Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 770: New Year

   Chapter 770

There was light in the eyes of Lao Zhou's head, and his back could not help being straightened. He said: "Mr. Zhuang said, the future of our family is limitless. It may be better than Master Bai in the future. It’s up to you."

Man Bao had a vaguely bad premonition. She knew that her husband had come to the house and sat for a long time. It is said that he had spoken to his parents for a long time, but because there were only a few people in the family, and those people were finally kicked out. So no one knows what they said.

Man Bao wiped his forehead and asked, "Father, what did Mr. Zhuang tell you?"

  "Don't worry about it, anyway, you can learn from Mr. Zhuang at ease. You don't need to worry about family affairs. If the money is less..."

  Lao Zhou said distressedly: "Father's money is for you to keep. If the money outside is not enough, you can ask your fourth brother to come back and ask me for it."

   "By the way, tomorrow is the first day of the new year, you have to follow to worship the ancestors, get up early..."

  Man Bao nodded blankly, and asked uneasy: "Father, what did Mr. Zhuang tell you?"

Lao Zhoutou looked at her affectionately, reached out his hand and touched her head and said, "Mr. Zhuang said, you are the smartest child in our family. Anyway, if you don't learn your skills, you will be blind. This is a good brain for you. Your mother and I think Mr. Zhuang is right."

  In fact, Mr. Zhuang said a lot that day, but this is what really touched Lao Zhou and made him unable to refuse.

  In the heart of Lao Zhou, no matter how powerful the girl is, she will marry and have a child in the future. The family still depends on her son and grandson.

So for his granddaughters, he has never been very caring, and he has never intervened. The son and daughter-in-law teach what they are like. No matter how bad they are, there is still a wife. .

For Man Bao, Lao Zhoutou had only one goal in the past, to raise her well, to make her healthy and healthy, to grow up peacefully, and to find a good family in the town or county to marry her. It is best not to go to the land for the rest of her life. In farming, as long as the husband and the sons are married, they will work together in the whole life.

   Even when he got underground, he had the face to meet his parents and younger brother.

   Ke Mr. Zhuang said, "Man Bao is very smart. I have never seen a girl who is more transparent and clever than her. If she does not continue to study, it would be a pity that her parents gave this brain."

  Lao Zhou immediately heard the words in his heart. When he went to bed at night, he could always dream of things that happened more than 20 years ago. At that time, the second child was really smart.

He was obviously twenty years older than him, but as long as he met him, he was always bullied by him. At that time, he really hated the brains of the dead cock. He felt that God was very unfair, he was obviously the same parents No matter how the brains seem to grow in the second child.

At that time, the most uttered sentence of my old lady was, "The smoke from our ancestor’s grave, and the good brains of several lifetimes have grown on Erlang. When he grows up, he must be sent to school so that he can also take the exam. As an official, our family is even more successful."

  In order to let him help his younger brother to study, the old lady flicked in front of him: "When Erlang becomes an official, you must remember the kindness of your elder brother. This is your elder brother and sister-in-law for you to go to school."

  At that time, Lao Zhou was very reluctant, but he also had some anticipation. He felt that the second child might really be a turning point for their family.

  It’s a pity that his parents left before the second child could go to school. There were two people missing in the family, and the family situation disappeared. The days were even more sad than before, let alone sending the second child to school.

The younger brother who has always been displeased has also become a son-like existence. Because he is young and forgetful, he almost forgot his father and mother in less than a year, so he walked on the short legs and followed him and called him father. ...

  Their husband and wife changed his habit after a lot of effort and asked him to replace his parents with older brothers and sisters.

  I thought that it’s all about literacy at school, but who knows that the kid is a little older, so he ran to the county town by himself, and learned to lie outside the school window and listen to people studying, and he also learned a few words.

  Later, she even married a young lady from a talented family, and started reading and literacy again.

   So listening to Mr. Zhuang’s words and looking at Man Bao’s dark head, Lao Zhou also felt that if he did not let Man Bao continue to study, it would be a waste of her parents’ brains.

  Especially her father's, this is a brain that their old Zhou family has only had in a few lifetimes.

  Especially when he saw Man’s children and grandchildren in the yard, none of them could match Man’s treasure. Old Zhoutou agreed with Mr. Zhuang’s point of view even more.

  It is probably because Man Bao hasn't stayed at home for a long time, and it may not be when he will go home next time, so Lao Zhoutou hurt her more than ever, and he gave her a big drumstick as soon as he went to the table.

  Man Bao also gave her father a piece of meat, and the father and daughter looked at each other, and both smiled with joy.

   Qian’s watched, kicked Lao Zhou’s head under his foot, and said, “Hurry up and eat.”

  Lao Zhoutou thought she was jealous of him, but he still gave her chopsticks.

  Qian gave him a sideways look, then lowered his head to take a bite. When everyone saw their parents moved their chopsticks, they started.

  After eating, the little Qian took the younger brothers and sisters to clean up the dishes and arrange the leftovers, and found out the whole thing, "Why are there any leftovers this year?"

  Feng stunned for a moment and then smiled: “Really, in the past, apart from having a banquet, no matter how many dishes you make at home, you can eat cleanly. This is the first time leftovers.”

  He smiled and said, "I have meat and vegetables left."

   "This is a better life," Fang said with a smile: "No one thought that the sixth child would bring back so many dishes, this is not left."

  Cleared the table, the whole family began to sit in the yard and talk. It was still dark and the sun was still warm, so everyone did not go into the house.

   Santou glanced outside, pulling the four heads to go out to play, Sanya who was leading her younger brothers saw it, and immediately dropped her things to keep up.

  Three heads are too disgusted, "You are a girl, don't play with us."

  Sanya said, “If you don’t take me to play, I’ll tell the second sister that she won’t bring you a gift next time she comes back.”

  The four heads pulled the three heads once, and the three heads could only take her.

  Five heads and six heads saw the third sister who was playing with them left, and immediately followed them with short legs and went out to play together.

  Three heads were disgusted, "I'll just say it, if you take her one, you have to drag two, how can we play?"

  Thursday Lang passed by, stretched out his hand and patted his head, "Smelly boy, I took you to play when you were going to leave. I didn't dislike you. Why do you dislike my son?"

  The three heads were angrily, "You obviously brought sister-in-law, I'm incidentally!"

   "By the way, I'll take it, hurry up, take six heads out to play, take it well, don't let people bully him, know?"

  Big head, they glanced outside, touched a handful of candies and ran out to play with their friends.

  They are already "adults", so their friends are also adults, and they disdain to play with the three of them who are still studying.

  All the grandchildren ran away, and there were only seven old Zhou brothers and sisters left in the yard. Everyone just gathered around and talked.

The one who is most concerned about is Saturday Lang, but Saturday Lang is not afraid at all, and in less than a few words, he was attracted to Man Bao, " don’t know, Man Bao is amazing now. Many guests come to our restaurant for dinner. You all know Man Bao."

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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