Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 977: Illness (Happy birthday to the book friend "Yellow Orange")

  Chapter 977 Illness (Happy birthday to the book friend "Yellow Orange")

  Man Bao frowned as soon as she touched Yin Or's hand. She moved a few times before hearing the pulse. In order to hear her pulse more accurately, she closed her eyes.

  Suddenly quiet in the carriage.

  Man Bao touched for a long time, slowly opened his eyes, and took a closer look at Yin Or’s face before taking his hand back, “You’ve been in poor health since childhood?”

   Yin or lowered his eyes and did not speak.

  Man Bao said: "You are very mad, you have been taking medicine, right?"

Because Yin may not always speak, Man Bao always stared at his face when asking him questions. After seeing him pause for a while, he nodded slightly and quickly asked: "Do you remember your prescription? What is the doctor? Said?"

  Yin or took his hand back, did not answer, the expression on his face did not change much, but Man Bao just felt that he was upset.

  Man Bao thought for a while and then said: "You are very sick, do you often get out of breath? Whenever your mood fluctuates, your heart palpitations are uncomfortable, and you can't control your tears?"

  Bai Shan, Bai Erlang, and Liu Huan turned their heads to look at Yin Or.

   Yin may move his body to avoid Man Bao’s sight.

  Man Bao continued to ask: "Is it still always awake, loss of appetite, and inexplicable sadness when alone, I want to cry, and sometimes I want to...die."

  Bai Shan, Bai Erlang and Liu Huan were taken aback, and stared at Yin or more seriously.

  Yin may also look at Man Bao in surprise, and then lowered his head under the eyes of everyone.

  Bai Shan's three eyes are about to go round, this is actually true?

  Bai Shan gave a light cough, and his voice became softer, "How good is it to be alive, why can't you think about it?"

   Yin may pursed his mouth, and whispered: "I don't think it can't be thought of."

   Liu Huan said: "So you love to cry not because you love to cry, but because you are sick?"

  Man Bao drove the three aside, and continued to say to Yin, "You can be cured, you have to trust me. You can visit Jishitang tomorrow before going to school. I will show it to you?"

  Yin or unbelief, "It's just melancholy, how can it be a disease?"

   "This is disease."

  Yin may not speak anymore.

  Man Bao started chattering, "Do you know? I just touched your pulse, and it took a long time to feel it. You are the weakest of the patients I have ever seen. Did you give birth prematurely? You have been in poor health since childhood?"

  Yin or looked up at her, did not speak.

   Liu Huan nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, that's right, he was born prematurely, and his body was not good since he was a child."

  Why does Liu Huan know?

  Of course, it’s because Yin may have six sisters. If others make Yin or cry, his six sisters start with this sentence.

  Man Baodao: "Human's five internal organs are a system, a cycle, just like the five elements, they are closely related, so strong can be weak or weak, but your five internal organs are weak, which is very dangerous."

   Yin or pinched the corner of his clothes and said nothing.

  "You have two diseases, one for depression and one for frailty. If you want to treat depression, you must first treat frailty. If you want to treat frailty, you must also cure depression."

  Man Baodao: "Otherwise, if you are in bad health, you will be depressed, and if you are depressed, your health will be difficult."

   "Wait a minute," Liu Huan raised his hand and said, "Then are you going to treat depression first, or treat frailty first?"

  Man Bao gave him a sideways glance, completely devoid of tenderness, "Cure together!"

   Yin or lowered his eyes and said: "It can't be cured."

  "Who said that it can't be cured?" Man Bao was energetic and temptation: "I will be confident to cure you..."

  "Are you better than Doctor Tan?"

  Man Bao blinked, “It’s Doctor Tan who is treating you?”

  Yin may not want to talk anymore, the carriage also slowly stopped, Da Ji jumped out of the carriage, put down the carriage and said, "Master, Miss Man, here it is."

  Man Bao opened the curtain and looked out. Yin Or looked out and saw the door of their house.

  He was taken aback, and they really sent him home.

  Bai Shan and the others jumped out of the carriage, and when they saw Yin, they might still stunned in the carriage and said, "Are you not going home?"

  Yin might react and climbed down from the carriage, followed by the Yin family and Liu's subordinates silently stopped the carriage, and then ran up silently.

  The servants of the Yin family took a closer look at their young master, and found no injuries on his body. The most important thing was that he didn't cry, so he breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was not bullied.

  Yin may hand the book basket to his subordinates, nodded to Man Bao and several people, and said: "I will tell my sisters, this is a misunderstanding."

  Man Bao said, "Tomorrow, I will be waiting for you in Jishitang."

  Yin may not respond, but was silent for a while, then turned his head and left.

  The Yin family's servants surrounded Yin or came in. Liu Huan took two steps forward and looked at Man Bao, "Is he really sick?"

  Man Bao nodded, "And it's a very serious illness."

  She has never seen this kind of disease, but she has heard from Teacher Mo that it is very difficult to treat. It seems that I have to discuss it with Teacher Mo when I go back at night. Fortunately, she just gave someone the pulse, and she has already kept her pulse in her heart.

   Liu Huan was surprised, "It turned out to be sick..."

   Shirazen and Shirajiro were also surprised, "There are still crying illnesses?"

  Man Baodao: "There are so many weird diseases in this world. This is just one of them."

  She was stunned the first time she heard Teacher Mo mentioned that she was still depressed in this world, and then she couldn't control herself and became a disease of no business.

But Yin or the most difficult disease is not here, but in his frailty. He is really frail. It seems that there is no serious illness, but this kind of disease is the most dangerous because he is easy to get sick, and it is as small as wind and cold. He may get a cold, cough, fever, or even organ failure.

   "By the way, how old is he, I just forgot to ask about his age."

   "Sixteen," Liu Huan said, "I am one year older than me."

   "Isn't he, he's sixteen?" Bai Erlang looked surprised, "Looking at being younger than me, I thought he was only twelve or thirteen."

"Guozi Enyin and the big exam must be fourteen years old to enter. Do you think you are all like you? In fact, he should have enrolled in Enyin two years ago, but when he was enrolled, he fell seriously ill. He didn’t go in to make it; he was going to school last year, but when he heard that he was suffering from Daochun cold disease again, he didn’t make it again."

Liu Huan said, "He was not in good health this year, but he insisted on going to school, and his family couldn’t stop him and let him in. But as soon as he entered school, he coughed. I heard that his sisters put them in The students in the class took care of him again, and asked them to take care of him in school."

Liu Huan paused at this point and whispered: "So everyone feels that he is so squeamish, and don't like to play with him in private. Talking to him, his voice is small, and when their voices are louder, he is frightened. My eyes are red at every turn..."

   Liu Huan whispered: "No one thought he had such a disease..."

  Man Bao stared at the door of the Yin family thoughtfully.

  Bai Shan pulled her and said, "Let's go, go home."

  Man Bao nodded and climbed into the carriage.

  Liu Huan also climbed up with him, Bai Shan looked back at him and asked, "Are you not going home?"

   Liu Huan said nonchalantly: "My house is not far ahead. I'll take your carriage and go back. It will be there after a turn around. It's very smooth."

    Wish the book friend "Yellow Orange" be younger and younger, more and more beautiful, and happy every day



  (End of this chapter)

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