Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 856: Second question

  Chapter 856 Two Questions

  "They covered their faces. I really can't tell them. In short, there are either five or six."

   "Five or six, so they killed you first before looking for Zhou Yin and his wife?"

   Erji raised his head, "Zhou Yin and his wife?"

"It is the couple for which you entrusted the evidence. They were also killed that day. If they killed you first, make sure you didn't have anything with you before chasing Zhou Yin and his wife," County Tang looked at him sharply. Asked, "How long have you been chased after you escaped? Besides, they haven't found your body. How can they be sure that the thing is not on you, but on a third party. They have met Zhou Yin and his wife? Or did you tell them?"

Erji shook his lips and shook his head, "No, I, I didn't say anything, I don't know if they saw them, maybe they did, yes, in a hurry, the master told them to run away, and then he took me to go. Lead them away, they are chasing so anxiously, maybe they have seen it."

  The county magistrate Tang looked at him for a long time, until he sweated on his forehead, and then asked, "Did you remember everything that day?"

  Erji nodded repeatedly, and said affirmatively: "I remember, I remember."

  The Tang county magistrate looked at Bai Shan and motioned to him to take out the things.

  Bai Shan pursed his mouth, took out a folded drawing from his arms, and opened it to show them.

This is a picture he drew based on the cleared road. The county magistrate Tang stared at Erji, pointed at the dots on the picture and said: "This is Yizhou City, this is Luojiang County, and this is Qili Village. The road is the way you fled here, isn’t it?"

  Erji looked at for a while, then nodded, "Yes."

  "Then tell me, where did you meet Zhou Yin and his wife?"

   Erji hesitated for a moment, then shook his finger and said: "Here."

  The county magistrate of Tang raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw it. Bai Shan was also surprised and asked, “This is the way to Qili Village. Aren’t you going to Luojiang County? How come you got here?”

Er Ji wiped the sweat on his forehead and said: "We are going to Luojiang County, but at that time they chased too tightly. The master had injuries on his body and he couldn't run far along the road, so we saw one on the road. The trail turned in."

  At this time, Erji finally realized that he seemed to have done something wrong. No one had ever given a picture to him. The old lady asked him where they happened. He said it was in Luojiang County.

  At that time, they fled to Luojiang County and were chased by the assassins. They met a group of passing couples on the road, and the master took things away for them...

  He looked at Daji with some guilty conscience, and asked, “Big brother, did I say something wrong? There, there is also Luojiang County, right?”

Daji patted his shoulder comfortably and said, "It's in Luojiang County, you are right."

  Erji breathed a sigh of relief.

  The county magistrate of Tang took a pen and marked it on the map, and continued to ask: "You are here, did you meet Zhou Yin and his wife, or did you catch up with Zhou Yin and his wife?"

Er Ji thought for a while and said, "Catch up. At that time, their car was walking very slowly. We chased up from behind. The man, that is, Zhou Yin, he turned around and saw us, so he stopped the car and waited. US."

  Erji paused when he said, shaking his lips and said: "At that time, he asked us if we were going to take a car, whether we wanted to go to Qili Village, or to Dali Village, or Baimaguan Town..."

  The Tang county magistrate asked, "What then?"

   "Then the master took out his official seal to the couple, explained the reason, and asked them to hide with them, and wait until Master Tang visits here, and give the things to Master Tang."

   "Wait a minute," the county magistrate Tang asked, sitting upright, "what about the official seal?"

Erji stunned for a moment and said, "The official seal was also given to him, and the master said that he can see people if he has the official seal."

  "In addition to the official seal, what did the county magistrate Bai give him?"

   "Evidence, oh, and a few pieces of gold on your body, saying that you can use it if you need money."

  The county magistrate of Tang asked again, "What about after giving something?"

"The master asked them to leave quickly, and then the master took me back with the empty package, out of the path, and down to Luojiang County. Not long after we went out, the assassin caught up. The master said, People must be led away, and the assassin must not find that things are not on us, so the master has to go to the mountains and escape from me..."

  "Who brought the empty package?"

   Erji trembling lips said: "Yes, it's the master..."

  The county magistrate Tang slapped on the bed and exclaimed, "You lied! Said, who brought the empty package used as a disguise?"

  Erji broke out in a cold sweat, and his whole body shivered.

  Daji could not help holding him tightly, holding his arm tightly, pinching him sorely, and then said: "Erji, tell County Magistrate Tang, who is holding the empty package?"

  Erji's tears and nose flowed down together, and he looked at Bai Shan and Man Bao tremblingly.

  Boan couldn't help but step forward and shouted: "You scared my second uncle."

Erji cried out with a "wow", but the man who was already standing was crying like a child. He cried and cried, "I held it. I held it. The master can't run fast. He was injured. He said he couldn’t run away, so he asked me to run quickly with my things. If I could run, I would find a valley and throw it away... I, I wanted to throw it into the valley, but They chased too fast. When the sword came over, I didn’t know why I threw the baggage out and blocked it. I didn’t say, I didn’t say that they took the things away, I didn’t say anything, I jumped to It’s on the hillside, I, I don’t know anything..."

  Daji pressed his mouth tightly and did not speak, but still held Erji and did not let go.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao stood quietly, their sleeves touching the sleeves. After Bai Shan glanced at Man Bao worriedly, he reached out and quietly held her cold hand.

  The county magistrate of Tang looked at Erji for a while, and when he almost cried, he continued to ask, “What’s in the package?”

  Erji calmed down a bit, wiped his tears and said: "There are account books, roster, and some letters."

  "What is the account book, what is the roster, and whose letter is the letter and whose letter is it?"

Erji shook his head, "I don’t know. The master hasn’t shown it to me. It’s just that I occasionally hear the master and He Xiancheng say that things must not go wrong, otherwise not only they won’t survive, but the whole Yizhou city may be Implicated in it."

  "Is there anything about King Yizhou?"

  Erji hesitated for a while and then nodded, "Yes."

   County magistrate Tang looked at him and asked, “Can you remember what happened twelve years ago? That is the half year before the accident.”

   "Remember," Erji said, "In the past twelve years, I haven't recalled the past day or night, so I remember it very clearly."

    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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