Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 970: The Yin Family (for book friends "Start from the Heart@"

  Chapter 970 The Yin Family

  Bai Shan refused, "I don't want it."

  Man Bao persuaded him, “A person who knows the current affairs is a good man, we will be a good man, and we will talk to the king of Yizhou for revenge."

  Daji couldn't help staying on the road outside the car: "Master, Master Tang, the Imperial College is here."

  The three of them glanced at each other, all sighed, got up and got out of the car.

  Man Bao stood by the car, stretched out his hand and patted Bai Shan's shoulder and said, "There is a long way to go. You have to hold back and rest assured, the medicine package I prepared for you will not choke."

  Bai Shan frowned and said, “I’m fine in Guozixue, but you, their family is so domineering, otherwise you don’t go to the drugstore today.”

  Man Bao thought for a while and then said: "But I have a patient coming for a follow-up visit today. If I don't go, it's not good. Don't worry, they can't take me in the pharmacy."

  Bai Shan thought about it for a while and said to Da Ji: "You can find a place to park. Don't go back today. Wait for the full treasure in the drugstore."

  Daji responded with a yes.

Bai Erlang nodded again and again. He was also frightened this morning. It was the first time he met someone who was acting so domineering, so he told Man Bao, "They had a dispute in class yesterday, and they are here to stop us today. , If you slap them in the face like this in public today, can they not trouble you? So it's better to avoid it and be more cautious."

  Man Bao nodded, "I will go home after I see the patients who follow up."

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang are now carrying the book basket to go to school. There are several carriages running behind them, the leading one is very stable, and a teenager jumps from the top. Don’t run directly with your book basket. Come up and shout: "Bai Shan, wait a minute!"

  The coachman behind the boy immediately took the book basket and chased after him: "Master, your book basket."

  Bai Shan stopped and turned his head. The teenager ran up to them in a hurry. His eyes were bright and he asked, "Are you Bai Shan who was newly admitted to Class A this year?"

  Bai Shan nodded.

  "My name is Liu Huan, and my grandfather is Shangshu from the Ministry of Households. Speaking of which we still have fate, all kinds of funds for your heroes to go to school afterwards are allocated by my grandfather..."

  Bai Shan and the three of them looked at him quietly.

   Liu Huan was quiet, and touched his face with some lack of confidence, and asked, "Why, is there something on my face?"

  The three shook their heads together.

   Bai Erlang asked: "Are you Liu Huan who had a fight with Yin or?"

   Liu Huan nodded with a sullen expression.

  Man Bao was curious, "Why did you fight each other?" Isn't it the same as Ji Hao because of a cheap mouth?

Liu Huan looked aggrieved, "I didn't hit him, but I accidentally knocked people down while playing. I apologized, and it was not intentional. When I was playing in school, I accidentally hurt you. You accidentally hurt me not often. Is there something?"

  The three people who have been hurt by mistake looked at him sympathetically.

  Bai Shan couldn't help but said aggrievedly, "I just argued with him in class."

   Liu Huan also looked at him sympathetically.

Daji, standing behind them, watched the carriage continuously coming in in the open space in front of the Imperial College. People came down to enter school, and the carriage exited. He looked up at the sun and couldn't help saying again: "Master, Master Tang, you are coming to school soon. NS."

  The four of them returned to their senses and immediately took the basket to school.

   Liu Huan also grabbed the book basket from his driver’s hand and ran after him, "I will go in with you."

  Watching the three people enter the Imperial College, Man Bao stepped on the bench to get into the car, "Let’s go, I’m going to the drugstore too late."

  The Guozijian students who were chasing for school all subconsciously glanced at Bai's carriage, glanced at Man Bao, and then went to school, Man Bao also noticed these sights.

  She sighed sadly, holding her chin to think, how will she recognize the counsel next time she sees the Yin family?

At this moment, the three Yin family sisters were indeed very angry. They went all the way back to their parents' house, and then repeatedly ordered: "Go and check, who is that little lady, grandma, it's the first time I have seen such a hard-headed person." "

  The next person followed.

  It was too late when Manbao arrived at Jishitang. Doctor Ding and the others had already started to have a consultation. As soon as she came in, the shopkeeper Xiaozheng dragged her to the backyard, "You just clashed with the aunt of the Yin family?"

  Man Bao blinked, "How do you know?"

   "It happened not far from our pharmacy, can I not know?" He said: "Not only I know, my father and Doctor Ding also know, even the people at the opposite pharmacy know."

  Man Bao sighed, “It’s really a good thing not to go out, bad things spread for thousands of miles, I have been here for a month before a few people know me, and now, people in half a street will recognize me.”

   "No," the shopkeeper Xiao Zheng corrected: "Anyone in the capital will know you."

  Man Bao was surprised, his eyes widened and said: "Isn't it, the Yin family is so famous?"

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng quietly gave a thumbs up and said: "That's special and famous."

  After speaking, a soft cough sounded, and Xiao Zheng's shopkeeper immediately closed the sound, led Man Bao to Zheng Da's shopkeeper, before and after he blinked Man Bao and walked away.

  The treasurer Zheng looked at Man Bao and sighed, “Man Bao, you will only receive patients who are in the follow-up visit in the past two days, and then go home to rest and rest, and wait until the limelight is over.”

  Man Bao was stunned and couldn't help asking again: "The Yin family is so powerful?"

  The treasurer of Zheng was silent for a while and then said: "Master Yin is still very reasonable, but the ladies of the Yin family..."

  He paused and said: "It is irrational to reason with a woman."

   "Nonsense," Man Bao, a woman, disapproved, "I am a woman too!"

  The treasurer Zheng looked up at her, "Oh" and then said: "You are a little girl, different from them."

  The treasurer Zheng said: "The girls in their family don't go out to block people."

   "The thing that blocks people is..."

   "Being the grandmother of someone else's daughter-in-law."

  Man Bao:……

   She bit the bullet and said: "My sister-in-law and my second sister-in-law are also very reasonable."

  The treasurer Zheng looked at her expression and believed it was weird. He nodded perfunctorily and said: "Okay, you go to see the patient first, do you want me to take you back later?"

   "No need," Man Bao was still a little dazed at this moment, and said, "Daji is still outside."

  The treasurer Zheng nodded, feeling that the people in their family are still a little reliable, knowing that someone will be sent to guard her at this moment.

  Man Bao went out of the lobby, Da Ji was sitting in a corner, and when he saw Man Bao coming out, he nodded to her.

  Man Bao nodded, pulling his head back to his clinic.

Obviously, the story of her quarrel with others in the street in the morning has been spread, and the patient who came the most advanced sat down and comforted him, "Dr. Zhou, don’t be afraid, we are all watching it. To testify to you, they bullied you first."

    I’m even more confused today. I missed a chapter in the front, and I added it. You can look forward to the "blocked" chapter



  (End of this chapter)

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