Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 833: value

  Chapter 833 Value

  Man Bao smiled and said, "I sold it."

  Mr. Zhuang: "...Didn't you say that you want to move a pot for the teacher?"

  Man Bao took the flower pot in his hand and said, "Sir, here it is, I have planted it for you. It is spring now, and it will grow out soon."

  Mr. Zhuang looked at the pot of soil and was speechless.

  The two masters and disciples looked at each other in silence, and Mr. Zhuang asked, "How much did you sell the orchid?"

  Man Bao stretched out two fingers.

Mr. Zhuang asked, "Two hundred taels?"

  Man Bao was taken aback, and asked: "Sir, why did you guess it right?"

Mr. Zhuang looked at the disciple for a while, and felt that he was not feeling well, so he decided not to make her too comfortable, saying: "Last time I went to a literary meeting with your Master Lan, Master Lan told people that we have Someone bought the plain white orchids at a price of two hundred and eighty taels, but I didn't agree with the person who bought it, and I didn't tell you."

  Man Bao covered his chest and couldn't speak.

  Mr. Zhuang was finally a little more happy when he saw this, turned and left, after two steps, he turned around and took the flowerpot from Man Bao’s arms and took it back to the house by himself.

  Man Baodi pulled his head and followed, "Sir, this flower cannot be watered temporarily, so let me raise it. Is the orchid so expensive? I never heard you mention it..."

  Mr. Zhuang insisted on putting this pot of orchid in his room, and casually replied: "Ordinary orchids are naturally not expensive, this is Sulan, it is very rare."

  He glanced at Man Bao, and said, “It’s a little bit worse than the pot of yellow orchids in the study.”

  Speaking of this, Mr. Zhuang immediately put down the flower pot in his hand, turned around and went to the study.

  Man Bao followed behind and said, "Sir, don’t worry, I didn’t sell the orchid in the study. I know you like it..."

Mr. Zhuang saw that the orchid in front of the desk was still there, and he was secretly relieved, and he held it up to move it back to the room. He solemnly said to Man Bao: "This pot of orchid is still small, wait until next year to transplant it, don't you always Thinking of selling money, you are not short of money."

   "It was not missing before, but now it is missing."

Mr. Zhuang stopped and looked at her, "Are you short of money?"

  Man Bao nodded sadly, telling her that it would cost a lot of money to buy raw medicinal materials.

  Mr. Zhuang did not expect that she could come back so quickly after knowing her life experience, thinking about being more sophisticated in medical skills.

Mr. Zhuang couldn’t help showing a pleased smile, and handed Huang Lan in his hand to her. He smiled and said, “Don’t sell this orchid easily. A few bluegrass will be good."

Mr. Zhuang apparently has a certain degree of research on orchids, saying: "Last year, when I transplanted it, I hurt my vitality. I had no one to take care of before, so the flowers that bloomed are slightly weaker. I will raise them again this year and wait until the summer and autumn bloom... "

  Mr. Zhuang paused and said, "I know a few people, and they might buy it heavily."

  Man Bao was puzzled, and asked: "It's just a pot of flowers. You can't eat or make expensive medicine. Why is it so expensive?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "Everything in the world has its value. Orchid and its character are noble and pure. Some people love it very much. Just like women love gems and pearls and warriors love steeds and swords, they are willing to throw money for them. Some people who love flowers throw money for it. Some people feel that it is worth the price, so they will spend the money to buy it."

  Man Bao thought, but Mr. Zhuang had stuffed the flower pot and she didn’t react. After the reaction came back, she hurriedly held the flower and chased him, “In my mind, how much does this pot of flower mean?”

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, "Hundred gold."

  So if someone pays a hundred gold, Mr. Zhuang will hesitate to sell it.

  Man Bao said: "Why did the sir give me the flowers again?"

   "Because in the eyes of the husband, knowledge is heavier than a hundred gold, you are to learn knowledge, so what about giving a pot of orchids?"

  Man Bao held the orchid and said with a serious face: "But in my heart, sir is priceless. Since you like this potted flower, you naturally want to keep it."

  Mr. Zhuang lighted her nose and smiled: "It's really slippery, why don't you think so when you sell Bailan?"

  Man Bao smiled: "Didn't I leave a piece for Mr.? Although it takes a year or two to bloom, we can afford to wait, right?"

  Mr. Zhuang is not nervous about this orchid at the moment, and waved his sleeves and said: "Okay, take it back to the study, you go to clean your hands, class will be in a while, have you reviewed your homework today?"

  Man Bao turned around holding the bluegrass and left.

   Zhou Lijun looked at the orchid in her hand and swallowed nervously, for fear that my sister would accidentally break the orchid.

  Waiting for Chu Lang's return, Zhou Lijun excitedly told him what happened today.

  Thursday Lang, who had made more than a hundred dollars after going out for a day, widened his eyes and went to the study with his legs drawn.

  In the study, Mr. Zhuang was giving Man Bao a class, but Chu Lang did not dare to go in, so he lay down at the window and took a peek at the orchid on the desk inside.

  Zhou Lijun also leaned forward, the expressions on both faces of his uncle and nephew were the same.

   On Thursday, Lang swallowed and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Zhuang really said that the orchid is worth a hundred gold?"

Zhou Lijun nodded solemnly, and also replied in a low voice: "Yes, it is a hundred gold. This is the price in Mr. Zhuang's heart. I listen to what the husband said. In the eyes of the rich and the flower lovers, I am afraid that it is more than this price. "

On Thursday, Lang's legs softened and he knelt on the ground with a snapping sound, but he still pulled the window desperately, and said in a daze: "Oh my God, a flower is so expensive, you know that these flowers next door were thrown everywhere in the garden before. inner……"

  Thursday Lang felt distressed, "I knew I should have shoveled all the grass on the edge of the vegetable garden next door."

   "You have been chanting about these things my sister is going to dig for a long time," Zhou Lijun said: "How can the world know so much earlier?"

   "No, we don't know these flowers, flowers, and grasses. Mr. Zhuang seems to know him. Why didn't he tell us?"

Mr. Zhuang, who was teaching Man Bao, listened to the chattering outside the window. Although he couldn't hear what they were talking about, he thought with his toes and knew what they were talking about. He sighed helplessly, and closed after a while. Start the book, "Okay, let's talk about it today. You can read it yourself first, and then memorize the text. Ask me if you don't understand it later."

   After saying this, he left.

  Zhou Lijun dragged her fourth uncle to hide. When Mr. Zhuang returned to his room, the two immediately got out and sneaked into the study.

  They also ignored Man Bao, who was sitting and reading, but went to Mr. Zhuang’s desk and looked at the pot of bluegrass seriously.

  Thursday Lang looked left and right, he didn't see at all where it was worth a hundred gold.

  Zhou Lijun stretched out his hand to touch the leaf, and was knocked off by Chu Lang. He said, "What about Hundred Gold, how much is this leaf worth? Don't touch it randomly."

  Man Bao couldn’t enter the book anymore. He walked over and glanced at the two of them and said, “Lijun always watered it too much.”

    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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