Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 876: Evade

   Chapter 876

  The county magistrate of Tang asked them to come into the house and sit down, and rationally said: "Go and tell madam, I won't go back for lunch, you go and bring the food box."

  He asked Manbao and the others, "Have you eaten?"

  The two shook their heads together.

  Tang county magistrate said: "Get more."

  Bent down in response, exited to help them open the door.

  The county magistrate of Tang looked around and found no tea, so he poured them two cups of cold boiling water and said, "Drink whatever you want."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao did not drink, and went straight to the subject: "Master Guan should recognize me."

  Tang County magistrate sighed, "I can't remember the matter between you and your father, why didn't you think of it?"

  Bai Shan did not speak.

  He doesn't have his father in his memory, how can he remember?

  It is useless to say more. The three sat down in sadness and began to think of a solution.

  The Tang county magistrate asked, "Do you think Master Guan can guess how many things he can guess?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan glanced at each other and began to speculate about the worst result. Bai Shan meditated: “If he knew that I was the father’s child, he would definitely suspect that I was going to investigate what happened back then.”

  Man Bao: "I will also know that I led Bai Shan, and then know that we already know that he knows."

  Tang county magistrate asked: "Why does he know that you know that he knows?"

  Man Bao coughed lightly: "I felt his pulse when he was talking to Shan Bao, he would surely guess that I did it."

  The county magistrate of Tang was curious, "Is it really effective to feel the pulse? Come on, come on, try to touch mine, do I have anything to lie next."

  Bai Shan exclaimed: "Master Tang, let's stop making trouble now."

   "How can this be called trouble? This is very useful for interrogation, but forget it, now is not the time to discuss this," Tang county magistrate asked: "Then do you guess he knows that I already know?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao seriously thought about it, shook their heads and said, "I don’t know, we have never revealed it to him."

   "It hasn't been revealed, but he checked it carefully. The three of you and I are close to each other. I have lived in Luojiang County for a while. Do you guess he will guess that I already know, or is even investigating this?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan opened their mouths together.

   Then this matter can be a big deal. If they are themselves, Master Guan can deal with them at most. When they are children, they are not convinced, so they need to investigate, but if the Tang County magistrate also ends...

  Man Bao tremblingly asked, "What should I do?"

  The county magistrate Tang got up and walked twice, and sighed: "I just don't know if he is an enemy or a friend."

County magistrate Tang pressed one hand on the table and said softly, "I don’t know who the magistrate Bai met in the other courtyard back then. It happened to be in his other courtyard. If he is okay, if it is not him, it must be. People who are very close to him would not choose to meet in his other courtyard."

  Tang county magistrate's thoughts turned, and he thought: "I don't know whether Bai County magistrates defeated the king of Yizhou in an upright fight, or because he failed after revealing his deeds."

  For the former, if it’s the latter, I’m afraid someone will tell the truth. Otherwise, how could King Yizhou know about such a confidential matter so quickly?

  Bai Shan and Man Bao also became worried, "What should I do, the Yizhou Prince's Mansion is so strong, and the Yizhou King is so ruthless. He won't send someone to kill all of our family members, right?"

"That's not enough. Do you think it was in his fief more than ten years ago?" The county magistrate Tang had a meal and touched his chin: "It won't be enough to kill your whole family, but you two... …"

  He scanned the two people up and down, frowned and said, "You..."

  He paused and said, "Why don't you go home and hide for a while?"

  Man Bao stared, "This is in Yizhou City. There are so many people. Under the eyes of everyone, does he dare to kill?"

  The Tang county magistrate said blankly: "Do you know how many people died in the Shuxian county twelve years ago?"

  Man Bao paused and shook his head.

"A total of twenty-eight people, including Bai County magistrate and his guards,” Tang County magistrate said: "Twenty-eight people, all reported dead were the head of the bandits. At that time, Yan Cishi led troops to suppress the bandits on the mountain. I took the first level of thirty-two people back, but during this period of time, I checked the files from 15 to 12 years ago in detail, and I did not find anyone reported that there were bandits near Yizhou."

  Two innocent teenagers were shocked.

The county magistrate Tang said, "Of course, in the days when Yizhou City was surrounded by the King of Yizhou, from Jiedu Shi to the counties and townships under his jurisdiction, Zhang Jiedu has only been here for less than four years. Both Jishi and I are new. Even if they have a good relationship with the Yizhou Palace, they will not be completely obedient to him. Therefore, he thinks it is impossible to kill people like 12 years ago in Yizhou City. However, death one Two people are still very simple."

The county magistrate Tang gave them an analogy, "For example, your school had a conflict, everyone started fighting, accidentally wounded people’s lives, and you died; for example, the patient you diagnosed went mad, or the patient’s family members were mad. The medicine you prescribed was wrong, or you deliberately prescribed a particularly expensive medicine and chopped you off; another example is that the carriage you were sitting in suddenly went crazy and ran up and turned over. All three of you died..."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan swallowed, and looked at Tang County magistrate nervously.

  The county magistrate of Tang sighed and was silent for a while and then said: "You go home and hide for a while, so please ask for leave? If it is not good to ask for leave, I will write to Changbo and ask him to send you back an official document."

  Bai Shan regained his senses, "Can you still use this trick?"

"Of course you can. Although your household registration is still in Longzhou, but you often live in Yizhou City, and Changbo recommends you to take the test, if the county needs talents, you can recall the county’s students from the government. Of course, it depends on you whether you accept it or not."

  Bai Shan thought for a while and looked at Man Bao. Finally, he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, let's go back."

  The county magistrate of Tang nodded, “That’s right, you can stay in the green mountains without worrying about firewood. You are still young, so don’t rush for a while.”

  Bai Shan worried, "But then, wouldn’t it be easier for them to guess that Master Tang and Master Yang are also investigating this case?"

  The county magistrate Tang said with a smile: "This is not easy to guess, and there is nothing wrong with guessing it. At this moment, what should be known and what should not be known, I also know about it, and what I lack is just evidence."

  Man Bao: "Then Lord Tang is not afraid that he will also give you a ride and fall off the horse, crashing in a car, or getting a neck when eating or something?"

  The county magistrate of Tang said angrily: "Can't you give me a better way to die? Don't worry, I'm not you, he wouldn't dare to let me die easily."

  Bai Shan asked: "Is it because of family background?"

"Yes and no," Tang county magistrate said, "My father is not a vegetarian. If I die here for no reason, my father will not give up, and it will be different from twelve years ago. Zhang Jiedu Although Heming Governor had a close relationship with King Yizhou, he was not a vassal of the palace. It would be difficult to hide from them and kill me."

  The Tang county magistrate didn’t say that his wife is not a vegetarian, and his Yue family is not a vegetarian.

The county magistrate Tang said with a smile: "I didn't even dare to kill me in Yizhou City, let alone Chang Bo. It is safest for you to return to Luojiang County. With Chang Bo guarding him, he went personally. You can't take your lives."

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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