“On the top of that mountain, there seems to be a big villa.” Solon, who was drinking, put down his glass and said.

“Ah, is it Usopp’s friend? Then let them pay a little money! Nami said to Usopp.

“Then it’s better to go directly to the boat, this kind of big family on a small island, there should be a big ship!” Hai Chao also said.

“Absolutely not!” Usopp suddenly shouted, “I also remember that there is something to do, you guys eat slowly first, I know the owner of this shop very well, you can eat casually.” Then Usopp left in a panic.

“What’s going on with this guy?” Seeing Usopp leave in a panic, the other people were a little strange, but they didn’t care so much, and they were all taken aback. Only a few apples can be eaten on board, and such hearty dishes are rare. It seems that finding a chef at sea is already essential.

After everyone had eaten and drunk, they leaned back in their chairs and rested. At this time, three little boys suddenly appeared, pointing three small wooden swords at the tide, and they loudly questioned them where Usopp had been taken by them.

Luffy happened to say at this time: “Ah, this meat is so delicious!” These words made the children tremble with fright, and then asked: “What the hell have you done?!” Apparently, they thought Luffy had eaten Usopp.

And Solon also said with a gloomy face: “Your captain has been eaten by us!” Combined with his gloomy tone, he really frightened the three children, pointing at Nami and shouting “dominatrix”! Nami can’t be angry.

And Haichao was also laughing on the side, but he was coldly attacked by Nami again, and a stick hit his head, and the laughter suddenly stopped. And he is the object of ridicule by the other two, because he is won by Nami every time.

At this time, the children also knew that they were all deceived, and Solon was just teasing them. So he promised to take them to the villa on the top of the hill to meet the owner of the villa and asked him to borrow a boat.

The group came to the door of the big iron gate and found that this gate was really high, three or four meters long. After the three children led them here, they said, “If the captain disappears at this time, then he will definitely be here.” ”

They wondered what he was doing here, but the three children said that Usopp was here to deceive. And it’s also said that lying is a great thing. Then they explained to the sea tide that it turned out that there was a frail and sickly woman named Kaya, whose parents were dead. And Usopp used lies to make fun of her every day, and her body gradually improved because of this.

After learning about Usopp’s purpose in deceiving people, several other people admired it, because it was indeed great.

And Luffy shouted, “Then let’s go in and see if they are willing to lend us the ship!” While the others complained that the door was too high and there were doorman handles, Luffy suddenly appeared at the head of the wall, his arms extended.

Solon, Nami and the three children hurried forward and hugged him, then flew up, and finally landed heavily in the yard. Luffy shouted for a safe landing, only to suddenly find that the tide was gone.

At this time, Hai Chao came from the side: “What are you doing in such a hurry, I can manipulate the wall at will, although the wall here is not dirt, but there is no problem.” Hai Chao said, and pointed to the wall behind him that had been pushed away by him.

Bang, another stick hit Haishio’s head, and the person who made the sneak attack was, of course, Nami, who complained about why Haishio didn’t say it earlier. The sea tide is a little strange, didn’t these things have been said long ago when they were on the ship?

While several people were arguing, Keya asked them if they were okay. Because she saw these people fall from the sky and smash the ground. And Usopp said there that Luffy and several of them came to join him and were new members of the Usopp Pirates.

Luffy, on the other hand, stood up and said, “I’m not, I have something to ask for, we want a big ship!” As soon as Luffy’s voice fell, another person came from the side, wearing a black dress and a pair of round-framed glasses: “You guys, what are you doing there?” ”

“It’s embarrassing, you trespass on people’s houses like this.” The newcomer said, pushing his glasses with his palm strangely.

Just when Koya wanted to explain Luffy’s origins, she was interrupted by the guy and said, “I’ll listen to your explanation later, but a few of you, please leave quickly, or do you have anything else to say?” ”

Luffy was also not polite, and immediately said: “We want a big ship!” But it was immediately denied by the guy, and Luffy looked frustrated, and Haishio patted him on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

At this time, the guy turned his finger on Usopp. Usopp bragged that the other side could call himself the great Captain Usopp.

And the man said that he had heard some things about Usopp’s father, and even if Koya stopped it, he still said that Usopp was just the son of a dirty pirate, and then said a lot of very ugly things. Usopp couldn’t bear it, knocked the guy to the ground with one punch, and then said that he had always been proud that his father was a pirate!

Then, just when Usopp wanted to hit the guy, he was stopped by Koya, and then Usopp turned away and said he would never come back. The three little boys were very angry, one by one shouting bastards at the guy, and Luffy also learned to yell at bastards. Then they were kicked out.

Several people sit on the side of the road to rest, only to find that Luffy is missing, and Nami guesses that he may have gone after Usopp. But Haichao found that there was one less of three little boys! As a result, two other little boys said: “The onion head always disappears suddenly and then appears again shouting. As soon as their voice fell, they saw the little boy named Onion Head running over shouting.

Then, a strange man appeared in their line of sight, actually walking backwards. And the guy retorted loudly, he was not a weirdo, just a hypnotist passing by.

“Hypnotist?” “That’s awesome!” “Let’s put it on a show!” The three little boys said one after another.

“Don’t be kidding, the first time we met, why should I show you my abilities!” As soon as the weirdo finished speaking, he took out an iron ring and said to the three children, “Look at the circle in my hand, and then I will say one, two, zango, and you will fall asleep!” ”

After he said one, two, and zango, sure enough, there were four more lying guys on the ground. This guy actually hypnotized himself too!

After a while, the guy came over, shouted loudly and fell asleep to delay the big thing, and then ran away.

“What’s going on with this guy?” Haicho looked at the weirdo a little strangely and said, “What a strange guy.” ”

They waited for a long time, and they didn’t see Luffy and Usopp come back, complaining that the two of them were too slow, even if they were hit, they wouldn’t be like this.

And just as they were complaining, Usopp suddenly ran over from a distance. Everyone looked at him a little strangely, but found that Luffy was not with him. Three young boys shouted at the captain. But Usopp kept running forward, ignoring their questions.

“The two of them were by the sea before, Usopp came back, but Luffy didn’t come back, let’s go and see.” Haichao said to the two people. And the three little boys on the other side also announced that the Usopp Pirates were dispatched!

The group came to the cliff by the sea, according to the three little boys, this is the place that Usopp would come to every time he was in a bad mood, but everyone looked around, but they found no trace of Luffy. At this time, Nami pointed to the bottom of the cliff and said, “What do you think that is?” Everyone recognized it at a glance, it was Luffy, and it was Luffy who was pouting there head down.

When the group came to the bottom of the cliff, the three little boys thought that Luffy had died of gas, but Hai Shio knew that this guy would have no problem even if he fell from above. So he raised the two shields in his hand and closed them in the middle, and with a loud bang, several people nearby were shocked to cover their ears.

Luffy, who was lying on the ground, straightened his waist and shouted, “Good morning, everyone! And the sad sea tide was hit on the brain by Nami again, on the grounds that she made such a big movement without reminding her.

When Luffy wakes up, everyone asks him what happened, and Luffy tells the conversation between the housekeeper of the Koya family and a strange man, it turns out that this guy turned out to be a pirate who stayed in Koya’s house for three years, just to seize her family’s property! And tomorrow morning, their pirate group will attack this village!

Haichao asked, “Since such a thing will happen, then why did you sleep here?” Why not notify us? ”

“Ah, this one.” Luffy said, “I remember I was originally on a cliff, how I ended up here, I don’t know.” ”

And Nami said, isn’t it good to know this kind of news? So that you can escape, those enemies are all stupid.

The three little boys thought that Nami had a point, so they went to pack up their things and fled. Luffy, on the other hand, shouted, “It’s not good! If you don’t hurry up and stock up on food, won’t the butcher shop owner also have to escape? Then he was beaten down with his scabbard by Solon, who really couldn’t see it.

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