Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 952: Put the list (to give a reward to the book friend "Becky"

  Chapter 952 is on the list

  The results are posted at the Guozijian Office. There is a bulletin wall on the front left side where their results are posted.

  Of course, when Bai Shan and the others arrived, the results had not been posted yet, and the candidates came to the front one after another.

  Bai Shan saw a few familiar people, all of whom were sitting near him during the three-day exam, and everyone nodded slightly when they met their gazes.

   Baishan and Baijiro are not the youngest among the 48 candidates, but they are the youngest.

  A group of teenagers and young people deliberately or unintentionally divided into two groups according to age.

  Those who looked obviously no more than fifteen and sixteen automatically stood on one side, while others who looked more than sixteen and seven stood on the other side.

  Bai Dalang went to school, Mr. Zhuang sat alone in the carriage not far away, meditating.

  When a group of people came out of the Imperial College, Mr. Zhuang paused and got out of the car and walked behind the crowd.

  Kong Jijiu personally came to announce the results, by the way.

"The results have come out, and the rankings have been ranked, but before the announcement, I have something to say to you," Kong Jijiu said: "This time you can enter the Imperial College to study because of the emperor's grace and compassion by the court. Yes, you took the big exam with your current results. Except for a few students, everyone else failed."

  The teenagers and young people blushed and lowered their heads.

"But, I have also seen your efforts and talents. After you are all heroes, you obviously can’t go far behind. I don’t care about what reasons you didn’t concentrate on studying before, but after entering the Imperial College , You have a famous teacher before, and you will have no worries about life. I hope you will study hard and don't let down your majesty's expectations, let alone let down the glory of your ancestors."

  As everyone listened to the enthusiasm, they all bent over and bowed.

  Kong Jijiu nodded, and said to the doctor who was holding the red list behind him: "Let's put it on the list."


Dr.    stepped forward to hang the list. Although everyone was anxious, Kong Jijiu was in front of them, and they did not dare to rush up to see it impolitely. The only thing that was far away was to stand on tiptoes and look around.

When Dr.    was on the list, Kong Jijiu took out another booklet from his sleeve and unfolded: "I will read the ranking now."

Because these forty-eight people will definitely be admitted, the difference is only in the rankings, so Kong Jijiu didn’t engage in suspense, and directly started out: “There are three students who have entered Guozixue, the first is Peng Zhiru, the second is The name is Bai Shan, the third is Lu Xiaofo, and those who have entered Taixue, the fourth is Ren Ke, the fifth is Feng Chenxiang... the thirteenth is Bai Cheng..."

   Bai Erlang shook him excitedly when he heard Bai Shan's name, too excited, but because the wine was standing above, everyone was restrained from happiness. Although he was overjoyed, he did not shout.

  Bai Shan was also very happy. When Bai Erlang's name was read, he happily bumped his shoulder, lowered his voice and said, "Well, let's say you can study too much, right?"

  Shirajiro did not expect that he could really enter Taixue, although he was the third from the bottom, but...

   He was shocked and said: "Oh my God, am I better than my eldest brother?"

"Don't think about this. Although it sounds better than the four schools, the students in it may not be better than the four schools. Well, you, if you want to catch up with the big brother, there is still some school. "

  How did you come in, don’t you know?

  Bai Shan shook his head.

Kong Jijiu read down all the rankings of the forty-eight people, and said: "All the students enrolled today. The students with the top 27 rankings will immediately enter the prison with Dr. Zhang to receive books and other things. The next 21 students, You follow Dr. Zhao to make another paper, so that you can divide it into law, calligraphy and arithmetic."

Many students in the field showed disappointed expressions.

  Kong Jijiu didn't enlighten them, and waved to let the two doctors lead them down.

  Even Shirajiro can be admitted to the level of Taixue, and I want to know how the foundation of the next 21 students is.

  Kong Jijiu is very willing to educate them, but at this level, they dislike the Three Schools of Law...

   Kong Jijiu left only a sneer in his heart, thinking that law, calligraphy and arithmetic are so easy to advance?

  Although they are not as good as the four schools, they are still one of the six schools. Okay, every year, thousands of people squeeze their heads to enter the six schools in the big exam. They are not willing to take advantage of it?

  Bai Shan pulled Bai Erlang out of the crowd before Dr. Zhang came, and found Mr. Zhuang who was standing at the back, "Sir, we all did well in the exam."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and nodded, with a gratified expression on his face, "Yes, good job."

  Seeing that the two Ph.Ds were already naming the students, he stretched out his hand and patted the shoulders of the two people and said: "Okay, I have something to say when I go back after school. Let your PhDs go in first."

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang responded, stepped back and respectfully salute Mr. Zhuang.

  Kong Jijiu stood on the steps in front of the Imperial College and glanced at the people. He happened to see this scene. He stared at Mr. Zhuang for a while, always feeling that he was a little familiar.

  Kong Jijiu seriously thought about it, before he remembered who he was, he shook his head and stopped thinking.

  The other students in the field are also bidding farewell to their families or subordinates, either with a happy gesture or an attitude of commanding. They are the only ones who solemnly and respectfully salute like Baishan and Baijiro, so they are particularly conspicuous.

Kong Jijiu looked at Mr. Zhuang again for a while, but still did not recognize him, but Mr. Zhuang noticed his gaze, raised his head to meet his gaze, smiled slightly, bowed and bowed and signaled Bai Shan and they hurried over. .

  Bai Shan pulled Bai Erlang into the crowd. Mr. Zhuang looked at the back of the two of them for a long time, then raised his head and nodded to Kong Jijiu again, then turned back to the carriage.

  Daji watched his master and Tang master enter the Imperial College before driving away in a carriage.

   "Sir, do you want to go to Jishitang or go home first?"

  Mr. Zhuang looked at the sun outside and said, "It's still long before noon. Go home first. You can pick Man Bao back at noon."

  Daji responded.

  The inside and outside of the car became quiet.

  Although Mr. Zhuang has never spoken much, Da Ji has also noticed that Mr. Zhuang seems to have something on his mind, and he is not in a good mood recently.

  Daji shook his head, feeling that he could not manage this matter.

  The three who can manage, at this time one is in the drugstore to see a doctor, and the other two are going through the formalities in the Imperial College.

  Perhaps seeing Manbao sitting here for a few days without any accidents, more and more patients are willing to come to Manbao for treatment. The main reason is that the other three doctors have to wait in line for a long time, so everyone reluctantly chose her.

  I chose her to see it once and found it to be pretty good. Next time, she will be habitually lined up behind her clinic.

  As for Bai Shan and the others, in addition to the essentials, there are many things to do.

  (End of this chapter)

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