Hai Chao feels very headache, and the most restrained him is this kind of person, fast speed, dexterous attack, is simply conducive to invincibility, because Hai Chao can’t reach people at all. But if you want to open the situation, you need to get it from him, Solon only has a knife left, very unaccustomed, although not in the inferiority, but it is not so easy to win.

The sea tide began to slowly move towards the place where the knife was placed, and the other party could not break his defense anyway. But as he moved in the direction of the knife, he saw Butch jump up and use gravity to kick him on his shield. This blow actually kicked him back two steps.

This guy’s strength is not weaker than him! This is the most intuitive feeling of the sea tide. In fact, this is not the case, the reason why Butch repelled the sea tide is only because he is too fat, and the force of falling from a height is greater!

And at this time, Nami looked at Solon, who was on a par with Sam, then at the completely suppressed tide, and finally at the two knives on the ground in the distance, she also saw that the breakthrough in this battle was those two knives!

So, while several people were in jiuchan, Nami quickly rushed past them and then rushed towards Solon’s two knives. But just as she was about to get the knife, hey! A flash of light flashed that it was the hypnotist Zango, holding the iron ring he used during hypnosis in his hand and cutting a wound on Nami’s shoulder.

“Can’t you help, we have to hurry through this slope, Captain Chloe is waiting!” Zangao said. Then Nami fell to her knees weakly because of her injuries.

“Nami!” The three people of Hai Chao, Solon, and Usopp shouted loudly. Usopp looked at the injured Nami, as well as Haishio and Solon, who were fighting to the death, and clenched his fists.

“I am a brave sea warrior, and I will fight too!” Usopp said loudly. Then he rushed towards Zango.

But Zangao flew out the ring in his hand, drawing a graceful arc in midair. However, this arc is deadly, as long as it is cut, it will be cut in two. They only learned at this time that this hypnotist actually had good attack power!

Usopp fell to the ground in fright, but immediately got up again and rushed towards Zango. Bang, Usopp was kicked to the ground by Zango. No way, the difference in force value between the two people is too great, even if Zangao does not use the hypnotism that he is best at, it is not something that Usopp can defeat.

Kicked Usopp down, and then Zangao stepped on Usopp’s body and said, “Cat Man brothers, hurry up and clean them up!” ”

But at this moment, Zango seemed to have suddenly discovered something. Not only him, but even the cat man brothers also stopped moving. This series of changes made the tide turn its shield open to see what was happening. It turned out that on the top of the slope, Krabatel, or Captain Chloe, was standing there, and those pirates were all frightened and stupid by Captain Chloe!

Zangao was so frightened that he couldn’t speak well, kicked Usopp away and wanted to explain something, but at this time, the cat man brothers said: “You are very powerful, but at that time, three years ago, after three years of idleness, can you still defeat the active cat man brothers?!” With that, they rushed forward, “Sorry, we’re going to kill you!” ”

Oh, the Cat Man brothers grabbed two paws, but only scratched the bag that Chloe had taken, and Chloe appeared behind him. This is Chloe’s stunt silent step! It is a technique of silent movement, and it is incredibly fast.

I can only see a little splash of dust on the land, but I can’t see Chloe’s trace at all, and he is still behind the Cat Man brother again, but this time, the ten knives on the gloves he is wearing in his hand are across the Cat Man brother’s mouth, scaring them both to cry!

Zangao said: “As early as when I saw the way the man pushed his glasses, I knew that he had not forgotten the fight at all. “Because the glove knife is facing outward, if you push the glasses with the palm of your hand, you won’t hurt yourself!”

“After living on land for three years, my heart has softened a little.” Chloe said, “Give you five minutes to deal with the situation here, or I will kill all of you with my own hands!” ”

And at this time, Nami, who was lying on the ground, suddenly got up and kicked Solon’s knife, only to see two knives fly towards Solon instantly. Solon jumps up to catch the knife, and the three-knife flow will show his strength.

After hearing Chloe’s words, the Cat Man brothers made killing Solon and Hai Chao the only way to survive, because Chloe was too powerful for them to fight at all. So he quickly ran to Solon: “It’s useless, even if you have three knives, the strength is the same.” The two of us join forces and can tear you apart in five seconds! ”

“You don’t understand the difference between three knives and three knives. Torahunti! Solon only used one move, and the Cat Man brothers fell. This scene is very envious of the sea tide, he now has a great lack of attack means, except for an air cannon, he can only hold two walls to shoot hard. But the air cannon requires preparation time, and it is not useful for an extremely flexible opponent like the Shangcat Ren brothers.

“In less than five minutes, I’ll fix you all right away.” Solon, who knew the three knives, was greatly confident and pointed a sword at Chloe and said. But only a cold voice came from Chloe’s mouth: “Three minutes.” ”

At this time, Butch suddenly grabbed Zango’s foot and said to him: “Captain, please hypnotize me, I must take revenge!” ”

“It must be his thick fat that saved his life.” Solon glanced back at Butch and said.

When Zangao hypnotized Butch, he saw that his body seemed to be swollen, and all his muscles were bulging, which was several times larger than before. And that foot just lightly stepped on the ground, and the ground cracked!

“The power has increased so much! Before, you could easily break the ground, but now I’m afraid that even the bones will be shattered if you hit it! Solon said, looking at Butch, the hypnotized cat man.

“Oh, just leave it to me. I was embarrassed by him before, but he just restrained me. Now it’s up to me to restrain him! He said to Solon with a chuckle.

“Okay, be careful.” Solon glanced at the sea tide, saw that he was so confident, and did not say anything more, turned around and prepared to deal with Captain Chloe. No way, only he and Hai Chao can fight here, and if Hai Chao deals with Butch, Chloe is his.

At this time, Nami noticed one thing, that is, their captain was still lying there sleeping! The big bosses of the people are knocking on the door, but their captain is sleeping, which must not be enough, so Nami decides to wake up Luffy.

But when Nami ran to Luffy’s side, Zangao once again took out a ring and threw it at Nami!

“Nami be careful!” Haishio and Solon both shouted loudly, and the knife that Solon held in his mouth even fell out, but he didn’t care about this either, because if Nami couldn’t dodge in time, her head would be cut off!

And at this time, in order to wake up the hypnotized Luffy, Nami stepped on Luffy’s face, trampling on him, the rubber man, so that his face was deformed. In this case, if you don’t wake up, you will definitely be the reincarnation of the god of sleep!

Luffy grabbed Luffy’s foot with one hand, then jerked it up, knocking Nami over the moment she was about to be cut by the ring. And the ring also crossed Nami and flew towards Luffy. As soon as Luffy stood up, he saw the dark weapon coming, and he didn’t even have time to raise his hand, so he directly opened his mouth and took the ring in his mouth! Click, the ring made of pure metal was actually bitten into pieces by Luffy like this! And he shouted loudly at Nami: “Nami, you guy actually stepped on my face, it hurts!” Said and touched the corner of his mouth.

Just now, he grabbed the ring, but the sharp outer ring of the ring still cut the corner of his mouth. If he hadn’t been able to hold it just now, I’m afraid half of his head would have been cut off! Although he is a rubber man, this cutting attack is exactly what he fears the most!

“Go and beat them all!” Nami said loudly, “For my treasure! Luffy suddenly felt bitter, knowing that Nami would only be so energetic because of the treasure. As soon as Nami finished speaking, she fell to the ground, her shoulders were cut, and she ran several laps on her back, and her physical strength was already overdrawn.

“Damn it! The guy woke up, and he was the hardest to deal with. Five minutes is definitely not enough, we will all be killed! The injured pirates said in horror when they saw Luffy climb up. They are not afraid of the sea tide and Luffy who will hurt them, but they are afraid of Chloe’s means!

“One minute.” Chloe’s voice came out coldly. Then he pushed his glasses with the palm of his hand and said, “The Black Cat Pirates are really getting more and more useless, it seems that they should kill everyone!” Such callous words came out of his mouth, without even the slightest hesitation.

And at this time, the change appeared again! A person appeared behind Chloe, and Chloe was the most mingan for this kind of behind-the-back approach, and he would hack people to death as soon as he turned around.

And Usopp was originally kicked down the cliff by Zangao, but he saw who it was, it was Keya! So he threw himself over with a yell, took Koya in his arms and rolled on the spot, avoiding Chloe’s fatal blow. But he was so badly injured that it took a lot of effort to even move.

At this time, Koya suddenly took out a gun and pointed it at Chloe, but looking at the tears in her eyes, she knew that she was still missing Chloe’s care for herself in the past three years and did not shoot directly.

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