Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 889: Good riding

   Chapter 889

  There is still a lot of time when the county magistrate Yang is not going to the countryside. It is now the time for spring planting. The grain seeds and agricultural tools that need to be distributed in the early stage have been distributed. Now it is a review, so there is nothing busy.

  Luojiang County is not like Huayang County, where cases occur every three times. It is difficult to have a dispute in ten days and a half months. As long as it is not a major case, the county magistrate Yang likes to accumulate half a month’s cases into one day for judgment.

  Everyone also likes it very much. If you want to go to the ground, who has time to come to church every day?

  So County Magistrate Yang retired early today and went home.

  As soon as they finished their lunch, a group of people began to expect County Madam Tang to come soon.

   County magistrate Yang calmly drank tea to comfort them, "Not so fast."

   But thinking about Tang Zhihe’s quick temper, he calculated the journey from Yizhou City to Luojiang County, and said: "If you can get more lashes, it will be there in about an hour."

  Man Bao: "So fast? We have to walk all day."

   "You ride in the carriage, he is riding a horse, naturally he wants to be faster."

  As a result, the words were finished. They had just drunk a cup of tea, and the county magistrate Tang arrived in turmoil, but his hair was a little messy.

He walked in with Wan Tian, ​​but didn’t notice the Cui family. He only nodded with Man Bao and the three of them, and then complained to the magistrate Yang, “The wind is too strong, let the servant give me hot water to wash, right? Yes, I haven’t eaten lunch yet. It’s been three hours since I left the door when I was in Mao."

  The county magistrate Yang was still holding the tea and was silent. Cui had already stood up and quickly ordered, "Go to the kitchen and prepare hot water for Mr. Tang."

   turned his head and smiled with him again: "Cousin-in-law wants to eat something, I will let the kitchen prepare it now."

  The county magistrate of Tang saw Cui's family, he was taken aback for a while, and he quickly saluted, "It's my younger brother and sister, it's rude and rude."

   Blame Yang Heshu again, "You too, brothers and sisters are here, why don't you introduce me to them?"

Yang Heshu finally put down his teacup and looked at him speechlessly, "Do you have a chance to talk to me? As soon as you come in, you will crackle and talk nonstop," pointing to the three Man Bao beside him and said: "They can't even insert them. Talking."

  Yang Heshu waved his hand and said, "Okay, you go wash first."

   said to Cui again: "Let the kitchen prepare something casually, he doesn't pick it."

  Tang county magistrate nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, I won't pick, younger brothers and sisters just prepare something."

  The county magistrate of Tang turned around and left. Wan Tian led him to wash.

  As soon as he left, Man Bao was finally able to speak. She turned her head and said to Bai Shan: "Riding a horse is a third of the time faster than a carriage. We will also ride horses in the future."

  Bai Shan said, “I’m fine. I have learned riding for half a year. Can you do it?”

  Man Bao counted his own small vault, gritted his teeth and said: "I also buy a horse, and I also want to learn how to ride a horse."

  Bai Shan was excited, "I teach you."

   "No, you haven't studied for a long time. I let Da Ji teach me." After that, I turned to find Da Ji, "Da Ji, can you teach me horse riding?"

  Da Ji smiled and nodded, "Miss Man wants to teach when she is young."

  Bai Jiro was silent on the sidelines, so Bai Shan kicked him in the foot and asked, "Aren't you studying?"

   "I learned in school."

  Man Bao said: "Let your father buy you a pony of your own, then we can go home from Yizhou City and ride back together."

   Baijiro tangled and said: "I prefer to ride in a horse-drawn carriage. You don’t know if you haven’t ridden a horse, but it’s not at all uncomfortable."

  He glanced at the magistrate Yang and Cui with embarrassment, and got in between Man Bao and Bai Shan and said: "It hurts not only the buttocks but also the face and eyes from the wind."

  Man Bao looked at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan said: "I think it's good, very exciting, and very comfortable."

  The two of them couldn’t hold each other for a while, Man Bao didn’t know whose opinion was more important, so Man Bao asked him when the county magistrate Tang came to freshen up, “Master Tang, do you think it’s better to ride a horse or ride a car?”

The county magistrate Tang blinked and looked at the magistrate Yang. Seeing that he was sitting with a smile and didn't mean to help him, he swept his eyes aside and looked at his Bai Shan and Bai Erlang, faintly guessing. So he grinned at Man Bao and said, "It's natural to ride a horse."

  He sat down at the table and asked, "Do you think the ride is bumpy?"

  Man Bao nodded.

   "That's right, riding a horse well is like walking on the ground without the bumps of a carriage, and riding a horse is faster than riding a car, and more comfortable than riding a car, naturally it is better to ride a horse."

  The county magistrate Yang laughed so that the tea bowl was shaking. He suppressed the smile and put down the tea bowl, and said to the county magistrate: "Okay, are you still hungry? I will prepare something for you."

  Speaking, the servant brought two dishes and a bowl of noodles, and Cui smiled embarrassedly: “It’s a bit simple, the cousin-in-law doesn’t mind.”

   "My younger siblings are too polite," the county magistrate Tang said with a smile: "I can't eat so good at home. It would be nice if your cousin can give me a bowl of noodles."

  Here, Man Bao has already decided to learn to ride horses, and he whispered to Bai Erlang. When he raised his head and heard their different names, he found it amazing, "Are you all relatives of the four families?"

County magistrate Tang just smiled and lowered his head to eat the noodles, but County magistrate Yang was very careful to explain to her, "It's not a big deal, the families are married to each other, and almost every family has relatives, so let’s talk about it one by one. , I don’t know it will take a few days, so we just call it the closest we are."

  Why the magistrate Yang can’t remember that Cui and Mrs. Tang are cousins? Because the watch is really a bit far away.

  Cui’s grandmother and Mrs. Tang’s grandmother are from the Lu family, and they are considered cousins.

  And this is still a simple relationship. I really have to count the seven aunts and eight aunts in the family.

Mr. Zhuang hasn't taught them the genealogy yet, but she occasionally heard Bai Shan mention something, and then nodded for a moment, feeling that their family had more relatives than their old Zhou family, and even more so than their name in Qili Village. complex.

  Tang county magistrate was eating noodles, Man Bao and Bai Shan Bai Erlang held their chins and stared at one side. Cui felt that this was not good, so they asked the three of them if they wanted to go to the garden to have fun with food.

  The three of them shook their heads together, staring at County Magistrate Tang and said, "We are waiting for Magistrate Tang to eat."

   County magistrate Yang smiled and said, "Let them wait, they will feel restless after going out."

  Cui asked with a smile, "I can see it, are they looking for a cousin for something?"

   County magistrate Yang nodded, but did not explain what was wrong, only said: "Although they go, by the way, your nap time is up, you go to rest first."

  This is also the time for the magistrate Yang to take a lunch break, but seeing that he didn't mean to move, Cui paused and left, and the magistrate Tang and Man Bao hurriedly returned gifts to watch her leave.

  The county magistrate of Tang ate food very quickly. After eating, he wiped his mouth and said: "Let's go, let's go to the study."

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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