Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 887: Outside and inside

   Chapter 887

  The girl is the girl in the original mansion. She smiled and said: "The uncle has few guests, so he will entertain him in the backyard. Except for the county magistrate of Tang, it's also the young master and them."

   "Then the other guests were served by the Qiantou County Government?"

   “It’s not the county government’s reception, and most of them hold banquets in restaurants outside, and the uncle rarely brings people home.”

Cui nodded slightly. There have been rumors in the capital that although Yang Heshu is gentle and polite, he has strict demands on his friends. Few people can be invited home by him. Therefore, there are not few people who secretly say that he is hypocritical, just superficially humble. , I am very proud.

  After getting married, although Yang Heshu treated her well, she could also feel the alienation, so yesterday she was so surprised at his easy-going and kindness to Zhou Man.

   "It seems that the uncle and these three little guests are hit by a match."

The girl happily continued: "Young Master Shan, Young Master Bai Er, and Miss Man are all very good, especially Miss Man, who occasionally brings us some candies, flowers and plants. The uncle once said, Miss Man’s The mouth is just like wiping honey, I am afraid there are no friends in the world that she can't make."

  Cui clan walked slowly over there, smiling: "The evaluation is so high."

  The girl smiled and nodded.

  While talking, Cui's also approached the rockery and was hearing the sound of the two talking on the mountain.

  "...Sitting here is really refreshing. I really envy Master Yang. When I get rich in the future, I will also buy a piece of land in the county town, build such a big yard, and put such a big rockery."

  Bai Shan asked: "What are you doing on the rockery?"

   "Just ascend to study early in the morning, and I will be very happy to ascend to watch the sunset every night."

  Bai Shan: "Then you might as well go to my house and check it out. Why bother to buy land and build a yard? My house also has a rockery, and there is more than one."

   "The rockery in your house is not beautiful, and it is not easy to sit on."

   "Just change it for you," Bai Shan said nonchalantly: "What do you want?"

"Hmm..." Man Bao thought for a moment, and then said: "It's better to be bigger and taller than this. Some of it is flat. You can put a round stone table, two round stone stools, and the other part. Slightly raised, you can plant flowers and grass. In summer, you can plant vine-like flowers and hang them on a high shelf. People sitting underneath can hide from the hot sun and enjoy the coolness, or read books and play chess. How pleasant it is; In winter, I clean up some of the vines and wood so that I can enjoy the sun and read books. How great!"

  Bai Shan: "What should I do if there are insects? Wherever there are flowers and plants, there must be insects." Obviously, he has been harmed.

"I can dispense medicine pouches for you," Man Bao said, "Or make incense for you. By the way, I'm learning how to discern incense from Doctor Ji recently. Only then did I know that there are so many strange incenses in the world. I will make you a special mosquito-repellent incense, and we will burn it when we go to the rockery to read books and play chess."

   "Wait for you to make it."

   "I learn things very quickly, when will you make a rockery?"

  Bai Shan said: "Let grandma decide when I get home."

   "A word is fixed."

  Bai Shan nodded: "A word is definite."

Man Bao turned over the book in his hand and said: "I finished "Spring and Autumn", but I haven't finished searching the materials that I was looking for in reality. Recently, many of the lessons my husband gave me were from "Spring and Autumn", I suspect He was going to take the "Spring and Autumn" exam in the middle of the year."

  Bai Shan asked, "Have you memorized it?"

  Man Bao was distressed, "I had memorized it back then, but I didn't know it well, so I almost forgot it now."

  That’s why she brought it here, just to read it through again, and I will memorize what should be memorized. After memorizing this time, I don’t intend to forget it again.

  Bai Shan has learned everything by heart, and opened his own calligraphy: "Let's read the book then."

  The two each found a position, and read back to back.

  Cui who walked to the foot of the mountain was stunned for a moment. Without disturbing the two of them, he turned around and left silently.

  Walking far away, she said, "Go and see the kitchen. When the morning meal is complete, go and ask the guests to eat it. Don’t leave the guests hungry."

  The next person should go down.

   When Cui returned to the main courtyard, Yang Heshu had just practiced a set of swordsmanship. He wiped his sweat and asked with a smile, “I didn’t mean to see the guests. Why did you come back so soon?”

   "I saw Bai Langjun and Zhou Xiaoniang. They are studying on the rockery. I am not able to disturb and come back."

Yang Heshu nodded and said with a smile: "Bai Er must not get up yet. Let's eat our own first. They will eat it. Just ask the kitchen to send it to them alone. They will probably go to the street for a while, don't worry about them. "

  After a pause, Cui asked, "Uncle won't greet the guests?"

"They don’t need to greet them specifically. I will come back soon after I go to the Yamen to handle some government affairs. If they don’t want to go out, let them read a book in my study. By the way, let the kitchen prepare more food in the afternoon, and after noon Zhihe may come."

  Cui responded and asked, "Where did my cousin-in-law come to live? Do you want to clean up another guest house alone?"

  Yang Heshu was stunned for a moment to realize that her cousin was Tang Zhihe. She smiled and said: “Where there is a guest house in the house, I will ask Wan Tian to clean up the side room next to the study, and he can live there again.”

  Cui responded with a smile.

  Yang Heshu smiled and said: “Don’t you say that I almost forgot, you and your sister-in-law are cousins, and you should get together when you are free.”

  Cui Shi smiled and said, "My cousin Wang and I may have not seen each other for a long time."

After Yang Heshu had breakfast and went out, Cui sighed and sat in front of the dressing table. Her eldest girl Hongxue whispered to her to comfort her, "Don’t worry, Miss, I think my uncle treated you very well, she got married at the time. Madam still wants to keep you in the capital, isn't it because the uncle said that he would take you to the post?"

"But you are watching. I have been here for a while. I can't even get in the door of his study. I used to think that he didn't like others to enter his study. After all, no one except Wantian can. I've been in, but now..."

   Cui's clutching the handkerchief and said, "I understand that Tang Zhihe can enter. After all, they have been in friendship for many years, but Bai Shan and the others..."

  Hongxue said with relief: "Miss, they have known each other for several years. You and the uncle have only got married. In terms of intimacy, who can be better than you in this world? Japan will be long."

  Cui can only nod his head.

   Hongxue smiled and said: "Miss is always smart, how come she gets confused when she encounters my uncle, I think, my uncle just admits birth, so it's fine if he knows you well."

  Cui's face blushed slightly, and he whispered: "I'm not familiar with him yet?"

"We used to inquire about my uncle from hearsay. The people who have met my uncle in the capital are either men or elders. You can't ask many things. How true is this hearsay?" Hong Xue said with a smile: "But that's it. Coincidentally, there is a little lady this time. She and the uncle are also friends. What you told her last night was also fun, so it's better to learn more from her."

  Cui hesitated, "That's not good, she is a girl after all, how can there be..."

  How did you get to know your husband, or did you get to know another little lady?

   Hongxue smiled and said: "Miss is a fan of the authorities. I think Miss Man is a very lively little lady, and she hasn't learned anything yet. You must be able to chat with her. Didn't you talk very well last night?"

    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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