Bala couldn’t believe until he was knocked out, why there were hostages in hand, and the sea tide dared to attack him. However, Yamaji, who was standing on the side, could see clearly, just now, Akin had already put down his gun and rushed up with a strange weapon in hand. It is precisely because of this that Haichao dares to attack Bala with confidence.

At this time, Akin had also rushed over, and the strange weapon in his hand was aimed at the sea tide. The sea tide raised the shield wall on his left arm to withstand Akin’s attack. However, Hai Chao frowned, because he clearly sensed that his shield wall had actually cracked! Although it was not broken, the cracks that had been chopped by Mihawk were all broken, and there were some extensions in other places. The place where Mihawk was chopped is now the weak point of his shield wall, so fragmentation is not unusual, but fragmentation in other places is a big problem, which shows that Akin’s attack can easily shatter steel!

Well? Akin was also stunned for a moment, because he clearly knew his strength, even if it was Mr. Bala, the iron wall man, there was no reason to survive after he hit this trick, and his so-called iron wall that no one could break was just a joke. But his own attack hit this guy’s shield, and this shield turned out to be only slightly cracked!

He clearly knew that this shield had been cut by that hawk-eyed man before, and now his own blow could not break it! How hard is this tattered shield!

“Hehe, your target should be this guy.” Haichao gently kicked Bala, who was knocked to the ground by him, and said to Akin, “But aren’t you guys in a gang, why did you attack him?” ”

“Some things have to be solved by myself, and since Mr. Yamaji is not willing to give up this ship even if he dies, then let me kill him personally!” Akin said coldly.

“Hehe, Sanji, this is a problem you caused yourself, how about leaving it to you to solve yourself?” Kaishio said to Yamaji.

“I can’t ask for it, since he has decided to become my enemy, then I will never show mercy.” Sanji said.

“Then so be it, what shit iron wall people have been abolished, Akin will be handed over to Sanji, as for that idiot Klick, Luffy, you have no problem!” Hai Chao shouted loudly at Luffy.

“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely knock this guy away!” Luffy also responded loudly to the sea tide, completely ignoring Klick’s livid face.

“That’s fine.” Haichao said, “Hey, cooks, I’m hungry, help me prepare something to eat!” Hai Chao said to the cooks.

“Bastard, didn’t you see that we were fighting?” The chefs, led by Paddy and Canel, shouted at the tide. It turned out that the pirates who had just fallen into the sea came up again. Although the fins were torn apart by the tide, they still floated on the surface of the sea, and it was easy to stand a few people.

“They handed it over to me!” Hai Chao said, separating the two shield walls along the break where Mihawk’s slash was, and then formed five small air cannons, and bombarded the pirates, knocking them all away and falling into the sea again.

“Prepare food for twenty people, I’m going to sea!” Haichao shouted to the cooks.

“Mr. Haichao, what are you doing at sea at this time? Your partner is going to fight Chief Klick, won’t you stay and help him? Paddy asked strangely.

Haichao turned his head and glanced at Luffy and said, “Since that guy said that he can handle it, then he will definitely not let me down.” Then glanced in the direction where Nami disappeared, “But I’m worried about Solon’s side, this guy Solon is too badly injured, Usopp, Johnny and Joseph have no combat power, if they really encounter a strong opponent, they will be dangerous.” ”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Haichao, food for twenty people, five minutes!” After listening to Haichao’s words, the cooks immediately rushed inside and went to prepare food for Haichao.

And at this time, Luffy said: “Haichao, don’t you know how to sail, if you want to go to Solon and them, how to get over!” ”

“Don’t worry, I have a way not to use the ship!” Haichao smiled confidently and said to Luffy.

After only two minutes, Paddy came out with a large bag of food. Haichao didn’t expect it to be so fast, but when I think that the other party has more than a dozen cooks, it is basically enough for one person to make a portion, plus it is not a delicate thing, as long as it can be eaten, it will be so fast.

At this time, the sea tide took the shield wall down and then began to control the deformation of the shield wall. Slowly, the shield wall turned into the shape of a canoe! Then the tide gently put the shield wall in the water, and sure enough, it floated on the water!

“Hahahaha, my boat is ready!” The size of the sea tide sounded, and then again controlled the remaining shield wall to break down into small pieces, turned into small air cannons, and put them in the stern position, so that the power of the ship also has it, not even rowing, and the speed is still very fast!

“Luffy, the matter here will be left to you, remember to bring Sanji with you when you look for us!” Hai Tio yelled at Luffy.

“Don’t worry, I’ll send that guy flying soon and go to you, you must protect Nami, she is the navigator I recognized!” Luffy said to the sea tide.

Then, I saw the sea tide jumping slightly, jumped into his own boat, controlled the air cannon began to be powerful, the popping sound came out, the sea tide rushed out at once, but much faster than the boat oars as power!

The tide was driving on the sea, he wasn’t worried about Luffy, that guy was much stronger than himself, and with Sanji there to help, the two of them were enough to deal with these things. On the contrary, Nami’s abnormality made him very worried.

Although he has not read this comic, he has heard of some. It should be a problem in Nami’s family, as if this is the reason why Nami has always hated pirates very much. And Solon was seriously wounded, and Usopp had no other ability than shooting accurately. Johnny and Joseph are even more of the long set, it is impossible to play any superb level, and even Solon is not saved, which is what Hai Chao is most worried about.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but speed up again. Although he can’t sail, but compared to Solon and Luffy, the two guys are much stronger, at least he won’t get lost, know how to identify directions, and the map can be understood, so he knows that in the direction he is going, it should be the pirate with the highest bounty in the East China Sea, and the bounty is as high as 20 million Bailey! When she was on the ship before, Nami used to stare at Along’s bounty list, so she had already locked the target to Along!

“It seems that this time we are going to teach all the top sea thieves in the entire East China Sea Platoon a lesson.” Haichao whispered a little funny, “In that case, let me see how strong Ah Long really is!” ”

On the other side, Solon and Johnny, Joseph and Usopp sailed all the way to Nami’s direction, and they also discovered that the final direction of Nami’s advance turned out to be the territory of Along, the highest bounty in the East China Sea. So, they send Joseph to find Luffy and the tide as a rescuer, but this guy is swallowed by a shark halfway, so he misses the tide and goes directly to Bharati.

The remaining three people traveled all the way and finally came to Along’s territory, Evil Long Paradise! Johnny suggested that he should first look for the forward Melly that Nami was riding on, and Usopp agreed to Johnny’s suggestion. However, Solon directly pushed the knife in his hand out of its sheath and said: “Ready, let’s kill it directly!” “I hate trouble.” Since Luffy said let me bring that woman back, then no matter who the opponent is, I will bring her back! ”

Saying that, Solon walked to the bow of the boat, pointed the knife in his hand and said: “Ready, go!” Then, he was attacked by two large hammers and fainted. When he woke up again, he found that he had been tied to the mast of the boat.

“Hey, what are you two going to do!” Solon said loudly to Usopp and Johnny, who were looking at the map and studying why Nami had parked the ship in such a remote place.

“Hahahaha, you are a dangerous and seriously injured person now, the task of bringing back that woman will be left to me!” Usopp said, and also patted Solon’s mouth. This one slapped on Solon’s wound, rolling his eyes in pain, and then silently swearing in his heart that one day he would cut him!

At this time, Usopp suddenly saw three fishmen standing on the shore, so he immediately changed from the appearance of just being angry to secretly hiding behind the mast like a mouse.

However, such a boat that had never been seen was too conspicuous for the fishmen, so they decided to come and take a look, and the two fishmen jumped down and swam quickly to approach the boat.

As soon as Usopp and Johnny saw that the fishman was coming, they were immediately frightened and stupid, and decided to jump ship without saying a word, but they left Solon, who was still tied to the mast.

So Solon was bought by these two guys. Poor Solon didn’t even have a chance to come out with his sword, because two pig-like teammates fell into Along’s hands.

And when Usopp and Johnny went ashore, they found that it was a ruin! Dilapidated houses and ravines in the ground all show that this place has been abandoned. And all this was done by Along!

ps: Ask for flowers, reviews, monthly passes, tips, all kinds of requests. Guys, 100,000 words! Is 100,000 words too much? Definitely not counted, but look at the time, Xiaoyan began to update on the twenty-third, today is the third, twelve days of more than 100,000 words, basically a day of 89,000 words of update, Xiaoyan is very serious. But now the data is also in the eyes, it is really not good. Little salt signed a contract, but what about signing? It’s nothing. After communicating with the editor, the editor said that if you want to recommend a bit, you must have good grades. In fact, this is paradoxical, if the results are good, in fact, it is similar whether it is recommended or not, but Xiaoyan’s current results are definitely impossible to recommend, so how can the results be good? It depends on everyone’s support. Help, give some flower evaluation, it is best to have a monthly pass, so that Xiaoyan can also experience the feeling of being on the list once, thank you!

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