Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 987: Leaked (to give a reward to book friends "Liang Yi"

   Chapter 987 leaked

  The things were sent to Manbao's house smoothly. Longevity avoided the accompanying servants, handed the box of ginseng to Manbao, and said, "The young master asked the youngest to give this to the young lady."

  Man Bao opened it and took a look, exclaimed: "Good ginseng."

  Of course, there are not many other things in their family, and there must be the most and the best things to replenish qi and blood.

  Longevity salutes: "Miss Zhou, I beg you for my young master’s illness."

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly and promised: "Don't worry, I will try my best."

Man Bao said that he would do his best if he wanted to do his best. He specifically approached Bai Shan Bai Erlang and said, "You have to take him to play frequently in school. It is said in the book that talking is one of the ways to alleviate depression. Give him some friends. "

Bai Erlang said, "I'm studying in Taixue. I'm far from Guozi. I can't help him, but I can take him to play after school. By the way, isn't he from Beijing? Just let him take us to play. ."

  Bai Shan raised his eyelids and said: "Don't think about it, I'm afraid he is not as familiar with Beijing as you."

   "No, he is a native of Beijing."

"What's the use? He can't go out," Bai Shan said: "Did you not listen to Liu Huan's words? He used to come out for banquets between relatives and friends. He didn't even go to banquets for these two or three years, and only stayed at Liu Huan. If he didn't go out of the house, if he hadn't gone to school at the Imperial College, I'm afraid everyone would not recognize him."

   Baijiro: "It's so pitiful, fortunately I am not sick."

  Shirajiro paused when he talked about it, touched his heart and said: "I also suffered from insomnia last night, Man Bao, I won’t get sentimental too, right?"

  Man Bao said angrily: "You have insomnia? You slept like a dead pig last night. You can't wake up no matter how you call it. Anyone in this world can be depressed, but you can't."

   "How do you know I sleep like a dead pig?"

  Bai Shan raised his head and said: "You talked in sleep last night and it was so loud that it woke us all up. Man Bao and I knocked on your window. As a result, you slept like a dead pig."

  Hakujiro: "...what did I say in my sleep?"

   "Inaudible, I only heard what you yelled, if you lost, I won, etc., what did you play yesterday?"

"I saw people playing polo," Shirajiro got excited when he spoke of this, dancing and dancing: "You don't know how handsome playing polo is. That horse is just like its own legs, chasing the ball and running. With a swing, the ball flies. Some people are powerful and can catch the ball in the air with the stick. It's amazing, amazing."

  Bai Shan asked: "Are you off?"

   "No," Bai Erlang lowered his head and said, "I am not very good at riding."

Bai Shan is happy, "Look, I'll let you learn riding seriously, but now Manbao's riding skills are all catching up with you. You still want to play polo with your riding skills. If you don't play polo, it's almost the same. NS."

Bai Erlang sighed, but quickly cheered up. He said: "I have asked, our newly enrolled students will also arrange riding lessons, but there are no horses for us to rent in the Imperial College. If you can go out to rent or buy, you have to ride your horse every time you want to take a riding lesson. The Imperial College will only supervise us for one day."

  Bai Shan nodded. Obviously he had known this situation a long time ago.

  He said: "There is a horse at home."

   "No, all the horses in the family have enough stamina and not fast enough. I want to learn to play polo, and I have to have a good horse," Bai Erlang said, "I have already discussed with others, and I want to buy a thousand-mile horse."

  Bai Shan thought for a while, but didn’t think there was anything wrong, but, “The stables at home cannot hold so many livestock.”

   "Sell some," Bai Erlang said, "I came to Beijing to bring so many cars because we have so many things. Now it is a waste of so many cars at home. It is better to sell them."

  Man Bao immediately said: "Then I will buy a pony too, and I will raise it by myself."

  Bai Shan nodded, "Then I will let Liu Gui clean up the stables first, and then we will buy horses."

  The two immediately nodded cheerfully.

  Bai Shan asked, "What kind of horses do you want to raise? Let Liu Gui help you find and inquire."

   "No need," Shirajiro said immediately: "I have found the way."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan looked up at him together.

   Bai Jiro proudly said: "I have already seen it. The real Maxima is worth a thousand gold."

  The steamed bun on Manbao’s chopsticks fell off. Mr. Zhuang, who had been eating quietly, also raised his head and looked at Bai Erlang.

  Bai Shan: "...a daughter? Ten thousand taels?"

   "What ten thousand taels? That's a saying, it means I don't understand this horse because it's expensive!"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and Mr. Zhuang lowered his eyes and continued to eat.

  Man Bao asked, "How much is that?"

   "One thousand two hundred taels!"

  Man Bao simply put the chopsticks down, she asked, "You are really a Chollima, so expensive?"

   "Of course, originally it was 1,500 taels, but we are acquaintances, he gave me 300 taels cheaper."

  Bai Shan asked: "Acquaintances? Who?"

"It's our too educated Zhang Jinghao. He knows a horse dealer who has a lot of horses that have not been selected. If you buy them, I think you should buy them there too. They are all classmates and there are some discounts. Well, it’s better than looking at the horse market."

  Man Bao turned his head and asked Bai Shan, "Do you know him?"

  Bai Shan frowned and shook his head, "I haven't heard of it, but I can ask my classmates tomorrow."

  Shirajiro asked unhappyly, "Why, you still don't believe me."

Mr. Zhuang slapped his chopsticks down, wiped his mouth with a kerchief, and said, "You don't say anything when you sleep or you don't eat. Your rules are getting looser. Since you're not hungry, don't eat anymore and come to the study. "

  After speaking, he got up and went to the study.

  The three people shrank their necks, and Bai Erlang couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "Aren't we often talking at the dinner table? Mister never reprimanded us before."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao glanced at him, it was because you made your husband angry.

Mr. Zhuang waited for the three disciples to stand in a row before he raised his eyelids and asked, "Let’s start with Man Bao and Bai Shan. How did you talk to Master Yin yesterday? Why did the medicine come to the house for frying? ?"

  Man Bao just said one to ten.

Mr. Zhuang clicked the two of them remotely and said: "You, you, I have told you a long time ago. When you arrive in Beijing, you can only study with peace of mind, and take care of other things. Let’s take a look at what you have done since you entered Beijing. Reassured me?"

   After finishing talking about the two of them, he went to stare at Bai Erlang, "So are you. It's a rare day to take a break, and you ran to watch polo. The excitement between the two of them is not big enough. Are you going to add a fire?"

   Bai Erlang lowered his head and whispered: "Sir, I just buy a horse."

   "You are an ordinary student, why do you buy such an expensive horse?"

  (End of this chapter)

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