Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 827: I didn’t find it.

  Chapter 827 not found

  Walking through the mountains and forests for more than half an hour, the people who went around, even the previously determined Thu Lang was lost, but Zhou Hu took them to the place.

  Thursday Lang looked around, then stared at a mountain wall for a long time, and immediately nodded and said: "Yes, yes, it is here, this is facing the yin, I used to pick wild mushrooms here when I was young."

  He glanced at Man Bao cautiously, and finally walked to a place a little bit away from the mountain wall and said: "My uncle and aunt were lying here at the time."

  Man Bao walked over and watched in silence for a while, Bai Shan walked to her, reached out and held her hand.

  Bai Er came up from behind, looked at the two of them, and then at the silent people around him, and asked, "Who are you talking about? Who is lying here?"

  Bai Shan glared at him and said: "No one, this place is yin, maybe there is Ganoderma lucidum, let's look around for it."

  Liu Gui and others responded, because they did not find this place.

  Man Bao already knew the result from Keke, "There is no such thing here, not even the plants that can be included."

  Man Bao did not leave, but stood still and looked around, then turned to ask Bai Shan, "Where did you say they came here from?"

  Bai Shan tried his best to distinguish the direction. After thinking about the location of the path, he pointed in a certain direction and said, "From there? I don't know where he came from. It may also be here."

  People will always run around and lose their direction when they are fleeing, especially in the deep forest. The direction is more difficult to determine. What if they turn around in the mountains themselves?

  There is no trace, they can't tell where they are coming from.

  Man Bao said: "Since we can't make a judgment, then we will look for it in one direction."

  Man Bao picked up a branch and said, "Come on, let's choose a direction."

   After saying that, throw the branch into the air, and one end of the branch will point in one direction. Man Bao pointed out: "Go, let's look for it here first."

  Everyone:...Is it so sloppy?

  , who was looking happily, looked up and asked in disbelief, "This is another place? Didn’t it mean that this land is overcast? I didn’t look for it carefully?"

   "No, Ganoderma must not be here." Man Bao said affirmatively.

   Baijiro: "How do you know?"

  Man Bao glanced at him and said, "Because I am a doctor. I am more familiar with medicinal materials than you, so I said I wouldn’t be there if I didn’t."

   After that, she led everyone in the direction she had just chosen. Bai Shan quickly followed. As soon as the two of them left, the others naturally followed.

   Now not only Bai Erlang, but also Zhou Hu are aware of it.

  They didn't seem to come to remember Zhou Yin, but rather they came to find something.

  He pondered for a moment, didn’t ask anything, followed silently, thinking carefully along the way, and then said: "Going further on will get deeper. We occasionally go in and hunt."

  Man Bao asked, "Go some more, where has he been?"

   Zhou Hu said: "I will take you there."

  Shirajiro became a little angry, he snorted and walked aside, and walked forward dullly.

  He also heard that they didn’t come in looking for Ganoderma at all.

  The group of people continued to move in. Sometimes the road inside was a little difficult, and some couldn't pass, so they needed to take a sickle to clear the way. Man Bao would occasionally squat down to dig some flowers and plants, and then Liu Gui and the others would take this opportunity to search around.

  Often when Manbao finishes digging things and they haven't been able to find it, Manbao will walk around and move on.

  Liu Gui felt that looking for something like this was very nonsense, but Baishan and Daji did not object to it, and the old Zhou family had always been in a very strange attitude.

  I hope they can find something, but I don’t want Man Bao to fall into this matter too deeply, so it is a laissez-faire attitude under the two-phase hesitation.

  As long as they stop, they will search hard, hoping to find something; but as soon as Manbao leaves, they will follow immediately, and they will never stay for a moment.

  Zhou Hu is naturally biased towards the Tue Lang brothers.

   Liu Gui followed behind with three of his men, and in the end he was as depressed as Bai Erlang.

  They ate lunch in the woods, and they only took a short rest and then continued until the sun was about to go down. Except for the rich harvest, they found nothing.

  Shiajiro looked at them coldly.

   Zhou Hu said: "We must go out, otherwise it is dangerous to not go out when it is dark. There are wolves in this mountain."

  Tuesday Lang made a decision, nodded and said: "Go, let's go out."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan were quite unwilling, but they had to follow them.

  Bai Erlang walked in front of him gloomily. Seeing that the two of them hadn't come to coax him, he deliberately stopped, and hummed beside them when they came up.

  Bai Shan said: "Don’t hum, it’s for your own good not to tell you this. If you don’t believe me, go back and ask your cousin, and see if he beats you."

   Bai Erlang stared, "My father knows?"

  Bai Shan hummed: "He knew earlier than me, and more detailed than me. The adults kept secrets from us before."

   "Then you came to lie to me again?" Bai Erlang pointed at them and said: "You still read the books of sages, don't you know what you don't want to do to others?"

  Man Baodao: "This matter has nothing to do with you, so naturally I can't tell you, otherwise I told you, what should I do if you are in danger?"

   "I don't care, I need to know."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao felt that they were still loved by their seniors, so they decided not to tell him.

  Hakujiro was aroused by curiosity, circled around them, and replied: "Well, I will tell you a secret, and you will also tell me this secret."

  Man Bao asked curiously, "What secret can you have?"

   Baijiro: "You promise me first."

  Bai Shandao: "We know everything about you, there are no secrets, don't talk to us."

   "Who said there is no such thing? I discovered it yesterday," Bai Erlang said: "We went to the Taoist temple yesterday, but guess what?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan were stunned, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The Tang county magistrate is not in Guanzhong. The person who replaces him in Guanzhong is his entourage, that is named Mingli." Bai Erlang said: "A squire in the next county came to offer incense, so he wanted to meet Tang county magistrate, but Tang County Ling said that he was tired and didn't want to see guests. I don't think it was right. Will County Magistrate Tang still be tired?"

  Bai Shan had a bad instinct, and asked with a numb scalp: "What about then?"

"Then I took someone to the window of the magistrate of La Tang, and found that it was Ming Li inside. He was wearing the household clothes of the magistrate of Tang, sitting on the wooden couch that the magistrate of Tang can only sit on, and drinking the magistrate of Tang. The tea pretended to be Tang county magistrate." Bai Erlang said: "Why did I come back so late last night? I just squatted there to see when Tang county magistrate would come back. As a result, Tang county magistrate didn’t come back, so Daoxu took me Drive down the mountain."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan:...

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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