Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 910: nervous

   Chapter 910

  Qian took a look, calmed her and said, “It’s because the amniotic fluid is broken. Don’t be afraid, Man Bao, go and call Wen Po in.”

  Zhou Xi tensed her belly nervously, but seeing her mother so plain, she relaxed a little bit. This relaxation made her aching her belly bursts of pain.

  Man Bao ran out, and saw her brother-in-law first, "Brother-in-law, my eldest sister is about to give birth."

  Guan Xin's feet were a little soft, "Why, why is it so fast?"

  Man Bao saw that he was dumbfounded, and knew that he was just like her fourth elder brother, so he ran over him to the kitchen and called Po Wen.

  Wang Po took a quick look, and then congratulated her: "I'm about to give birth. I didn't expect this child to be impatient. I don't need to suffer as a mother. Come on, you lie down first, and I will prepare something."

  Qian immediately said: "I'll go, you look at her and feel her fetal position is not correct."

  Wen had asked about her before she came. Zhou Xi’s mother gave birth to eight children. None of them had a dystocia, and all the children were fed. Wen felt that her daughter Xiao’s mother, Zhou Xi’s pregnancy should also go well.

  Knowing that Qian has experience, she is relieved to let her help.

  Qian had to go out to prepare scissors, red cloth and other things. Seeing Man Bao's probe looking at the side, she stretched out her hand to pull the person out to help.

When the scissors were cooked, the clean red cloth was ready to be taken into the house, and when Man Bao was going to follow him, Qian lit her forehead and said, "Honestly wait outside. You look like a little girl entering the delivery room. What are you talking about?"

  Man Bao was unwilling to say, "Mother, I am a doctor. If I don’t enter the delivery room of my eldest sister today, I will also enter other people’s delivery room in the future. Why not let me go in to help."

  Qian was unhappy, "Even if you become a doctor in the future, don't go into the delivery room lightly. You are not married yet. Is it bad for you to see more of this kind of things?"

  Man Bao asked: "Why?"

  Qian glanced at her and said, "Mother is afraid that you don't want to have children in the future."

  Close the door and shut Man Bao outside.

  Man Bao scratched his head, and sat beside Guan Xin with a depressed look.

   Guan Xin kept wiping the sweat on his forehead, and when Man Bao sat down, he asked, "Man Bao, is your elder sister okay?"

   "It should be okay, I have touched it, and the fetal position is quite normal."

Guan Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, there were voices from the room, the voice of Wen Po's guidance, and Zhou Xi's painful cry of lowering her voice, Xiao Qian's boiled the water and brought it over, and saw Man Bao and Guan Xin sitting in the yard looking at him with eyes. She was a little uncomfortable, so she said to Guan Xin: "Auntie, I'll go into the house to help. Go to the kitchen and boil another pot of water, Manbao, help your brother-in-law bring the water to me."

   summoned both of them.

Guan Xin nodded quickly and ran into the kitchen to boil the water. Man Bao also took the tub to change the water.

  However, she still couldn't get into the delivery room, so she could only take the water to the outside of the room, and then dump the dirty water.

Man Bao had done statistics. She calculated the time in her heart and estimated that her eldest sister should be able to give birth to a child, but the sound in the room was still the same, and there was no sign of giving birth. She felt something was wrong, and walked to the window. He knocked on the window and asked, "Mother, why haven't you given birth yet?"

  Qian did not answer yet, and the wife first said: "What are you urging, the child's head is too big to get out, the palace mouth has not been fully opened yet..."

After all, Qian gave birth to a lot of children and helped many women in the village. She was still very experienced. She looked at it and felt bad, "This amniotic fluid... If you can't regenerate, there will be no amniotic fluid, and the child will be held back. ."

Of course, Po Wen knew this too, so she was a little anxious, but she didn’t dare to show it to Zhou Xi. She just kept encouraging her, "Have a sigh of relief, and follow me for a while. The power is not right, the child is a little big, and it’s hard to come out."

Zhou Xi didn't expect the pain of giving birth to a child, and her entire face was pale. Thinking of Chen's nine deaths when she was born in the third birthday, her heart tightened, and the wife exclaimed, "Why are you still shrinking... don't be afraid Don’t be afraid, aren’t we here? Your mother is here, think about it, there’s nothing wrong with your mother who gave birth to eight children. You must be your mother’s daughter. Come on, relax first, and follow I breathe..."

   Zhou Xi tried a few times and it still didn’t work. Wen Po also shook her head slightly to Qian, and said in a low voice, “No, this kid is too nervous.”

   Zhou Xi couldn't help crying, and cried, "Mother, mother..."

  Qian couldn’t help but slapped her, “What are you afraid of? Whoever gives birth does not come here like this. Look at your sister-in-law, the few younger siblings, aren’t they all in peace?”

   Zhou Xi relaxed a little, and took a deep breath, but still couldn't feel it. Qian could only grit his teeth and said to Xiao Qian, "Let Man Bao come in and take a look."

  Man Bao rushed in like a little calf, and couldn’t help but think, “I said, let me come in. Mother is afraid I’m afraid. I’ve seen an open stomach. Why are you afraid of it?”

"You shut up, your eldest sister was scared like this when she went to see your sister-in-law Zhou Hu giving birth," Qian said after a meal, and said with a slow tone: "Hey, don't be afraid, you see how this is in our village. There are many children. How many are like Zhou Hu's? So there is nothing terrible about having children..."

  Man Bao had pulsed Zhou Xi, touched her stomach, and had a conversation with the bewildered woman. She knew that she was too big for a child, and her amniotic fluid was almost running out.

  Man Bao’s heart was electro-transferred, and after weighing it up, he said: "Induce labor."

Wife said: "I have a prescription for inducing labor, but that prescription is too strong, I am afraid it will be bad for the child, and it is not good for your elder sister. I think it can still be a try. It is not good. I will press it with my hand. Pressure is better than taking medicine."

  Man Bao said, “If I don’t take medicine, I have a needle to induce labor, and squeezing the mother’s body will do too much to the child and the mother’s body.”

  Xiao Qian hurriedly brought her the back basket, Man Bao took out her needle bag, and said with joy to Zhou Xi, who was sweating and pale, "Big sister, you see, I am ready."

   Zhou Xi, who was already nervous, was amused by her. The whole person relaxed. She looked at her dumbfoundingly and said: "You heartless..."

Man Bao shook her hand and said, "Sister, don’t be afraid. I have seen a lot of patients with a big hole in their stomach, and a big hole in their leg, so bloody, aren’t they all okay? ?"

  Zhou Xi nodded.

Man Bao has already reached out and untied her clothes, found the acupuncture points and put them on her, while explaining to her, "This set of needles was formulated after consultation with the three old doctors. It is currently the best set for inducing labor. Acupuncture, after a while, you can relax. You can do whatever Wen Po asks you to do. Don't think too much in your mind, just feel your lower body..."

  Wenpo noticed that Zhou Xi relaxed, and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, that's it, come on, adjust my breath first..."

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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