Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 800: Information (for book friends "Jin Yiwei: Rong Rong"

  Chapter 800 information (for the book friend "Jin Yiwei: Rong Rong" a reward plus 7)

The information on newborns in Qili Village is easy to find. There are only a limited number of children born in one year. Unfortunately, the number reported by the li chief is the simplest number, but the official documents and the copy of the notice posted on the bulletin board are just fine. Too much.

  Don’t tell me to look, it’s just a lot of effort to find it.

  Tang county magistrate, no matter how they want to find it, he will look at it anyway.

  The data that he found after eating a little bit of food is compared with the household registration.

  Because the age of the children's registration books is different, there are still a lot of books he needs to search, even if there is only one Qili Village information, he will have to work hard.

Fortunately, he did a lot of such boring things, and he was able to read ten lines at a glance, and his memory was good. He took a blank sheet of paper and wrote down all the people who were born in the first year of Dazhen to the third year of Dazhen on the household registration, and then compared them. Only found out the newborn data reported by the chief of the li.

But it's not that you can get what you want by comparing it, because children die very easily, some are recorded in the book, and some children have not had time to get the book, only in the data given by the teacher— -Birth or death.

  The Tang county magistrate listed the data hidden in the document and excluded them one by one, finally focusing on the second year of Dazhen and the third year of Dazhen.

On the big paper he listed, Zhou Man’s name was recorded in the second year of Dazhen, indicating that she was born in the second year of Dazhen, and there were three people who were born in the same year in Qili Village. With her nephew Zhou Lixue.

But that year, the number of people who were reported in Li Chang was two. The strange thing is that in Dazhen's three years, the number of newborns reported in Li Chang's report was three, but the book shows that there were only two children born in that year. Therefore, the county magistrate of Tang compared the number of deaths and ages reported in the book and the report, and found that none of the babies born in Dazhen's three years died.

  So, the newborn that Dazhen was born in more than three years was actually Zhou Man who was born in the second year of Dazhen.

  But why?

  Why is there a one-year delay in reporting at the end of the week?

  Especially when Zhou's family still has a newborn.

  The data was reported before the seal a year ago, and Zhou Man is the birthday of November, so there is no time to report.

  The county magistrate of Tang closed the book with a straight face, folded the page and put it in his arms, and walked to the bedside to look at the crescent moon in the sky.

  He sighed faintly, and he knew that since the longevity lock was on Man Bao, she must be able to find out something after checking her.

  The county magistrate of Tang was standing in front of the window, listening to the **** crowing from nowhere, only to realize that it had been four.

  He rubbed his forehead, only then did he feel sleepy, so he turned and went to the backyard to rest.

  His long son Mingli had already fallen asleep holding his coat by the door, and when he heard the door opening, his head woke up. He quickly wiped his face to follow, "Master, do you finally want to sleep?"

   "Well," the county magistrate Tang said, "Sleep for a while, remember to give Zhou Dali a decapitated meal in the morning."

   "Don't worry, sir, I can't forget."

It was the time when people fell asleep the most, but the sting head in the prison was sleeping very restlessly because of the injuries on his back and buttocks. In addition, he was hungry in his abdomen. Fight with the mice that ran on him.

While he was being patient, the footsteps of guards patrolled outside the door. He was used to them. They patrolled several times after nightfall. The first time he was not used to it, he thought it was to interrogate him, but later found out that it was just a patrol. He lay down honestly.

He closed his eyes and didn’t move, but he heard the footsteps stop outside his door. He was wondering when he heard a small voice outside the door, “This is the death prisoner. It makes no difference, what did he commit?"

As soon as   Yu's head and body stiffened, he heard another human voice: "Who knows what was committed? Anyway, the county magistrate Tang caught it. There will be no mistake. We just listen to the above."

"But this is too fast. I always feel that something is wrong. Although I have never seen a death row inmate, I have heard from Master Yang that this death row is to be reported to the Criminal Ministry for review. If there is no trial, the person will be cut off, in case it is a wrong case..."

  "Oh, why are you so stupid? The magistrate Yang is not in the city now, and the magistrate Tang is still a temporary magistrate sent by Shangxian. We are just small officials. Can you say that he made the wrong case?"

Hearing the head cold, he couldn't help but opened his eyes slightly and saw two people standing at the door of his cell. He pricked his ears to listen, and heard the man continue to say: "Our county magistrate is only from the seventh grade. , And the county magistrate of Tang is from the sixth rank, which is a big grade higher than our county magistrate. Let alone us, even if the county magistrate Yang is back, it won’t be reversed for him. Don’t look at our Luojiang County now richer. However, it is still incomparable with Huayang County. Naturally, the county magistrate of Tang wanted to finish the case and return it as soon as possible."

  "It doesn't matter if the thing was done by the head, anyway, if you catch him, that's what he did. When the time comes, he will execute the person, and the report will say that he committed suicide or something, and the fooling will pass."

  Yin's head sounded and the whole body was soft.

   "Anyway, it is an old case. The evidence is not enough. Who did it? At that time, the county magistrate of Tang will conclude the case and make a contribution. We can go. We will also have a lot of ease."

   "Oh, it's a human life after all."

   "That's because he is bad luck. Who told him to say nothing? Even we can see that he concealed it. If he didn't say anything, who is to blame?"

   "Also, let's go. This is the last time. I have to patrol every night, but I'm exhausted."

"is not that right……"

  The corner of her eyes watched the two figures turned and left, only then shook their fists into their mouths, and didn't let themselves scream out. He was so scared that tears flowed...

  After daybreak, the guards again carried wooden barrels and knocked on wooden spoons to send out early meals. It was still a spoonful of porridge per person, plus a brown steamed bun mixed with chaff.

  Yu lay his head on the railing at the door and looked out. The officers ignored him and left after sending it to the cell at the corner.

  癞 was so hungry that he couldn't bear it, and quickly shouted: "Big brother, big brother, official, I, am I out of food today?"

   "You?" The officer looked back at him, and said sympathetically: "Yes, but yours is a bit different from theirs, so you have to wait a while."

  Leng head startled.

  The officer had already carried his things and left, no matter what he called, he didn't look back.

Leptou was desperate. Two officers came over carrying two big food boxes with a smile on their faces. They walked straight to Leptou, with a very good attitude, so that he gave way back, and then opened the door of the cell. , Bring the food box in.

When    is opened, there is a whole stewed chicken, a fish, duck meat in soup, a large bowl of white rice...

  The officer put the food in front of the head, and even took out a jug of wine and put it in front of him, and said to him with a big smile: "You are hungry if you haven't eaten for a day? Come, eat."

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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