women can enter the Imperial College for study.”

  Li Shangshu: "Your Majesty, this..."

   Zhou Man was already happily going out and knelt down, "Your Majesty, Xie Your Majesty Longen, all the students from the Imperial Medical Office on behalf of the minister."

  Xiao Yuanzheng also got up to thank you.

  Master Luo frowned, and still followed.

   Waiting to retreat, Lord Luo could not help but stop Zhou Man, "Master Zhou, you have never discussed this matter with us before."

   Zhou Man blinked and looked at Xiao Yuanzheng, "Didn't I discuss it with you?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng was stunned for a while and then hurriedly said: "I was negligent, Lord Luo, Lord Zhou mentioned this matter to me, it’s not right, I also mentioned to you about the joint school.”

  Lord Luo: "My lord didn't say he would send a female student there."

  Xiao Yuan frowned slightly, "Why do you have to point it out in particular? They are all students from the Imperial Medical Office, so naturally they chose excellent candidates."

   Zhou Man smiled and asked Master Luo, "Why, Master Luo also thinks that women shouldn't learn the way of sages?"

  Lord Luo looked at his smiled eyes last week and his back stiffened. He immediately pulled out a smile and said: "Naturally not, but I think that raising this matter at this time is a big obstacle, and it is likely to affect the restructuring of the local medical department."

   Zhou Man waved his hand indifferently and said, “Doesn’t Chaozhong agree to it now? The next step is to talk to Kong Jijiu about the number of students sent and the content of learning.”

Lord Luo is not stupid. Naturally, he dared not say anything that belittles the woman in front of Zhou Man, but when Zhou Man left, he still couldn't resist talking to Xiao Yuan: "How inconvenient it is for a woman to be an official? Can they focus on politics after they marry and give birth to their sons? Isn’t it a waste to give them places at this time?"

Xiao Yuan was smiling and said: "Lord Luo, take a long-term view. Didn't Mrs. Zhou marry a child? Do you think she is negligent now? There are many people in the Imperial Medical Office who marry a child like her, except During the period of pregnancy and just giving birth, there are some special things, and the rest of the time they should do a lot of things. As for pregnancy and childbirth, that is also to increase the population for me, is it a great achievement?"

  Narrow-sighted, just like him back then.

  He still felt that Zhou Man was just a baby girl, and she didn’t go far. She was just a soy sauce maker when she entered the Taiyuan Hospital. It was just fine to provide it, but now it is.

   confessed, her prestige is no less than that of him now. It can be seen that people have to look at the long-term, otherwise the face will be very painful.

  Xiao Yuan is walking away with his hands behind his back.

   Zhou Man did not leave the palace, but ran to chase Kong Jijiu, all the way to Chongwenguan, "Kong Jijiu, let’s talk about their curriculum."

  Kong Jijiu looked at her with a smile and said: "Master Zhou, you are too anxious, this matter has just been set, and we are still far from entering school next spring, why bother?"

   Zhou Man: "But I can't keep it until the beginning of spring next year. The matter has been decided earlier, and I have to go back to Qingzhou."

   Kong Jijiu shook his head, "Aren’t there still Xiao Yuanzheng and Lord Luo?"

Zhou Man said with a smile: "Xiao Yuan is just going to do it. He concentrates on his medical skills. These little things don't bother his old man. As for Lord Luo, it will be even more busy. I happen to be out in Beijing. There are few things. Good talk."

  Kong Jijiu squinted: "Can you set it down?"

   Zhou Man nodded: "We're almost done talking about it."

  She didn't care about Master Luo, but Xiao Yuanzheng had already negotiated, and he was willing to hand this matter to Zhou Man.

After sitting at the table, Kong Jijiu tapped his fingers on the table, but instead of talking about the course, he asked: "Master Zhou, I can't ask in front of my colleagues, but at this time I can't help but want to ask. Master Zhou said, female officer, do you just want to be limited to the Imperial Medical Office, or do you want them to enter other departments as well?"

   Zhou Man was taken aback for a while and then smiled: "Kong Jijiu, I can't take care of the other departments. I only take care of the Imperial Medical Office and the Imperial Hospital."

  She said: "I am an imperial doctor, a doctor."

  Kong Jijiu shook his head and said, "Master Zhou, you are still editing by Chongwenguan. With your current achievements, given time, Chongwenguan will not be able to keep you. Outside Chongwenguan is the Imperial Academy, and beyond, there are three provinces and six branches."

  If it were before, Kong Jijiu would not have thought this way. After all, Zhou Man was also compiling medical books in Chongwenguan, and nothing else.

  But now she has a relationship with the new grain species, and looking at her performance in the small court meeting during this period, she has her own opinions on any government affairs, no less than that of the courtiers.

  So, after the emperor and prince’s appreciation, who knows if she can go one step further, leave Chongwenguan, leave the Imperial Medical Office, and go further?

  (End of this chapter)

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