Kaishio glanced at Nami’s gauze-wrapped left hand: “Usopp that guy is an idiot, just because you want to kill him, will you hurt your own hand?” Saying that, Hai Chao couldn’t help but grab her hand and examine the blood stains through the gauze, “You idiot didn’t fool those fish people with your own hands!” Haichao said, already frowning.

And at this time, a woman pushed the door and walked in, and at a glance she saw Nami and Haishio who was holding her hand: “You, you two…” Of course she has seen Haishio, this guy is that long-nosed accomplice, and it is normal to know Nami, but what is the situation of holding hands!?

Nami also discovered this situation, and withdrew her hand from Hai Chao’s hand, and then habitually took out the stick and hit Hai Chao’s brain door with a stick, and as a result, Hai Chao’s brain door once again bulged a big bag, this is the third time.

“Hello, you are Nami’s sister, my name is Haishio, and I am Nami’s partner.” Kaishio said to the woman who came in, as if Nami was not hitting him at all, but in fact he was so used to it that he didn’t react at all.

“I already said that I want you to leave this island quickly. No matter what happened to me, it was not something you could solve, I went out for a walk. The last sentence was said to Nokigao, and then he turned and went out the door to leave.

“I heard some of what happened between you guys with the long nose, but a lot of things are not particularly clear, can you tell me more about it?” Nuo Qigao looked at the sea tide and said softly.

“You’d better ask yourself about this kind of thing, if she wants to say it she will tell you, then can you tell me what happened to Nami, I believe everything has a reason for it, it can’t appear like this for no reason.” Hai Chao said to Nokigao.

“If you want to know, ask her, if she wants to tell you, then he will say.” Nochi gave him a blank look, then turned and left, leaving Haichao alone there to silently wipe his sweat, but he didn’t expect this woman to be so raw and push herself back with her own words.

It was not interesting for Haicho to stay here alone, so he decided to go out for a walk. Slowly, he came to the sea, but found a naval warship! A rat-like guy stepped down from the battleship, followed by a group of naval soldiers.

Haichao’s eyes lit up for a moment, could it be that these guys came to recruit the Along Pirate Group, if this is the case, it will be easy to do. Nami doesn’t want to accept their help now, but if the navy comes to fight the pirates, Nami will definitely accept it.

Thinking of this, Haichao stepped forward: “Are you the navy?” Hai Chao said to the guy who looked like the leader.

“That’s right, I’m Colonel Rat from the 16th Division of the Navy, do you have anything?” Colonel Rat said politely.

“Excuse me, Colonel Mouse, you should know that there is a group of pirates here, are you here to fight them this time?!” Haichao said with some excitement. At that time, even if you fight, as long as you can save Kokoa West Village, then Nami should have no worries, you can go on an adventure with them, so that he can also be regarded as completing Luffy’s mission.

But what he didn’t expect was that as soon as he finished talking about the Along Pirates, Colonel Mouse’s face changed at that time, and he ordered the naval soldier next to him: “This guy ran out of somewhere, hurry up and arrest him for me, I suspect he is a pirate!” Without saying a word, the soldiers rushed towards the tide.

Haichao saw that things seemed to be different from what he imagined, and hurriedly ran away. After this period of exercise, although his speed is still short, it is much faster than ordinary people, and he will not be able to abandon the naval soldiers who are chasing him after a while.

Haichao is a little strange, why did this rat colonel immediately turn his face when he said the Along Pirate Group? Is there something hidden in this?! So the sea tide quietly touched back, this time, he did not see the mouse colonel, thinking that he should have gone ashore to do something.

The tide quietly bypassed the naval soldiers standing guard, and then used the shield wall to transform a small boat and came under the warship. Next, he made his shield sharp as a knife, cut into the warship, and then used the shield wall as a step to climb up.

As soon as he showed up, he saw two navies cleaning up on deck. Hurriedly retracted his head, then glanced with his eyes, found a dead spot that no one could see, and boarded the ship. The tide wasted no time on deck and went straight to the inside of the cabin.

Along the way, he evaded several groups of patrolling navies, searched several rooms, and finally came to a room in the middle of the ship. Most boats will have this position as the captain’s room, not the conference room, so the tide gently pushes the door and wants to enter.

But what I didn’t expect was that the door was locked. However, this was difficult for the tide, so he directly opened a door for himself on the wall next to him, and after walking in, he gently restored the wall.

After walking in, Haichao knew that he had found the right place this time, and this place should be where the Colonel Rat lived. Compared to the previous rooms, this is like heaven. The wide wooden chuang is also covered with a layer of soft chuang pad. If you look closely, it’s all velvety!

There are many other luxuries, but the sea tide is completely unrecognizable. The reason why I know about velvet is that the logo on the chuang mat is written. However, although Haichao is a dirt bun, he knows that these things are expensive, which also shows that Colonel Mouse is definitely not a good thing!

Because how could an ordinary colonel of the naval branch use such a luxurious thing? Therefore, he either looted the people’s fat and people’s ointment, or after fighting the pirates, he took the pirates’ wealth for himself.

Hai Chao gently groped, he believed that this place would definitely not only have such a few things, but also a secret treasure that would definitely be collected. For example, he found a few hundred Bailey’s change in the drawer, which is enough to buy a newspaper, and the sea tide in such a luxurious place does not believe that there is only such a little money!

Sure enough, when Hai Chao touched the chuang, he found a very small knob. With a light press, the whole chuang actually moved. Then Haichao saw that under Chuang’s four legs, there were actually four safes!

Instead of checking what was in the safe, he directly moved out all four safes, and then loaded it in a large bag and carried it on his back. With a gentle touch of the wall, a gap suddenly cracked, and after the tide drilled out, the wall was restored. In this way, he easily came to the deck of the ship. Finally, using the small boat turned into a shield wall, it successfully returned to shore.

Coming to the shore, Hai Chao went to a remote place and slammed his shield against the safe, successfully smashing it open. After smashing it open, Haichao found that it was full of all kinds of gold and silver jewelry!

After opening all four chests, Haichao found that these treasures together should be worth about 30 million Baileys. I didn’t expect that Colonel Rat to be so rich! Haichao sighed, but did not know that Colonel Rat and Ah Long were in the same stream, and in order not to attract the attack of a powerful navy, Ah Long specially spent money to stabilize him here, and would give Colonel Mouse a supply every year.

And Colonel Mouse, this guy is exactly like a mouse, he puts everything in his hole, but never moves out. Over time, I saved such a huge amount of money, but now it is all cheaper than the sea tide.

Satisfied with his sack, Hai Chao carried a large bag of treasure towards Coco Yasi Village. What he was thinking now was that if he gave these treasures to Nami, then she would not hit her head in the future. This girl is really savage, she actually stared at her head, and hit that position every time.

Thinking of this, Hai Chao touched his head and found that this place actually raised a small piece. With a light press, I found that it still hurt a little, it turned out that the big bag that Nami had punched out before was not completely good! This guy’s strength is really not small, Hai Chao sighed.

When Haishio walked to Nami’s house, he found Nami kneeling on the ground, her shoulders covered in blood. And Luffy stood behind her. Haishio came to the side and stopped because he saw Solon, Sanji, and Usopp all waiting there.

At this time, he heard Nami say, “Luffy, help me!” A smile appeared at the corner of Haichao’s mouth, this is what they really want!

Luffy took off his most precious straw hat, then pressed it on Nami’s head, and shouted, “Of course!” ”

Then Luffy turned around and said to everyone who was standing or sitting, “Ready to return, let’s go!” Then he headed towards Evil Longland.

“Wait a minute.” At this time, Kaishio said, “As a gift for Nami’s return to the Straw Hat Pirates, I will put it here, I hope you will like it.” Then, he gently placed the large bag on his shoulder behind Nami.

Then the crowd continued to walk forward. On the way, Haicho asks what happened, and finally finds out that it turns out that Colonel Rat colluded with Along to confiscate all of Nami’s property. It was the money she had saved from her agreement with Along to buy Cocoa West Village! It took eight years, starting when she was a little girl. It can be said that these two shameless guys ruined Nami’s last hope!

“Colonel Mouse?” Haishio narrowed his eyes slightly, an expression he had never seen before, but everyone, including Solon and Luffy, was shocked and cold, and Usopp trembled even more.

No one knows, this is the expression of Hai Chao when he is really angry, he has already moved to kill!

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