Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3221: consult

  Chapter 3221 Ask for advice

  When Bai Jingxing and Bai Ruoyu were forcibly taken to the restaurant, they happened to ran into Bai Shan Bai Erlang downstairs.

  Bai Shan had become accustomed to seeing her dirty daughter, but took out her veil and wiped her face with sand and tears, and asked her, "Why do you cry like this?"

  Bai Jingxing immediately filed a complaint, "Aunt May forbids me to play in the sand."

   May hurriedly said: "The lady sent someone to say it's time to eat."

  Bai Shan said to her, “Isn’t it just playing in the sand, it’s worth crying like this?”

  "You must have had no less fun in the past two days, and you should also have a degree of fun. Always play in the sand. If you get bored in the future, don't you have one less pleasure?"

   "I won't be bored."

  "This is as unreliable as you said before that you won’t get bored of eating fat."

  Bai Jingxing stopped talking immediately.

  She especially liked to eat fatty meat when she was just one year old. It lasted until half a year ago. Her favorite food is seven-point fat and three-point lean chopped into meat soup, which is especially delicious when eaten with rice.

  But half a year ago, she suddenly didn't like to eat fatty meat. You can't see fat at all, so she must be skinny.

  Bai Jingxing sighed like an adult.

  White Jiro had a look of disgust and ordered the palace man to carry his son down for cleaning.

  This restaurant is not small. Some large private rooms have washrooms. Coincidentally, today, Zhou Man has set a luxurious private room.

  So the two of them were taken to the cubicle to clean.

  Tang He looked stunned, "These two children are so naughty?"

  This is too dirty, right?

  He thinks his son is naughty enough, but he rarely gets it so dirty.

  Bai Shan said nonchalantly: "How can children not be naughty?"

  Zhou Man nodded his head with conviction, "Just follow the rules."

  Tang He: "...Can you still put naughty and law-abiding together?"

   "Of course," the two said: "It's not against the rules to have fun."

   "Okay," Tang He waved his hand, decided to skip this matter and talked about business, "Xuedy Yin, when will you leave for Beijing?"

   Yin or said: "I have counted, the first day of August is a good day."

  Tang He raised his eyebrows, “It’s indeed a good day. You walk slowly on the road and return to the capital just to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.”

  Bai Shan asked: "The Laizhou case is solved? Will Tang Xuexi stay with me for a while, or..."

   "I have to go back to Laizhou," Tang He said, "The case has not been solved yet."

  He turned his teacup, his eyes swept across the house.

  Bai Shan then let all the servants who were waiting in the house withdraw, and only the cubicle was left with May and the big lady who looked after the children.

  Both of them are absolutely trustworthy.

  Tang He said: "Zhi Shan, have you seen a pirate?"

  Bai Shan: "Does the corpse count?"

  Tang He looked at him.

Bai Shanbian explained, "Last year, pirates attacked a merchant ship, and the news came back to Beihai County. I asked General Liu to send troops out to fight the pirates and bring the merchant ship back. At that time, in addition to the merchant ship and the people on board, General Liu also brought back two ships. There are some broken ships and a dozen dead bodies, all of them are pirates."

  Tang He sat up straight and asked, "Have you checked who they are?"

   "The refugees from Baekje," Beak Sun paused and said, "However, there are not only Baekje people, but also Waguk and even fishermen from Silla."

   "Of course, as far as I know, the most powerful ones are actually the pirates from Pingzhou and Dengzhou. Most of them are islanders."

  Tang He was surprised, "Jin?"

  Bai Shan nodded helplessly, “Yes, a considerable part of these people are sinners or descendants of sinners who have been exiled. They went into the sea with local fishermen for various reasons, but the most primitive purpose was for profit.”

  He said: "General Liu and I both have a headache, because neither place is under Qingzhou. We can only fight back when they appear, and we can't control their lair."

  Tang He tapped his finger on the table, "This is very interesting."

   "Why, the sinking of the official ship is related to them?"

   "More than that," Tang He smiled slightly: "But at this time, I can't tell you the details of the case."

  Tang He thought for a long time, approached Bai Shan and asked, “Zhi Shan, you know a lot about salt administration. You figured out this salt drying method again. For you, what is the income of a stone of salt now?”

  Bai Shandao: “Now the salt is exclusively sold by the Salt Transportation Department, and the price has dropped by nearly half compared to three years ago. The benefit is actually not large. After removing all the costs, you can earn between five to ten cents with one stone.”

  After all, selling salt now is regarded as a national public welfare nature.

  Tang He touched his chin and thought, "It doesn't sound like a lot."

  Bai Shan poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and said: "Brother Xue, you have to ask this question when there is a cost for salt, or in other words, when there is a complete cost procedure."

  Tang He raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Bai Shandao: "Official salt was robbed, that is to say, they were the salt they got without time, labor and materials, only part of the transportation cost, so it is extremely low, and then sold at the normal salt price. They make more than one stone and five pennies."

  Tang He tapped the table, "Yes, if they are shipped to other places, the price of salt is more than this, then they will make more money."

   Zhou Mangang and Mingda finished talking about Baekje Shilla, and asked sensitively: "What is another place?"

   Yin or said: "Fanbang?"

  Tang He nodded, “Yes, I checked, the sunken official ship is not simple at all. It is said that the ship is difficult to build and it is very precious. Even if they want to grab salt, they won’t sink the ship.”

  This is also the reason why no one thought it was theft of guards at first, but the pirates rampaged and robbed official ships.

  After all, an official ship is not cheaper than the salt on board.

"Before the official ship sank, the loss of official salt in the Laizhou Saltworks was very serious. You may not have noticed it alone, but I have compared the accounts in your Beihai County Salt Transportation Department. Their loss, from production to disembarkation, is your tenth. Times more."

  Bai Shan tweeted when he heard the words, “Liu Cishi of Laizhou seems to be quite shrewd, why can’t he think about it so much?”

  Tang He said with a weird look: "I didn’t know until I arrived in Laizhou that the person who had secretly reported that the Laizhou Salt Works was different from your Majesty was Liu Cishi."

  Everyone opened their mouths now, and Bai Shan was the first to react and asked, "Laizhou Salt Transport Division?"

Tang He nodded and glanced at Bai Shanhou said: "At that time, the Beihai County Salt Field was too much attention. Although the official position of the Salt Transport Division was not high, the interests involved were great. Therefore, at that time, the Beihai County Salt Transport Division was selected by His Majesty and the courtiers. The carefully selected candidates are upright and strong, and the salt transportation department in other places is worse."

  Bai Shan rubbed his forehead, a little annoyed, "Salt Yunji has only been established for three years, right?"

  Why did such a thing happen so quickly?

Yin or understands very well, "Even if salt is monopolized and the price is reduced by half, it is still one of the most profitable industries. After all, people in this world can not drink tea, or iron, but they have to eat salt. "

  Mingda suddenly said: "Destroying money is like killing a parent, Mr. Tang, you have to be more careful."

    make up the update tomorrow, good night



  (End of this chapter)

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