Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 891: Clue

   Chapter 891

  Waiting to tell the three of them how to organize the account books, after seeing them all get started, the county magistrate Tang and the county magistrate Yang took a pot of tea and sat down by the window, and the two opened the window and looked at the courtyard outside.

  Lanterns were lit in the yard, and the dim red lights were shining in the yard, giving it a warm feeling.

  Thursday Langzheng pulled Manda, Mingli, and Daji to play cards in the yard, and there were no other people.

  The county magistrate of Tang exhaled comfortably: "It's better to be here. You don't want to say anything to pass the third person's ears."

   "My sister-in-law has always strictly governed the inner house, is it not safe to be at home?"

The county magistrate Tang shook his head and sighed: "Huayang County is no better than Luojiang County. I always think it's weird lately. It's also possible that the case I'm investigating made me think too much. This year's Yizhou Palace Spring Banquet will be held. The seven games were all spring banquets, banquets for talented people from all over the country, Master Zhang was invited to attend almost every time."

  Yang Heshu also sat up slightly, and asked, "Isn't it in the palace?"

The county magistrate Tang shook his head, "No, there is no female family. It is a spring outing banquet, but it is more like an election feast. Everyone chants poems and chants and talks. You know, Lord Zhang likes to talk. I have been there twice. it is good."

Yang Heshu was silent for a while, and said after a long time: "I will return to Beijing this time, Your Majesty," he lowered his voice and said, "The relationship between Your Majesty and the Prince is getting more and more tense. My father said that your Majesty even said the words of the prince to the meeting. ."

  The county magistrate of Tang raised his forehead with a headache, and asked, "Is the prince still without heirs?"

  Yang Heshu shook his head.

  The two fell silent, so is it because of the frequent movements of King Yizhou recently?

  The county magistrate of Tang turned his head and glanced at the three children who were immersed in work, and said: "Let them sort it out, and we will make a copy of it ourselves. We should send it back to Beijing."

  Yang Heshu asked: "Who is it for?"

  The county magistrate of Tang pondered for a moment, and finally said, "Give it to my father."

  Yang Heshu nodded, "I met Master Wei, if this matter is true, he will not leave it alone. But my father..."

  The county magistrate of Tang knew that Lord Yang was always slippery, and I was afraid that he would not be happy to touch the muddy water. He smiled and patted his shoulder and said: "It doesn't matter, you are in the water, can Yang Shibo still stay out of it?"

  Yang Heshu is the only son in the family, and he is still the best one, Master Yang would not be willing.

  The county magistrate Tang smiled at the thought of his mouth. Yang Heshu gave him a sideways glance, then patted his hand and said: "When will you send away your sister-in-law and nephew? You can't leave people in Yizhou City?"

  The county magistrate of Tang had a headache and said, "I have to find an excuse to be inconspicuous."

  Although he is just a small county magistrate, but no matter what his family is there, there is something in Yizhou City that will remind him of asking him, so the family suddenly leaves, unless there is a reasonable excuse, otherwise it will really be suspicious.

   County magistrate Yang thought for a while and said: “Or I will let Cui write a post and ask his sister-in-law and nephew to stay at home for a while, and then you will send a letter from Jingcheng to take the person back?”

  Tang county magistrate: "Servant? But my father is fine."

   County magistrate Yang coughed slightly, "Where is your mother-in-law?"

  The county magistrate of Tang seriously thought about it, and felt that although it was not very good, he still nodded, "I'll go back and discuss it with her."

  The two people whispered to discuss how to investigate the case next. The stuff twelve years ago was acquired, but what about the stuff twelve years later?

Judging from the account book they just turned over, the king of Yizhou raised a lot of private soldiers twelve years ago, and began to mine and make weapons privately. This has been twelve years, how many are there now, where are those soldiers, and weapons. Where is it?

  Has he given up on rebellion, or is he waiting for the opportunity?

  All these must be checked.

   After discussing these things, the bell of the third watch was ringing outside, and Chu Lang and the others had moved from the yard to the side room, sitting on the threshold and guarding the stove, and fell asleep.

  In the courtyard, Cui did not sleep either, but was waiting for Yang Heshu.

Hongxue handed the light in her hand to the next person, and came in and said in a low voice: "The light in the study is still on. Young Master Bai and Miss Man haven't come out. They seem to be busy. Grandma, why don't you stop first? ."

  Cui is very curious, "What are they up to?"

  Hongxue shook her head, "But the slave-maid inquired, it turns out that Young Master Shan is a second-level student of the government school. This time they were recalled by the uncle to handle official duties. It should be an official business."

  Cui, who knows some government affairs, shook his head and said, "It's not when serving in the military, and there is nothing unexpected. Why would I need to call a few students back to help?"

   "But the slave servant may not be back tonight, maybe she will rest in the study. Grandma should rest first, and get up early tomorrow. Go and take a look. Otherwise, just ask Miss Man quietly."

  Cui can only nod his head.

   Three shifts outside, Yang County magistrate glanced at the three people who were already yawning, and said: "Okay, come here first tonight, and come back tomorrow morning."

  Man Bao did not force it, put down the pen and got up, glanced at the things on the table, and asked, "What about things?"

   "Just keep it like this," Yang Heshu has a habit of cleanliness, and the people who serve in the house, especially those near the study, are people he absolutely trusts, so he said: "Wan Tian and Mingli are watching, don't be afraid."

  The Tang county magistrate invited Yang Heshu, "Bingzhuye talk?"

  Yang Heshu nodded, "Okay, I happen to have something to tell you."

  It’s the most confidential thing to say, and it’s not suitable to say in front of the three children.

  Manbao and Baishan Baijiro say goodbye.

  Thursday Lang yawned and followed Daji. Seeing that he was not sleepy at all, he couldn't help muttering: "How did you make it so sleepy?"

  Daji smiled and said nothing.

Back to their guest house, Man Bao wanted to enter his room. Bai Shan followed closely. Bai Erlang met and squeezed in. Chu Lang, who was about to turn back to his room to sleep, saw him immediately. Then he squeezed in, staring at Baishan and Bai Erlang with a guarded look, "You won't sleep at night, why are you running into my sister's room for?"

   Bai Erlang looked at Bai Shan, "I won't sleep at night, what are you whispering to her?"

  Bai Shan:...

  He thought for a while, turned around and wanted to go out.

Bai Erlang grabbed him and said, "You have nothing to say, right? I have something to say. I heard the words of Yang County just now. It turns out that there are so many things here. It turns out that King Yizhou is not only greedy for Mohe workers. You're still rebelling, why are you hiding from me?"

  Man Bao asked him curiously, "Aren't you afraid?"

  Shirajiro looked inexplicable, "What am I afraid of? It's not that I want to rebel."

  He stared at the two of them and asked, "Say, apart from this, what else are you hiding from me?"

Even the biggest secret rebellion has been known to him. It seems that there is no need to hide it from him. Man Bao said, "There is nothing more, but there is one more thing. I am not my father and mother's daughter... "

  Bai Erlang looked horrified, then stared at Bai Shan screamingly and exclaimed: "No, you two are brothers and sisters? Don't you want to be married?"

On the side of   , Chu Lang jumped his feet and asked, "Who is going to make a date? Who is going to make a date? You make it clear, Master Shan, did you say something to Man Bao behind my back?"

   Bye bye, see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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