Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 861: Dread (to book friends "Lang's Tongbao Deity"

  Chapter 861 Fear

  Mr. Zhuang was also in the study, and he was not too happy, so he only raised his eyelids and glanced at the three children before turning around, still holding a book in his hand.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao, who came in after Bai Erlang, looked at Mr. Zhuang with a guilty conscience, and immediately gave up Bai Erlang and went to please Mr. Zhuang first.

  One made tea for Mr. Zhuang, and the other gave Mr. Zhuang a shoulder.

  Waiting for them to admit their mistakes, Shirajiro looked stunned, and then saw Mr. Zhuang glance at him, he couldn't help pointing at the two of them and said angrily: "Shameless!"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan looked at him innocently.

   Bai Erlang trembling fingers said: "Shameless!"

  Mr. Zhuang couldn’t help flashing a smile in his eyes. He waved his hand to tell Man Bao not to beat him. He said: "Okay, you can go play."

  Man Bao was relieved and bowed with Bai Shan. When they exited, the two caught Bai Erlang one left and the other when they passed by, and one of them grabbed him and dragged him out with one arm.

   Bai Erlang did not dare to disturb Mr., he waited out of the study door before breaking away from the hands of the two of them, and said angrily: "What are you doing?"

  Bai Shan asked: "Still angry?"

   Bai Erlang hummed, "You have a secret to keep it from me."

  Bai Shan glanced at Treasure, and after thinking about it, he said, “Our secrets are a bit dangerous and might die. Do you want to know too?”

  Bai Erlang blinked, seriously looked at Bai Shan to the left, and Man Bao to the right, and asked suspiciously: "Really, fake?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao nodded seriously.

Shijiro tangled, "What to do, I'm even more curious, but you said, don't do dangerous things. No, you all said that you don't do dangerous things, why do you have the secret of losing your life? ?"

  Bai Shan suddenly yelled: "You believe who lied to you."

   After that, He Manbao turned around and ran away laughing. Bai Erlang was taken aback and reacted, his nose was crooked with anger, and he ran after them with his legs out.

  The three people chased and ran around the yard seven or eight laps. Bai Erlang really couldn't run before stopping. He pointed at them according to his habit and could not speak.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao were also very tired, bent over and gasped and swallowed, and looked at Bai Erlang alertly.

  Bai Shan panted, "Are you still chasing?"

   Bai Erlang simply sat down on the ground and said angrily: "Stop running, what are you doing?"

  Bai Shan shook his head, and only said: "I went to see the Tang county magistrate. You finished your homework, why are there so many questions?"


  Man Bao couldn’t help but look up at him, surprised: "So fast? Why have you suddenly become diligent?"

  Bai Erlang: "Have you forgotten that you are going to attend Qi Jue's birthday banquet tomorrow?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao blinked and asked, "Isn't his birthday twelfth?"

   Baijiro said: "Tomorrow is."

  Bai Shan was annoyed, "Oh, I'm going to school tomorrow."

   "Go after school," Bai Erlang said: "The Qi family has prepared a supper. We can play until the curfew and come back."

  That’s why he finished his homework early. Their husband said that if they did well in their homework, he could put them off school and leave early for the half-day class.

  Shirajiro wanted to share this happy event with the two of them when he came back, who knew he hadn’t even seen it.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao also walked up to Bai Erlang and sat down, saying, "I haven't thought of giving any gifts yet."

  Shirajiro was also very distressed, "Mr. asked me to give him the four treasures of the study, but I think it is too vulgar."

  Bai Shan was horrified, "You also asked Mr., when did you ask?"

   "Just now, you guys never come back. I can only chat with my husband after I finish my homework."

  Man Bao sighed, "What birthday is a child? It's really difficult to give gifts."

   Shirazen and Shirajiro also sighed, "Yes, what birthday is the child?"

  They never did.

  The three people rolled their eyes, and Bai Erlang said, "My birthday is in June."

  Bai Shan was very angry, "My birthday is only two months away."

  Man Bao sighed, "My birthday is at the end of the year."

  The three of them sat on the ground worrying, the cook came out and saw it, and quickly said, "Oh my little masters, why are you all sitting on the ground? Get up quickly. The ground is dirty and cold. What if I get sick?"

  The three of them got up, "Auntie Rong, what kind of gifts do people of our age give for their birthdays?"

   Aunt Rong smiled and said: "Wait for the young masters and ladies to live, I will give you some delicious snacks."

  Man Baodao: "I don't think Qi Jue would care about our dim sum."

   "I can't eat so much if you give it to him," Bai Shan disliked the trouble, and said, "Or give him the four treasures of the study."

  As a result, they still haven't given the Four Treasures to the study. As peers, they will not feel very happy to receive this gift if they put themselves in the place.

  And I'm afraid that adults will give enough.

  So the three of them went to their toys to find gifts.

  Bai Shan finally decided to give him a jade-carved horse, which he bought after going out to the street last year and seeing it.

  Bai Erlang turned out a golden Buddha, which was given to him by his uncle during the Chinese New Year because he won his cousin during the school homework exam. This was a reward.

  White Jiro came and looked for them. One of the toys he collected was reluctant to give away, and the other was not expensive to look at, so it seemed that this one was the best.

  Man Bao found a statue of Lao Tzu carved with black jade, which he bought with Bai Shan’s jade horse.

  She likes Lao Tzu. The jade of this black jade is of average quality, so it is not expensive. When she had money again, she bought it, and it was just a gift right now.

  However, Man Bao still feels distressed. As she packed the box, she muttered, “I will live this year. No one will invite me. Just ask the person who will live this year to invite me.”


  Man Bao filled the box and took a peek outside. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he asked Keke quietly in his heart, "Keke, did you say Shanbao guessed it?"

   "I guessed you, but I must not have guessed me." Koko didn't think that people in this world would guess that there is something like it.

  Most people think that there are ghosts and gods following Manbao, just like Qian's.

  But for the safety of the host, Keke reminded him, “The host should be more careful next time and don’t expose such flaws again.”

  Fortunately, only Bai Shan and Daji knew about them this time. Both of them were credible people. If they were heard by County Magistrate Tang...

  Kike was also very afraid of the county magistrate.

  At this time, Erji was also talking to Daji about the Tang county magistrate, "Big Brother, can this adult really believe it?"

Daji thought for a while and said: "The old lady said, Master Wei is too busy, and I am afraid that he will not bother too much for our case. If the magistrate Tang and the magistrate Yang are not willing to investigate, then we can only wait for the young master. It's big."

   Erji fell silent.

   "But the old lady may not wait for it, and it is too dangerous for the young master to investigate," Daji said: "The Tang county magistrate is very smart and powerful. I always feel that he has the shadow of the master."

   Erji opened his mouth and said nothing.

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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