Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 820: Go home (for book friends "Jin Yiwei: Rong Rong"

  Chapter 820 Going Home

   said that if you want to pretend to be in disguise, the county magistrate Tang followed Man Bao and they stayed in the view until Su Shi, watching a group of teenagers carrying two bamboo rats from the mountain and running down happily.

  A group of people called Man Bao and Bai Shan to find a mountain col and started roasting bamboo rats.

  The county magistrate of Tang also went on a picnic with his friends, and did not cook anything less when he went out with his father, but the roasted bamboo rat... was the first time I saw him.

  Seeing that the teenagers are dexterous, Man Bao is also familiar with picking up firewood and setting them on fire, he squatted aside and asked, "Do you often do this?"

   "No," Man Bao shook his head, "I once a year, they are more."

   Bai Erlang floated from the side: "That's because you are lazy. Every year Chongyang calls you together, but neither of you."

  Tang county magistrate smiled and watched their troubles, and then distributed a small piece of bamboo rat meat, ate the meat, and strolled down the mountain road for a while, and everyone was going home.

  The county magistrate of Tang said with a smile: "Then I won't give you more."

   Baijiro curiously asked, "Don’t you go back to the county seat?"

  "The yamen did not open in the past two days. I have a long-term contract with Shouqingdao, so I live here for two days. If you come here to play, you can come to me and talk."

   said as if he would really live here.

  Hakujiro didn’t know, and he was embarrassed: “I won’t be able to come tomorrow. Let’s play well, adults. It’s good to be the leader of Daoqing Shouqing.”

  The county magistrate Tang nodded with a smile.

  Shijiro was walking with the teenagers in the village, and naturally wanted to go back. Everyone held torches in their hands, and walking with them was a fun.

  Everyone invited Man Bao and Bai Shan together, and the two readily agreed and followed.

  Out of Dali Village, there were still people singing, Bai Erlang rushed around to join in the fun, occasionally when he turned his head, he found that something was wrong, and hurried back to look for Bai Shan, "Where are Da Ji and the carriage?"

  Bai Shan glanced back, and said nonchalantly: "Let's fall behind, let's go first, can we still lose the good luck?"

  Shirajiro thought that too, he didn't take this matter to heart, and ran with everyone.

  When he was about to return to Qili Village, Daji drove the horse-drawn carriage to follow leisurely, and they all walked here. Naturally, it was impossible for everyone to take the horse-drawn carriage anymore, so they continued to walk on their own.

  Daji drove the empty carriage back home, and drove the carriage directly to the yard.

  Man Bao found the crazy three from the crowd and said, "You go back and tell home that I have gone to Baishan's house."

   "Sister, this is all too old, don't you go home and sleep?"

  Man Baodao: "Don't worry, I'm not sleepy."

  Santou was envious, "I'm not sleepy, but I have to go back to sleep, sister, I went back and told my family, can I talk to my mother and say I'll go to Baishan's house to accompany you?"

  Man Bao refused: "No, you are still young, you can grow taller if you sleep well, you know?"

  Three heads: "...Sister, I'm two months older than you."

  Man Bao has turned around and left with Bai Shan.

  The three heads looked at her back and sighed. My sister-in-law became more and more unfeeling.

  Man Bao ran back to Bai's house with Bai Shan when the county magistrate Tang was already standing in the hall and talking to Mrs. Liu, the two immediately trot in.

  Lao Mrs. Liu glanced at them strangely and said, "What are you running, how rude is in front of the distinguished guests?"

  The Tang county magistrate smiled and said, "The old lady is too polite. I think they are very good in this way. You don't have to be too restrictive."

  The two smiled embarrassedly, and then looked at Mrs. Liu blankly.

  Lao Liu thought about it all afternoon, and she did consider it clearly. She turned and asked the magistrate Tang to go to the study in her yard. She personally took out a box and opened it. There were three letters and four confessions in it.

  She pushed the box to Tang county magistrate.

  The county magistrate of Tang reached out his hand and first picked up the letter and flipped through it.

  The letters are all letters sent home by the magistrate Bai. The paper has been yellowed, but it is well preserved, but it may be often opened and read, so some parts of the crease are about to rot.

  Tang county magistrate read it carefully, and then went to turn over those confessions.

There were four confessions in total. To Tang County's surprise, in addition to one confession from Erji and one confession from the three people four years ago, there were actually two very old confessions.

  Lao Mrs. Liu said: "These two people went to my village twelve years ago to inquire about the situation, and they were caught by the thief when the villagers came across."

  The Tang county magistrate asked: "Where is the person?"

Mrs. Liu lowered her eyes and said: "Because of the serious injury, she died at that time. We reported it to the local government, because it was a culprit, no one went to claim the body."

  The county magistrate of Tang frowned slightly, but he didn't ask too much for this kind of battle of either you or me.

After reading all the confessions, the county magistrate Tang asked, "What is the old lady's hand?"

  Lao Mrs. Liu shook her head.

   County magistrate Tang was not satisfied, and said, “Since the old lady wants me to investigate this case, she should be honest.”

  Lao Mrs. Liu said: "It's really gone."

  Tang county magistrate said: "I want to see Erji."

   "Erji has limited mobility and can only lie in bed..."

  "Lao Liu, Erji is the only survivor. I must see him, not now, but one day in the future. If you hide him for a lifetime, then this case can only be hidden for a lifetime."

  Lao Mrs. Liu opened her mouth, Bai Shan stepped forward and pulled her sleeve, whispering: "Grandma..."

  Lao Mrs. Liu was discouraged and stepped back and said: "Well, I will send him to a place where the adults can meet him."

  "Your family has a shop or Zhuangzi in Yizhou City, right? Just send it there."

  Lao Liu: "How can I do that?"

The county magistrate Tang said: "The most dangerous place is the safest place, not to mention that the magistrate of Huayang County is still in this county. Just rest assured, the old lady, what kind of person you sent in, what it was like when I sent it out. Son."

The county magistrate Tang said: "This county cannot leave Huayang County for too long. Obviously you can't send people here within these two days. Moreover, the case was sent to Yizhou City that year, and it is best to investigate in Yizhou City. ."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao also nodded together, "Yeah, yeah, and we are also in Yizhou City."

  Bai Shandao: “It’s hard to ask for leave at a government school.”

  Man Bao: "It's not good that I always don't go to the drugstore."

   Mrs. Liu secretly said: I just don’t want you to follow suit.

  But at the smiling eyes of the Shangtang county magistrate, Mrs. Liu could only sigh and agreed.

Master Wei agreed to help her investigate this case, but he manages everything, obviously he can't put too much energy on this case, and he is a big official, and there are many people staring at him, and everyone is watching every move. As for four years, there is still not much progress.

  As Bai Shan gets older day by day, Mrs. Liu's age is getting older day by day. She doesn't want to drag things all the time.

  That’s why Yang Heshu and Tang He came up to investigate, but she didn’t do anything. They followed Man Bao to find Zhou Yin, and then pulled out the whole case.

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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