Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3210: Almost (make up)

  Chapter 3210 Almost a child (make up)

  Beijing is a certain distance away from Qingzhou, so it is slower to receive news, and there will be some omissions.

  The news of Wei Zhi's death was mostly seen by officials in Qingzhou on the Dibao, and then they learned the detailed news from their relatives and friends in Beijing.

  So because of the lag in the news, when Guo Cishi learned that the local medical department was upgraded, and Qingzhou was the first case, it was already half a month after the dust settled.

  He still knew from the official document sent from the capital.

  Along with the collection of new rice seeds, official documents to promote new rice seeds.

  Guo Shi only wrote a letter to tell the imperial court about the new rice seed. This time, they did not verify it and would they want to promote it in an all-round way?

  Guo Cishi felt wrong, and quickly called to his confidant, "Can I have a letter from the capital recently?"

   "I'm about to tell the adults, I have received a lot of letters from the mansion these two days, and some people have sent gifts, but the adults went to the Longchi Pier to inspect, so..."

   "Come and take a look at me."

  Master is busy to get the letter.

  There are a lot of letters, and some also attached a gift list, which is not very expensive, but it is also a kind of heart, especially since there are two relatives who have not contacted very much.

  Master looked at Guo Cishi's face carefully, and felt that his face was too difficult to figure out at the moment, and he didn't even understand it.

   "My lord, is something... has something happened?"

  Guo Cishi threw the letter on the table for him to read, "Something has happened."

  Master hurriedly went to take a look, "Is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

  Guo Cishi's face is complicated, "It's a good thing."

  It is indeed a good thing. Bai Shan has planted so many new rice seeds under the rule, and it is considered a bumper harvest. As the governor of Qingzhou, this feat naturally has his share.

  But...this incident was reported by Bai Shan during the autumn harvest not long ago. The Beijing side knew the news earlier than him, and the feasibility of the new rice seed was confirmed so quickly. Before he had time to participate, he had already set the national policy.

  I always feel that this custody is very aggrieved.

  Guo Cishi sat in a chair, and sighed after a long time, "I was wrong at the beginning."

   "Huh?" Master looked up confused, "My lord, what's wrong?"

  Guo Cishi waved his hand, "I was wrong. At first, I was worried that the county magistrate Lu would get in the way, so my attention was on the county magistrate Lu, but now it seems that Bai Shan is pretending to be a pig and eat a tiger."

  "In just two years, how much has Bai Shan done? Is Beihai County still the old Beihai County?"

  Master said in a low voice: "But sir, what Bai County magistrate has done is good? You have a credit here..."

  Guo Cishi shook his head, feeling a little uneasy, "I'm afraid your Majesty doesn't think so, and I don't know if I can stay in this position."

  The emperor really wanted to change to a Qingzhou provincial governor at this time.

  As soon as Zhou Man left his front foot, he remembered this incident on his back foot.

He and Mr. Tang said: "Guo Cheng, it's okay to be successful, and I'm afraid it's not good to start a business. Now Bai Shan and Zhou Man are both in Qingzhou. The two of them are not comfortable with the status quo. Let Guo Cheng stay in Qingzhou. , I'm afraid it will become a roadblock."

Old Tang was more stable, and shook his head after thinking about it, "Your Majesty, Guo Cishi has only been in office for two years. He has just been familiar with Qingzhou affairs, and the officials and people of Qingzhou have just become acquainted with him. Not good, and who can guarantee that the new governor can adapt to Qingzhou better than Guo Cheng?"

   "Huh?" The emperor went to see Mr. Tang in surprise, "Didn't Tang Qing always hate Guo Cheng? If I remember correctly, Tang Qing was impeached the last time he was dismissed from office."

  Lord Tang: "...Your Majesty, the minister used to enforce the law impartially last time, and this time we are also starting from the overall situation."

He said: "Although the minister dislikes Guo becoming a human being, he has to admit that it is better for him to stay in Qingzhou than to leave. His deployment ability is not weak. With him, the promotion of new rice and wheat varieties in Qingzhou should be No problem;"

"He also knows the current affairs. The princess and the horse are in Beihai County at this time. His Majesty Bai Shan and Zhou Manyou and the prince are backers. He will not go head-to-head with Bai Shan and is easier to compromise." Old Tang said, "Send another person over. , The other party may not be able to have this kind of tolerance, after all, many things in Bai Shan are more accurate."

  Far away, let’s just say that the salt field in Beihai County encountered a stronger governor, and it is not impossible to directly take over the salt field.

  And Bai Shan is just a county magistrate. If the Provincial Government wants to take over the salt field, he really can only give in.

  Not everyone is like Guo Chengzhi.

"But it's good for him to be a little fame and fortune," Old Tang said: "The minister also knows that there will be no fish in the chase, but if it is too turbid, the fish in the water will be suffocated. So your majesty can go to the secret. A warning letter or two, don’t stretch his hand too long, and don’t forget why he was dismissed last time."

  The emperor was still able to listen to the suggestions, and nodded after thinking for a while, "Okay, then use him for the time being. Originally, I wanted General Liu who guarded Bohai to serve as the governor."

Master Old Tang thought for a while and shook, "It's wrong, it's wrong, General Liu is upright, but his methods are iron-blooded and his character is tough. Although Bai Shan looks gentle, his personality is also very stubborn, so two people collide. Together..."

  While Bai Shan always likes to be bigger and deeper in doing things, he often crosses the governor's history to make decisions. One is not good, when the needle is on the wheat mang...

  The emperor turned his head and said to Gu Zhong: "Find out Guo Cishi's account, and I will give him a reply, and by the way, I will say a few small things."

  It is not difficult for the emperor to carry some private goods on the folder.

  Gu Zhong understood in an instant, and quickly turned out a letter wishing the emperor Chongyang to be safe and well-being. This is the please Anzhezi sent to Beijing by Guo Cishi not long ago.

  The emperor opened it and replied that everything was OK, and then he began to say "heart-felt words" to Guo Cishi.

  Posted the zhezi, it will be sent back the same way, I believe Guo Cishi will receive it soon.

  Like Guo Cishi, the current magistrate of Luojiang County was almost replaced.

   Unfortunately, he did not have Guo Cishi's intuition, nor could he think of a deeper place.

  There was a good harvest in Qili Village. When Jingcheng sent someone from the new rice seed to announce the decree and called Zhou Lizhong to the capital, he was only excited.

   "These are all my political achievements."

  Master is also very happy, and she should be greeted again and again.

  Zhou Lizhong was transferred to the capital, and soon he was promoted from a small official to a sixth-rank Sinongsi Cheng, whose official rank was even higher than that of his county magistrate.

  Seriously, the county magistrate's eyes are almost red with envy.

  Then he has been doing his best to organize the autumn harvest, drying, weighing, and sending to the capital of the villagers in Qili Village.

  He began to anxiously wait for the award from the capital, and secretly prayed that he would be promoted this time.

  But he waited from August to September, from the beginning of September to the end of September, the winter wheat began to plant, and there was still no news from the capital.

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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