Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 932: Each prince

   Chapter 932

  The people in the yard are busy. Mr. Zhuang is busy leading the students to review, Zhou Lizhong is busy leading the brothers and sisters to copy the booklets, and Saturday Lang is responsible for cutting the sheets of paper and binding them.

  Friday Lang approached Liu Gui to find out about other students who applied for the job, such as where they live, their family background, and their age.

  He also took a small notebook and wrote it down in detail.

   Liu Gui glanced at his words and said, "Goro, your words are much stronger than your fourth brother."

  Friday Lang proudly said: "That's natural. Among our brothers, I and Lao Liu have the best characters."

  After all, when I learned to read and read from Man Bao, he and the sixth-year-old were the youngest and the most serious.

   Liu Gui glanced at his dog-like character, and said secretly: At least he recognized what character it was. Unlike Chu Lang, he wrote fast, even he himself could not recognize it.

Friday Lang meticulously wrote down, then looked at the things in the book, and figured out the taste, "These people who have houses in the capital are rich people? Then there are people who live in these two inns. People with money, those who live in these inns are from poor families?"

   Liu Gui gave him a thumbs up, "Yes, one of them is special."

He said: "I found out that there was a young man who brought his brother into Beijing. His family situation was even worse. Even the travel expenses to Beijing were paid by the brother. I heard that he was selling another enrollment quota to Brother."

  Friday Lang opened his mouth wide, and then said with a thumbs up: "This son is really amazing, what's his name, he must sell the booklet to him tomorrow."

   Liu Gui: "...He is so poor, can he afford it?"

"Even the travel expenses to Beijing are paid out. Do you still care about the three taels of silver? You have to buy it even if you save money on food and clothing." Zhou Lang joined his Yaomei in his house, feeling that if it was his Yaomei, she would be willing to spend the money, a scholar's The mind can only be guessed by a scholar.

  Friday Lang eagerly eagerly said, "Tomorrow we will go to this young man first, if he even bought it, would other young men be reluctant to spend this money? By the way, what is his name?"

"Feng Chenxiang," Liu Gui has almost inquired about the news of the remaining forty-six princes. Of course, he can find out in a day's time not how good he is, but because this is regarded as the most lively thing in the capital this month, Your Majesty Compassionate heroes and heroes who are not of good grades can also enter the Imperial College. Recently, the people are praised, so the family history of the forty-eight nominated sons is not difficult to inquire.

  Of course, Bai Shan’s life experience is naturally not a secret. Feng Zongping also found out soon after returning home.

"After the heroes were summoned to Beijing, there was only one son named Bai. The younger one checked. His father was the magistrate of the former Shu County. He died as a result of the suppression of bandits. There is only one son, and he is the one who entered Beijing this time. A cousin of ."

Feng Zongping asked, "What is his cousin's name?"

   "The one who reports to the Imperial College is called Bai Cheng, and his name is Bai Shan."

  Feng Zongping turned his head and said to two friends: "It seems that it is him, and he is hiding it from me, huh, since I know that my grandfather is the Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry, is it difficult to find out?"

   Yun Xinxuan ignored him, smiled and asked his servants, "How old are they and where do they live?"

Liu Gui was also gossiping about the other sons, and said to Wu Wulang: "This son Feng's father was called Feng Jing. He used to be Sima in the army. In the first year of Dazhen, he rebelled in the North. The letter was sent to Liangzhou, but unfortunately the letter was sent to the people, but it was gone. Your Majesty praised him for his high justice. Mr. Feng is his survivor. Going to marry a wife."

  "But I asked, the most powerful ones should be Young Master Peng Zhiru, Young Master Lu Xiaofo, and Young Prince Ren Ke," Liu Gui paused and said, "Do you know how old Young Master Ren Ke is this year?"

  Frirang: "How old is it?"

   "Thirteen years old!" Liu Gui said, "Two months younger than my son."

  Frirou can't understand, "...Is it two months old?"

"But how powerful is my son, he is younger than my son, and he looks quite amazing, you don't know, he is famous in Jinju area, I heard that he is from the Lu family, although he is a sideman, But what about Lu's."

  Weilang didn’t really understand, he scratched his head and said, "My sister is younger than them."

  Liu Gui:......Can it be the same? Miss Man is a girl's family, and the young master of their family is going to be admitted to the Imperial College.

  However, it is obvious that Shirirou can't understand his pride. On the contrary, he is more proud, because he feels that Man Bao is younger than them, but they are their seniors. Now Bai Erlang is instructing homework by Man Bao.

  Friday Lang didn’t write down these gossips in his notebook. He just listened for a while and found that there was nothing to ask, so he got up and asked, “Don’t you tell Bai Shan about these things you inquired about?”

   Liu Gui hesitated and said: "Naturally, I want to tell, but I went in and watched it just now. Master is still studying, so I can’t bother."

  Friday Lang looked at the time and said, “It’s late today, forget it, I’ll tell Man Bao later, let Man Bao tell Bai Shan.”

  Liu Gui breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Then I would like to thank Goro first."

  Friday Lang nodded, and when he entered the second courtyard, he saw Man Bao and they were all working hard with lights in the study, so he turned to look at them first.

  Zhou Lizhong also led his two younger siblings to gallop with the light of the lamp in the room.

  They write less, and the speed of copying is far less than that of Manbao, but they have also written several volumes at this time.

  Saturday Lang looked at it for a while and said: "Tomorrow morning, I will take a few copies to the inn. You can copy them at home. If they can be sold, I will come back and take them with you. If they can’t be sold, we won’t copy them."

  Zhou Lizhong: "If you can't sell it, what should I do if I have copied it?"

   "Keep it, it's your calligraphy practice, what else can you do?"

Zhou Li choked heavily, and Zhou Lijun looked up and said, "It will definitely be sold. If it doesn't help, there will be next year's big exam. Auntie said that for scholars, there will always be fewer papers, and they will not dislike the simple and repetitive papers. "

  Friday Lang said: "Readers are really complicated. Okay, you can copy two more books and go to sleep. I'll talk to Man Bao."

  Man Bao had just finished explaining a paragraph to Bai Erlang, waiting for him to understand and recite, turning his head to see the fifth brother dangling around outside the window, he put down the book and came out.

Lang said on Friday: "I just went to talk to Liu Gui. He is not good to come in and disturb you. He asked me to tell you that three of the young masters who were called to Beijing are particularly powerful. One is called Peng Zhiru, one is called Lu Xiaofo, and the other is called Ren. However, that Ren Ke is relatively young, two months younger than Bai Shan."

   "By the way, there is a young man here who is particularly miserable, called Feng Chenxiang..." Weilang simply said Feng Chenxiang's misery again.

  Man Bao stared for a while, and when he saw that he stopped talking, he raised his head and asked, "Nothing?"


  Man Bao secretly said: After going out for a day, I asked four people?

  Liu Gui: No, he didn't. He obviously inquired about it.

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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