Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3225: Diet (to make up for more)

  Chapter 3225 Diet (supplement)

  The next day, the people in the courtyard all went to bed late, from top to bottom!

  Bake and September opened their eyes and saw the sky light coming in through the window, and immediately got up.

  Wu Yue who came over was speechless for a while, and lowered her voice to reprimand them, “I’m still asleep at any hour. Fortunately, Mother Liu is not here, otherwise I will strip you off.”

   looked at the main room again, and found that there was no movement, and he was relieved, “The host and the lady haven’t got up yet, why don’t you wash up and go to the kitchen to get hot water?”

  The cake scratched his head and said: "They shouldn't wake up so early. There was still movement in the third shift room last night."

  As soon as May heard, she turned around and left, "I'm going to stop the little lady, you guys should pack yourself up quickly."

  Early to bed and early to rise, Bai Jingxing's child has already put on clothes with the help of the maid. She jumped off the soft bed and ran to find her mother.

  As a result, he was stopped by May before entering the yard, "Little lady, have you woken up to please your grandmother and aunt?"

  Bai Jingxing asked: "Aren’t you going to ask your mother to go with you?"

   "Grandma and eldest aunt are in the same yard with you. When you wake up, you can greet them first, and then come and go with the lady."

   "No, I want to be with my mother," Bai Jingxing said with a serious face: "Daddy told me before he left, he is not at home, I must be obedient and care about my mother."

  After speaking, I will bypass May and enter the yard.

   picked her up in May and said, "The lord has already come back, so don’t care about the little lady. Let’s take care of grandmother and elder aunt first."

  Bai Jingxing’s eyes lit up and he happily said, "Daddy is back? I'm going to find Daddy!"

   "Big sister," Zheng's voice sounded not far away.

  The child Bai Jingxing turned to look, and saw that his grandmother was standing not far away smiling at her, and when she saw her, he waved at her, "Come here, your eldest aunt made glutinous rice dumplings today. There is only a small plate."

  Bai Jingxing immediately slid down May’s embrace, and ran towards her grandmother, "Can I eat glutinous rice cakes?"

  Zheng laughed and said, "You can eat one piece."

   "I want to eat two pieces."

   "There are only five yuan in total. If you eat two yuan, we have nothing to eat."

  Bai Jingxing looked regretful, and grabbed two chubby little hands together and asked nervously, "Then can I eat the syrup on the plate?"

  Zheng took her little hand and smiled: "I can give you half of it."

  Bai Jingxing instantly forgot his parents, and happily took the hand of his grandmother and jumped to the kitchen.

  Nuo Mi Cong was beaten yesterday evening, Xiao Qian’s beaten it again today, took it out and cut it into strips, and put it directly into the frying pan to fry.

  The fried glutinous rice cakes were golden and crisp. They were picked up to strain the oil and placed on the plate, sprinkled with fried ground soybean flour, and then topped with her boiled syrup. A sweet smell came over the surface.

  The kid Bai Jingxing stood on tiptoe, pulled his hands on the stove, and looked at him with a serious look with big eyes that looked like Zhou Man.

  Looking at Xiao Qian's heart softened, after putting down the pot, he brought the plate down to her to see.

  Bai Jingxing swallowed, and asked in a low voice: "Auntie, can I have two yuan?"

   "No," Xiao Qianshi touched her little head and said: "Your mother said, this food can't be digested if you eat too much, so you can only eat one piece each time."

   "The last time I saw my mother eat two yuan, when can I eat two yuan like my mother?"

   "Waiting for you to grow up."

  Bai Jingxing once again looked forward to growing up.

After carefully comparing the five glutinous rice cakes on the plate, the child Bai Jingxing chose the one she thought was the largest for Xiao Qian, and the larger one for his grandmother. Of the remaining three, she weighed it for a long time and hesitated. Picked a piece.

  May put the piece she chose in her bowl, watching her take the spoon and tilt her head to bite it, the corners of her mouth inevitably stained with syrup.

  Zheng sees it very softly, especially wanting to give her the glutinous rice cakes in her bowl, but thinking of Zhou Man’s advice, she can only bear it, nothing else, the child’s stomach is not like an adult, so it is better to eat a little less.

  But the way the child eats is really good-looking.

  Zheng and Xiaoqian rejoiced: "Fortunately, my in-laws came with me. This child's taste is full of treasures, and the chef at home can't make these things that taste."

  Xiao Qian's is also very satisfied, "They just want to eat."

  When Zhouman and Bai Shan woke up, it was already three poles in the sun. The children of Bai Jingxing went to the garden to play around, and continued to stare at the two glutinous rice cakes left on the plate.

   Seeing that her parents were late, she immediately ran over to greet her.

  She threw directly into her father’s arms and looked up at him with her small head up, "Daddy, are you going to have lunch? Today, my aunt made glutinous rice dumplings. Do you not like it, or I will eat it for you?"

  Bai Shan hugged her, lit her nose and smiled: "Daddy likes to eat, I will give you a bite later."

  Bai Jingxing was very satisfied, holding his neck and thanking him loudly: "Thank you, father!"

   Zhou Man didn’t stop him. The servant brought out the morning meal. Zheng asked him to take the glutinous rice cake and heat it again. Then he looked at Bai Shan, “When did you come back last night?”

   "I came back very late. By the way, Liu Cishi was in the post." Bai Shan remembered his Shangguan, then he patted his head and said to Zhou Man, "I won't come back for lunch."

  They entered the city after the city gate was closed, and Liu Cishi directly used his privileges to enter the city from the small city gate.

   Zhou Man nodded and ate slowly.

  Bai Shan couldn't help but go to see her, "Liu Cishi has never been to Beihai County. This is the first time he will ask the medical department."

   Zhou Man said: "Today's medical department is Zheng Gu on duty. You forgot, today is a day off, I’m off."

  She said: "Let's talk about it when he does go, the medical department is not far away, I will be there when the time comes."

  If he doesn’t go, wouldn’t she have to wait a day in the medical office for nothing?

  Bai Shan also thought, "Then I will watch a little bit. If he passes, I will let people come back in advance to tell you."

  It should be at the end of the week.

So Zhou Man stayed at home and rested, and no one came to look for her until the afternoon. She felt that Liu Cishi would not be looking for her today, so she changed into lighter clothes and took her little girl's hand and said, "Go, Mother takes you to the street to play."

  Bai Jingxing immediately put his toy in the box, pushed it towards May, and took his mother’s hand and walked away.

   The mother and daughter went out happily, only to walk out of the alley to the street. A fast horse galloped from the street, and the people on the road evaded to the sides and jumped.

Zhou Man squinted her eyes and hurried towards them. She pulled Bai Jingxing behind her, Da Ji took a step forward, squinted her eyes, and recognized the person who came. "Lady, it seems to be following Master Tang. Guard."

  The guard flew in quickly, and stopped the horse before Zhou Man's presence. Before the horse stopped steadily, he jumped off the horse, went straight up and knelt down and said: "Master Zhou, our adult was assassinated, please help."

  (End of this chapter)

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