Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 913: Change

   Chapter 913

  Wei Zhi heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that, and stepped back respectfully.

  Without Bai Shan and Zhou Man, it is natural to use other methods to get the matter out, but there will be a lot less tact.

  The emperor didn’t take this matter very seriously. Although he regretted that there was no turning point and had to think of another way, as he said, he couldn’t make a decree to force people to enter Beijing, right?

  You can also refuse to make an order, okay?

  The emperor was not in a good mood and returned to the harem with his hands back. The empress returned from the queen mother, and personally untied the robe for him. After serving the tea, the palace maiden waved to make people retreat.

  The queen said: "The queen just cried."

  The emperor frowned and asked, "What's the matter? But the body is uncomfortable?"

  The queen sighed: "The imperial doctor said that she was stuck in her heart."

She glanced at the emperor, then paused and said: "The queen misses the king of Yizhou. For the past two days, she has been talking about the prince’s hard time in Yizhou. He has many children, and the land has been cut off. I want to give a few Zhuangzi under my own name to the prince..."

   Seeing that the emperor’s face was not good, the queen said: "Your Majesty, let the queen worry about the livelihood of King Yizhou, what do the people in the ruling and the wild and the people in the world think about you, brother?"

  The emperor got up and walked two laps with a green face, and asked: "When does the queen want to call the king of Yizhou into Beijing to celebrate her birthday?"

   "The mother still wants to recruit people to Beijing this month. Next month is the ghost month. King Yizhou can't walk with the child on the road. It's too late to enter Beijing again in August."

  The emperor was amused, "It’s the birthday of the queen in September, right?"

   "The mother said, Mid-Autumn Festival in August, since she is going to have her birthday, it is better to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival together."

   "Then why only recruit the King of Yizhou, and also recruit the King of Hejian into the palace."

The queen knew that what he was talking about was angry, but she didn't take it to her heart. She asked faintly: "Because Wei Zhi has been admonished, so the mother does not often say it to the hall now, but just called the concubine and hinted for a few days. "

  The emperor thought these days the queen would have to get up early and go to the Queen Mother’s place in the morning, and even faint in the evening. How many days has he not had dinner with her?

  The emperor pursed his mouth, lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and said, "I will tell you tomorrow to invite the King of Yizhou to Beijing in late June."

   "Your Majesty..."

  The emperor pressed his hands, "I have my own thoughts."

The emperor pondered. Originally, he didn't intend to let Bai Shan and the others enter Beijing, but now the Queen Mother is more and more important to King Yizhou. , And love and righteousness?

  The emperor couldn't help having a headache thinking that he had just said "It's nothing" with Wei Zhi. I am afraid that tomorrow he will be commanded to be capricious and not promised.

  In spite of this, the emperor and his ministers remembered the heroes since the founding of the People’s Republic of China during the small court meeting the next day.

  Of course, there are not many such people. In comparison, there are more generals who died in battle.

  The ministers saw the emperor’s rare sentimentality, and recalled them, so they mentioned more and more, and Wei Zhi heard the emperor mention Bai Qi’s name, saying that he was also a hero, and he was also loyal to the country...

  Wei Zhi and Mrs. Tang twitched their eyebrows slightly, and slightly raised their heads to look at the emperor. The emperor had already mentioned a name.

  The other ministers didn't care. Just now, they and the emperor mentioned a total of more than 20 people. Among them, one or two of them are unfamiliar. It's normal that they haven't heard of it.

  Anyway, it is the hero who remembers the dead, everyone is right to regret and sigh.

  The emperor turned around while speaking, and asked: "I don't know if these heroes can now be loyal to the country?"

  He said: "Their fathers have meritorious services, and the country can't let them chill. They should also inherit the legacy of their fathers and serve the country and the people."

   "Your Majesty said yes."

  So everyone recalled that this general was once under Minister A. He remembers that his eldest son is now serving in the army; this hero also remembers that his son has gone back to his hometown early, and he should be a rich man...

At the end of the conversation, the emperor simply waved his hand, "The imperial court is just in the use of people. These children have this parent, but they can't waste their talents. Wei Qing, you will come back to draw up an edict, and after recruiting these heroes, children of the right age will enter the country. If you learn to study, cultivate one or two, you can continue to serve your country in the future."

  Wei Zhi: …what about "nothing"?

   But he thought about it, this method is better than the single move Bai Shan Zhouman to Beijing. Who would pay attention to Bai Shan after entering twenty or so at once?

  Wei Zhi responded.

  The ministers did not expect such a turning point. After thinking about it for a long time, they still couldn't understand why the emperor flew from outside the sky. They could only express their approval cautiously.

  The emperor had decided on the matter and said: "This year, the Queen Mother will come to Beijing to celebrate her birthday. I intend to invite him to Beijing in late June."

The ministers immediately expressed their opposition when they heard it, and they were very fierce. They felt that the emperor’s proposal just now was a complete diversion of their attention. Re-enter Beijing at the beginning of September."

  The emperor said blankly: "I'm afraid it will be too late."

   "Then enter Beijing in late August..."

  Anyway, you can’t enter Beijing so early, otherwise you will serve the Queen Mother and blow the air in the ears of the emperor. Who knows what moths are going to do?

The imperial court was not rich. Every time the king of Yizhou entered Beijing empty-handed, he left with a full load when he left. If you dig out your own private treasury, they won’t be able to say even if you have any opinions, but you drew out your own private treasury. It would be too much to dig out the national treasury.

  So all the ministers expressed their opposition, especially Liu Hui from the Ministry of Households, especially the king of Yizhou, so he expressed fierce opposition.

  The emperor was not very insistent. Seeing everyone's opposition, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's discuss this matter later."

   One sentence choked all the officials who planned to fight for a long time.

  After discussing the political affairs, the emperor left Lord Tang and Wei Zhi together for a heart-to-heart talk.

   "Wei Qing, you need to worry about studying Guozi."

  Wei Zhi had been thinking about this just now, and asked: "Your Majesty, will all the heroes enter Guozixue afterwards, or should they be divided into the following Taixue, the four schools, etc.?"

   asked again, "How many descendants can one hero enroll in school? One or two?"

  The emperor thought for a while and asked, "What does Wei Qing think?"

Wei knows: "The minister thinks that the two are the most suitable, and they will take care of each other after enrollment. However, the one who enters the Imperial College should be scored by the examination. Those who excel at it enter the arithmetic, calligraphy, and law studies."

  The emperor thought for a while and nodded, "Just as Aiqing said, cough cough, you go to Kong Qing to plan the plan, and the matter is left to you."

    I’m participating in the “Honorary Conquest Qualifiers” at the starting point. I am free to give a thumbs up from my leisurely book friends. Well, start reading and search for “Yu Yuzhu” in the Honor Contest qualifiers and you can like it.

     The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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