Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 982: Expensive flowers and cheap food

  Chapter 982 Flowers are expensive and food is cheap

  Friday Lang took a box into the house, opened it to Man Bao, and Le Taotao said, "Four hundred taels, how about it, amazing, right?"

  Man Bao touched a large ingot of silver and asked, "Fifth brother, I have counted it. The total amount of silver in the room is 625 taels, which is more than I expected."

"It's not what you said, just open the higher price, let them lower the price?" Wu Lang said: "I and the manager of the palace, you came and I talked about the price several times, and the pot of chrysanthemums was bought for two hundred and forty-five. Two, Chang'e went to the moon and sold three hundred and eighty taels. But I said, that flower is very strange, and there is only one pot in the whole Jin Dynasty."

   "The pot of ancient roses that I took out this afternoon was golden yellow. When they saw it, their eyes were bright. When I saw it, I opened it to a higher price. In the end, I was crushed to four hundred taels."

  Man Bao was speechless, "The three potted flowers are more valuable than the food our family produces in a year."

  Bai Shan said, “It’s best not to spread this kind of thing, otherwise there will be more people who plant flowers and fewer people.

   Baijiro looked up from the dim sum, and said vaguely: "Who is so stupid to use the land to grow flowers?"

Bai Shan glanced at him and said, "Weibo touches people's hearts. A pot of flowers can sell for four hundred taels. At the current price of food, four hundred taels can buy forty thousand buckets, which means that a pot of flowers can be exchanged for forty thousand buckets. Say they are willing to grow flowers or grow food?"

  Baijiro: "How is this the same, it's not that you can sell 400 taels of just a pot of flowers, like the ancient roses that Man Bao brought back, this is the first time I have seen it when I grow up, and the first time I heard about it."

  Bai Shan: "You know, but ordinary people don't know. They only know that someone sells flowers, and one pot sold 400 taels."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded, and was about to express an agreeable point of view, Man Bao had already spoken: "Oh, don't make a noise, the sale of rare flowers is not only now, it has always been there since ancient times."

"Bluegrass, peonies, cheap one or two taels, expensive thousands of taels can be sold, the annual flower fair is lively and lively, and I have never seen anyone use the land to grow flowers. In this world How many people can buy these flowers at a high price? It’s not a rich businessman, a tycoon, or a powerful family,” Man Bao said: “This kind of flower business can only be done once or twice. You can only sell the same kind of flower. Three times, the guests will come to the door."

Mr. Zhuang stopped talking.

   Bai Erlang said: "You sold 20 pots of white peonies before."

"That's because I only sell twenty taels. If I sell two hundred taels upwards, do you see if I will take out the second pot." Man Bao pointed to the flower under the porch outside: "Look, I buy No one of the flowers that came back is exactly the same. Either they are of different types or colors, anyway they are different."

  Everyone looked out and found that it was really, and there was a moment of silence.

   "So what kind of flower planting infringes on the land for growing food will not happen in the homes of ordinary people, it will only happen among flower farmers."

Mr. Zhuang couldn't help nodding slightly.

  Wu Lang does not understand this, he only cares a little, "Where do you want to collect so much money? Is it safe to keep it in the house?"

   "It's safe. Didn't I just get the money from the house before?"

  Friday Lang thought about it, he picked up the box and said: "Okay, I'll take you to the house."

  Man Bao went back to the house with Friday Lang with joy.

  Man Bao opened the previous cash box, picked out the scattered twenty-five taels from the inside and gave them to Wushu Lang, and said generously: "Fifth brother, this is for your hard work."

  Friday Lang took the silver and said, "Is it a bit too much? Did you spend enough money? How much did you spend on this?"

   "It has spent a lot of money, but I have also made money, and I have made a lot of money. Will I do business that is not profitable?"

  Friday Lang thought that too, after all, they set the reserve price there, so he accepted it with peace of mind.

   "Then I will go back to the restaurant first."

  "Will you go back, won’t you stay and have dinner with us?"

  Friday Lang said: "The restaurant is the busiest in the evening, I have to go back and help them."

  Man Bao sent him out and asked, “How’s the restaurant’s business these days?”

   "It's a little lighter, but with regular customers, the income is okay. Anyway, it looks a little better than the nearby restaurants."

  Man Bao nodded, "Come slowly, it will be better if you have been doing it for a long time."

  Friday Lang asked in a low voice, "How many years do you think our family can do it?"

  Manbao is still very confident about their verdict, so he said: "I want to do it for a few years."

  Friday Lang laughed, patted Yaomei’s shoulder and drove his mule out of the car, greeted Liu Gui and others and left.

  Man Bao watched the fifth brother away and then bounced back to her room. She touched the silver ingots in the box, felt their texture and weight, and received them in the system space happily.

  Because the next day was the first day of the new year, the three of them took a break, so Man Bao rarely got out of bed.

  Wait until the sun was up, she got up, ate the morning meal slowly, and wandered to find Bai Shan in the small garden.

  Bai Shan got up a little earlier than her, and was standing under a tree with his hands on his back, shook his head and endorsed the book.

Man Bao quietly moved from behind him and walked behind him. Just about to scare him, Bai Shan suddenly turned around and yelled "Wow -" and Man Bao also yelled "Ah -" When they got up, neither of them was scared.

  Bai Shan said: "You are so naive, you still play this when you are so old."

   "You are not paying attention to the endorsement."

   "Don't look at where the sun is shining, I will see your shadow when you get behind me."

  Man Bao looked down and it was really true. She looked around and asked, "Where is Bai Er?"

   "I haven't gotten up yet."

   "I didn't see Mr. just now."

   "Mr. said that there will be a poem meeting in Hanmozhai on the first day of the first day of the new year, and there will be new collections of poems for sale, so he went to have a look and left early in the morning."

  Man Bao found a piece of grass that had been dried by the sun and sat down, and asked, "Then where do you want to go to play today?"

   "I want to go shopping, too. Didn't you say that you wanted to find a book last time? It just so happens that I want to buy a book of paintings. Later, let's go shopping in the bookstore?"

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay."

  The voice just fell, Liu Gui came in quickly from the outside, and said, "Miss Man, Ji Shitang is here, saying that the patient you are waiting for has arrived."

  Man Bao lazily asked, "Who is it? That **** who was scammed by me the day before yesterday?"

   "No, it's the young master of the Yin family."

  Man Bao's eyes lit up, he jumped up and ran, "Let him wait, I'm going to get the back basket."

  The words hadn’t been spoken, and the person had already ran away. Bai Shan collected the book and said to the auspicious: "Go set the car."

  Daji responded and turned and left.

    The next update will be around 11:30 PM



  (End of this chapter)

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