Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 699: Free Clinic (3)

  Chapter 699 Free Clinic (3)

  Man Bao finished his lunch and pulled out all the needles of the patient who was up to the time. Then he threw it into the boiling water and rolled it over, letting Zhou Lijun clamp them with a clip to dry them before continuing to use.

Man Bao continued to look at the patients. At this time, the patients were still dominated by older women. The youngest had given birth to several children. They didn't care much about the men's eyes, and saw the male patient next door pointing to them. Not only did they show them openly, they also turned around and pointed at them, coaxing laughter.

  In the end, the male patient next door blushed and became embarrassed.

  Some stubborn women spit at them and said: "See you, you still dare to be ridiculous, bullying someone who has never seen a man."

  Man Bao didn't change his face on this face, and was completely unstable, but Zhou Lijun blushed slightly, and then his face became more serious, and he wanted to look like a stranger would not enter.

  Some patients need to take medicine immediately, and then observe the symptoms, she has to take the prescription to get the medicine back to make it, and also help Manbao scald the used needles, which is too busy.

  The two aunts and nephews have been able to set the sun to the west. A gong and drum hanging at the foot of the mountain rang, and yamen shouted loudly to announce the end of today’s free clinic. Let everyone go home first and come back in line tomorrow.

  But most of the patients in the line did not leave, apparently intending to stick to it all night.

  Some people leave, but before leaving, someone will come in first. Even if they leave, they will not leave in vain.

  The doctors closed the patient on their hands, coughing cough, after seeing the disease, after prescribing the medicine, the medicine boy took the medicine box and left.

  This is the first time that Manbao has seen so many patients independently, and when he puts away the things on the table, he feels a little dazed.

  The eldest doctor Ji is still in good spirits. He glanced at Man Bao and said with a smile: "I'm tired, this is a medicine packet. I went back to take a bath and I will only get more tired tomorrow."

  Today’s tiredness will be reflected physically and mentally tomorrow, so tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be the hardest, and once the first three days have passed, the back will not be so difficult.

  Man Bao took the medicine packet, "Doctor Ji, why are you all right?"

  Doctor Ji smiled and said: "It's not the first time, all right, you go back soon, I'm old too, some can't hold it anymore."

  The old treasurer Zheng is inferior to the two of them. He was rubbing the medicine and was being helped by the medicine boy to the carriage, and said: "I haven't seen a doctor like this for a long time, but the old man is exhausted."

Da Ji pulled the carriage and waited aside. After Man Bao climbed up, he opened a food box in the corner. There was a hot meatloaf inside. Man Bao wowed and took one and asked: "Da Ji, how do you know our stomachs? hungry?"

  Man Bao handily gave Zhou Lijun one, then touched another one.

  Daji smiled and said, "Master asked me to go back and get it. I thought about going back for too long, so I bought a few at the gate of the city."

   "Where are Sunbo and the others?"

  Daji: "At the place where the medicine is taken."

  Man Bao spread his hands and feet and sat recklessly, "Then they must be a long time before coming. Good luck, do you still have water there?"

  Daji handed in a water sac.

  The two aunts and nephews ate cakes and drank water, and they were almost yawning until Bai Shan and Bai Erlang helped Mr. Zhuang down.

  Man Bao hurriedly helped Mr. Zhuang into the car. Mr. Zhuang sighed, "It’s been a long time since I was so tired."

  Man Bao quickly opened the food box and let him eat meatloaf.

  Mr. Zhuang took one, glanced at the four people who were too tired, and smiled: "Yes, that's right, I've grown up a little bit."

  Four people:......Just one day's work, where can you grow?

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang were too tired to raise their hands. They had no desire to speak. Zhou Lijun was also tired, so they didn't want to speak either.

   On the contrary, he was full of energy, pulled Mr. Zhuang to mutter, and told him the strange symptoms and some interesting things she saw today.

  Mr. Zhuang quietly gnawed the meatloaf, looked at the big disciple, then went to see the other two disciples, and sighed in his heart. Why did he speak?

  Man Bao talked all the way, but after returning home, he stopped talking, and then took out the medicine packet and handed it to Aunt Rong, “Put it in the water and boil it. Everyone will take a bath at night.”

  Mr. Zhuang couldn’t help but said: “You finally did something that conforms to what the doctor should do.”

  Man Bao: "Huh?"

  Bai Erlang pulled his head and walked past her, unable to speak anymore, Bai Shan drifted past her and said: "Many talk!"

  Man Bao frowned. Before she could speak, Zhou Lijun walked past her, "Sister, are you not tired?"

   "Tired!" Man Bao said, "It can be tired, it can be tired, but it doesn't affect your speech."

  Other people told her with practical actions that being tired still affects her speech. Everyone didn't have any fun. After taking a bath, they climbed into the bed and went to sleep. There was nothing to say all night.

  When I went to the free clinic the next day, Man Bao found that there seemed to be more patients on her side than yesterday, and some of them were young daughter-in-laws and eldest girls, and they were mixed in the line with their heads down.

  Others came with their faces covered, and then were dragged into the line by some old women, while the old women in the line went out and walked to the last line.

  Man Bao asked people to get hot water, and looked at him curiously.

  Zhou Lijun put down things and said: "Sister, I'll inquire."

  Man Bao nodded, "Don't ask anyone to jump in the line, if you have a sudden illness, you can come forward."

Zhou Lijun responded, walked down the line, and said when he came up again: "Sister, I asked, those people are acquaintances, either their own daughters, their own daughters-in-law, or their nieces, nieces, etc. Yes, they are all relatives anyway."

  She leaned in Man Bao’s ear and whispered: “They didn’t want to come to see the doctor, but they heard that there is a female doctor with good medical skills, so they came. Sister, they praise your good medical skills."

  Man Bao became proud, lifted his chin and said, "Thank you, I will work harder."

  Zhou Lijun: "...just if my sister is happy."

  There are many more patients in other age groups, and the symptoms are becoming more and more complicated.

Man Bao never felt that there was nothing wrong with seeing a doctor when he was sick, but when he received the patient of the third young girl, he saw that she had a sack on her head, and almost her entire face was buried in it. He had to worry about the medical shed next to her when she spoke. The man here is very quiet, Man Bao has to **** his ears to hear it.

She frowned, got up very simply, and greeted the two sturdy maids guarding next to her and said: "Move the table and chair to the doctor's shed. I want to see a doctor inside, and you will get a big curtain. The door of the medical shed is covered."

  The maid was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the girl hiding under the sack, and quickly bowed before stepping back.

  The other one stepped forward to help move the tables and chairs into the hospital shed.

  The girl moved anxiously, Man Bao sat down again, smiled and waved to her: "Come in and sit down, we said inside."

The maid who took the cloth curtain came back quickly. She took two pieces and bolted it to the door with a high stool. Pulling the two curtains not only blocked the eyes of the men next door, but also the sick woman who was waiting in line behind. People's eyes were also blocked.

The nervous girl relaxed a lot, and her voice narrating her condition became louder. She quietly wiped her eyes and said: "...I don't know what bug it is, it hurts like a fire, and the more I grasped it. Many, now my **** are all red, it's all soaking, I, I'm so scared."

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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