Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 963: New illness (a reward for the book friend "Yellow Orange"

  Chapter 963 New Disease

  Friday Lang asked: "What do you mean?"

  Zhou Lijun shook her head, “Sister-in-law said, when she saw the poem, she had both pride and sadness in her chest, but she was more relieved of the situation with a smile, so she also wanted to make wine.”

  Saturday Lang was confused: "Should I just want to drink?"

Zhou Lijun said: "My sister said that there is no wine in this world that is not bitter. Although she doesn't like sweet ones, she definitely doesn't like bitter ones. Others go and drink."


  Saturday Lang hesitated: "Can she brew it?"

"Impossible," Lang said: "I have asked Mr. Zhuang, the method of this brewing is only known by the family and a few wineries, and the wines made by our Dajin people are far less than those made by the Westerners. Don't say how rare the grapes are. Do you know how much a catty of grapes cost? Do you know how much a bottle of wine is so small?"

  Frirou had a sudden pause when he said that, he figured it out, and waved happily: "Forget it, anyway, she can't find a way to brew. If she finds it, it's impossible to have grape seeds. Let her go."

  Lest you have to toss them if you have too much time.

  A few people did not expect the fifth brother (fifth uncle) to be so bad, but after thinking about it, they found that what he said was reasonable, so they silently said nothing.

Man Bao didn’t know anything about it. She asked Keke to search for her and found some information about brewing, but the skill and sophistication were not what she could do in this era, so she still had to She looks for this world, or finds other search terms, let Keke help to search for it.

  At the same time, she also thought about the seed, but Keke was very sorry to tell her that there will be no grapes in the future world, or even variants.

  Manbao can only rely on his own efforts to find it now.

  This kind of thing is not in a hurry, and Man Bao will not be in a hurry. She still goes to the pharmacy to see a doctor in the pharmacy every morning to learn medical skills to accumulate experience, and comes back to have class with Mr. Zhuang in the afternoon.

  It was not long before she put her things away early this morning, and the old lady Dou brought in a pair of young men and women.

  Man Bao raised her head to look at them, and the old lady Dou smiled and said, "Troubled Doctor Xiao Zhou. This is the patient I told you about. Do you remember?"

  Man Bao glanced at the stinky young man, nodded and said, "Remember, please sit down."

  The little daughter-in-law stood aside clutching her hands, timidly not moving.

  The young man frowned and said to her: "What are you doing in a daze? Sit down."

  Man Bao looked up at him, and the old lady Dou saw it, so she stretched out her hand and patted him and said, "What are you doing at your wife? Speak well."

  The young man shut up and said nothing.

  Man Bao looked at Mrs. Dou and said, "You go out first, I'll show them."

  The old lady Dou glanced at the young man warningly, then turned around and went out.

  There are two stools in the house. Man Bao motioned to the couple to sit down, opened the book and asked, "What are their names?"

  The young man glanced at her notebook, frowned and said, "Do you have to report your name?"

   "It's just a name, you can also give it a fake," Man Bao raised his chin and asked, "What do you want to be called?"

  Anyway, what they want to buy is not a banned drug. They don’t need to remember their real names, and the yamen will not check them.

  The young man blushed, and moved anxiously before saying: "Then call me Dou Dalang."

  Man Bao wrote Dou Dalang's name on it, and also specially marked the word Kana at the back. Then she looked at the little daughter-in-law, and the little daughter-in-law whispered: "My name is Liu Niang."

  Man Bao nodded, wrote Liu Niang’s name, and asked, "How long have you been married?"

   Liu Niang's voice was low, and she whispered: "Three years."

  Man Bao motioned her to put her hand on the Mai Pillow, and asked her some private questions, such as whether the menstrual affairs were punctual, and how many days each time she came...

  Man Bao finished pulse, looked at her face and tongue coating, turned to look at Dou Dalang, "Take your hand out and let me take a look."

   Dou Dalang frowned and stretched out his hand.

  Man Bao took the pulse and asked him questions. At this moment, Dou Dalang's face was blue and red, his face seemed to be burnt, and he couldn't answer.

It was Liu Niang who answered in a low voice and cautiously, mainly because the questions Man Bao asked were too embarrassing. This question didn’t sound like a girl asked it at all, even older male doctors didn’t. Will ask.

  These questions were prepared by Man Bao a long time ago, and they were what Teacher Mo wanted to ask.

They think this is a reliable problem. There is no way. The future world will have no troubles in this regard. The survival rate of their own sperm is not high. Then don't have a child, or apply for a group of sperm in the sperm bank. Few people worry about giving birth.

  How many people still don’t want to give birth, if it weren’t for the task...

  Man Bao wrote down one by one, recording them in particular detail, and then stretched out his hand to feel Dou Dalang's pulse and began to think.

   Dou Dalang looked at his heart frightened, Man Bao looked up at him, and said, "Don't be so scared, the problem is not too big."

   Liu Niang raised her head in surprise, Dou Dalang trembled and asked, "Me, my question?"

  Man Bao thought for a while, and felt that both of them had problems. Liu Niang had some coldness and weakness, but it was not very serious. Many women had this kind of illness, but Dou Dalang's problem was more serious.

  Man Bao retracted his hand and clicked on his notebook and said, "You two should take care of it, especially you. Relax. You are still young. If the child is in a hurry, you should do whatever it takes."

  This is the first time Dou Dalang has listened to these words in the past three years, but he listened to the elders, neighbors and Liu Niang, and told him...this is the first time.

  He is in a subtle mood.

Man Bao immersed himself in writing prescriptions, and when he looked up to see them panicked, he thought for a while and put down his pen to communicate with them, "I don't think your illness is very serious. Liu Niang is just a little frail. If you want to have a better child in the future," You still have to take care of it, you..."

  Do Dalang raised his heart.

  Man Baodao: "How to say, your kidney is weak and weak, do you understand what I said?"

  Do Dalang nodded, and then immediately shook his head.

"It's just weak, not dead, so there are still some cures. I will prescribe medicine for you first and take it for half a month to see." Man Bao picked up the pen, wrote two prescriptions and raised his head, "You Cure?"

  Duo Dalang hadn't spoken yet, Liu Niang on the side nodded and said: "Treat and cure, we can cure whatever the doctor says."

Man Bao nodded, and then continued to write the prescription, "You can take the medicine for the past month and it’s almost the same. The rest is just a matter of paying attention to your diet. Dou Dalang estimates that you will have to take the medicine for about three months. Don’t have **** within a month. , I will tell you when you can have the same room."

Both husband and wife blushed, Man Bao handed them the two written prescriptions, Liu Niang handed the prescriptions to Dou Dalang, hesitatingly did not go out.

   Dou Dalang glanced at her, first took the prescription and went out.

  (End of this chapter)

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