Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 831: Selling orchids

  Chapter 831 Selling Orchid

  Ms. Tang was taken aback for a moment, "Plants? What's the use of this?"

  The county magistrate of Tang graciously said: "This is not very useful. Isn't it just flowers? You can grow a flower, but it's not worth the money."

  The county magistrate of Tang was taken aback when he said this, Mrs. Tang’s eyes lit up and she said with joy, “Who said it’s useless, it depends on what flowers you grow. By the way, do you know what flowers to grow?"

  Man Bao also reacted, "Yes, I remember the flowers on the street are so expensive, but it seems difficult to sell them, and I don’t have time to always go to the street stalls and sell flowers."

  Man Bao thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure about other flowers, but I will definitely plant orchids."

The orchids in their yard are growing well, even Mr. Zhuang likes them, so Man Bao has decided to pot the orchid branches in the yard after a while, and put a pot for Mr. Zhuang in the study. inside.

   "Orchid," Madam Tang couldn't help but sit up straight, and asked with a smile: "Orchid is also divided into many kinds, which one do you grow now?"

  Man Baoyou included orchids. Naturally, she knew their names. She happily said, “Now the garden is planted with Shimen red and Maosu.”

  Ms. Tang widened her eyes, "You plant Mao Su in the yard?"

   "There is also a plant in the basin, but the one in the basin is not as good as the one in the yard."

  Ms. Tang covered her chest, turned her head and said to the county magistrate: "I met someone who is more prodigal than you."

  Tang county magistrate: ...say she just talk about her, why do you bother with him?

  Ms. Tang put down her hand and exhaled a long breath: "Go, I'll go back to your house and take a look at your maosu. If it's good, I'll buy it with you, so you don't have to worry about the money."

  Ms. Tang paused when she said, "What are you doing with the money in such a hurry?"

Man Bao said, "I'm not in a hurry. I just came to the county magistrate of Tang today and asked me in passing. I want the money to buy medicinal materials. I still have enough money, but if I buy more in the future, it may not be enough. So you have to make money in advance."

   "Oh, this way~~" Mrs. Tang knew it in her heart. She got up and smiled: "Let's go, let's take a look at the orchids in your house."

  The county magistrate of Tang couldn’t help but said: “You’re leaving now, don’t you take a nap?”

"I don’t sleep anymore. Little girls don’t take a nap. Why do you sleep when you are so old?" Madam Tang replied, after thinking about it, she didn’t feel good, she softened her expression, slowed her voice and smiled with him. : "If you are sleepy, go to sleep, I won't sleep."

   County magistrate Tang nodded quietly, "Okay, let's go, madam."

  Man Bao on the side could not help but tremble, looking at County Madam Tang and Mrs. Tang with a weird expression.

  Mrs. Tang took Man Bao out, and when she got into the carriage, she smiled at Man Bao and asked, "What did you shake in the study?"

  Man Baodao: "It just feels weird. Madam doesn't seem to talk to County Magistrate Tang like that."

   "They all said that I am too fierce on weekdays, and I should be gentle as a girl, so I'm just like this, what do you think?"

  Man Bao pondered for a while and then said: "I have to ask County Magistrate Tang for this. I think the old lady is also pretty good, but it depends on the lady to be happy."

   "I'm happy?" Mrs. Tang asked with a smile, "Should it not be asking Master Tang if he is happy?"

   "Huh? Is it okay for the lady to be upset?"

  The smile on Mrs. Tang’s face was faint, and she began to think.

  Man Bao saw that she didn't answer for a long time, and he felt that the adult world was actually quite complicated. At least she didn't understand the relationship between her and Tang County magistrate.

   When they arrived in their small courtyard, there were only the chef, Da Ji and Zhou Lijun at home. They were stunned when they saw Man Bao leading Mrs. Tang back, and then the chef immediately went to make tea for them.

  Ms. Tang’s eyes were already glued to the open space under the wall. Mao Su is a Zaolan. At this time, it has some buds, and it is about to open.

  Judging from the color of the bud, it was pure plain white, and Mrs. Tang was fascinated by just a glance.

  Ms. Tang walked quickly to the flower garden, clutching her chest and asked, "You just plant it in the yard, can you stand it in winter?"

   "Can bear it, this year is not very cold, nor does it snow. I put some straw on the roots to keep warm. When it's coldest, I built a small shed with wood on it to keep out the cold."

  Ms. Tang looked for it carefully and found that there were only two Maosu, but Shimenhong grew very luxuriantly, at least four or five could be separated.

   But her favorite is Mao Su, so she stared at the orchid and asked, "I want all this Mao Su. Can you transplant it into a pot for me? You must survive."

  Man Bao flipped through its entry in his mind and found that transplanting is not difficult, so he nodded, "But I can't give you both."

  Ms. Tang was taken aback, and asked: "Why?"

   "Because I want to keep a plant for cultivation."

  Ms. Tang thought for a while and said, "Well, I will give you 80 taels for one plant of Mao Su, and two hundred taels for two plants, so you don't need to raise Mao Su."

  Flower, what you have but others don’t, it would be happier that way.

  Man Bao opened his mouth wide, and pointed to Shimenhong beside him and said, "Mrs. Tang, do you want to buy Shimenhong as well? I can sell them to you."

  Ms. Tang struggled for a while, but still ruthlessly refused, "I just buy Mao Su."

Man Bao doesn’t know much about the varieties and prices of flowers and plants. After hearing this, she looked at Mao Su and Shimenhong. She was a little unsure, and then clicked on the entry in the system and carefully compared the two pictures. The flower image of Shimen red, curiously said: "I see Shimen red is much more beautiful than Maosu, why don't you like Shimen red?"

  Ms. Tang smiled and said, "Shimen Red is indeed beautiful, but it is all different, I like Mao Su."

   "What is the market price of Shimen Red?"

Mrs. Tang smiled and said: "The difference is big. Some things in the flower market are difficult to price. For example, there are two or three taels of silver on the market, and there are also forty fifty two pots. "

   "Why did the lady give me such a high price?"

Mrs. Tang smiled and said: "One is because you and I are predestined, and we have friendship, and second, it's still the same sentence, each one is in love with each other, not to mention that this is only eighty taels, one hundred taels. You can buy it for all daughters; three, it’s because of your kindness. Although it doesn’t bloom completely, you can see its calyx and leaves. As well as the color now revealed, it’s all top grade, and it’s naturally worth it. At this price."

  Ms. Tang saw that Man Bao’s small face was full of thoughts, she smiled: “Well, if you sell Mao Suquan to me, then I will introduce you to another buyer, and she likes Honglan.”


  Ms. Tang smiled and said, "You said I would not sell this Mao Su?"

  Man Bao was also refreshed, nodded and said: "Sell."

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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