Haichao walked up to Alec and said, “Don’t appear in front of us again, or I’ll kill you next time!” And, don’t fight the idea of a thousand years long, we will help her realize her dream, you will not have any chance. After saying that, Hai Chao left dashingly. When he left, Haichao’s heart was still a little dark, he was originally just a small farmer, and he never thought that he would also have the day to say words to warn other people!

And Alec finally couldn’t hold on at this time, collapsed on the ground and fainted. His use of mid-level big moves is quite a bit of consumption, and he was injured by the sea tide, and he couldn’t support it for a long time. If it weren’t for the belief in survival that sustained him, he would have fainted long ago. Now seeing that the sea tide did not kill him, he finally couldn’t hold on.

Hai Chao directly turned around and wanted to go down the mountain, but at this time, he suddenly found a long hand stretched out and directly grabbed his collar. Hai Chao swallowed a mouthful of spit with difficulty, and then his whole person flew out. In the process of flying, Haichao vowed: “Luffy that bastard, I must kill him!” ”

Then, he was thrown directly into the sea by Luffy. You know, the sea tide is a Devil Fruit ability, and can’t swim! Coupled with the two very heavy shield walls on his body, he immediately sank into the sea.

As soon as Yamaji and Solon saw that such a thing had happened, they quickly jumped into the sea, and finally succeeded in catching the tide, but even so, the tide drank a belly of seawater, and after going ashore, the tide said weakly: “I will kill you one day!” ”

At this time, Nami noticed that there were several scars on Haishio’s back, as if they had been cut by a sharp blade, and hurriedly shouted: “Haichao, you are injured!” Hurry up and take off your clothes for me to see! “Saying that, I will go to pick up the clothes of the sea tide.

Hai Chao hurriedly stopped and stripped his clothes in front of so many people, this is not to embarrass himself. He said: “No, no need, the injury is not serious, it is just a skin injury!” Then he hurried to get his clothes in order.

Nami glanced at Haichao, and also knew that what she had just done was inappropriate, and did not continue to insist. Before she was just a little anxious, after all, there are two turtle shells in the sea tide, how can it be so easy to be injured?

On the other side, the navy on the warship seemed to have seen a supernatural phenomenon, and the Meili suddenly appeared in front of them. It was the Merry that had returned to its original sea after crossing the storm, and the Navy had not entered it, of course not knowing the situation inside.

“Hurry up and get ready to catch up, don’t grind!” However, the major on the warship was very calm and could command the navy.

“Major, Mr. Eric hasn’t returned yet, do we have to wait for him?” At this time, a naval soldier asked the major.

“Don’t wait for him, he’s just a mercenary, it’s not the same as us at all, we only follow the commander’s command, what does it matter to him?” It is very unfair to mention this Major Eric, this guy is very unfair about the things entrusted by the colonel, pointing fingers at himself everywhere, and always mocking the navy. This time there is a chance to leave him here, the major is too late to be happy, how can he wait for him?!

By this time, the Meili had traveled far away. Although the warship is much larger than the Merry, the Merry is faster than it. Usopp looked at the row of naval warships following behind him and said excitedly: “They can’t catch up with us!” ”

“Compared to the naval warships, the Merry is indeed much faster, and there is nothing wrong with that.” Nami said, “But Luffy, what the hell are you planning, what are we going to do when we get to Gunkanjima?!” ”

“Don’t worry!” Luffy shouted, but didn’t make any constructive suggestions.

“Don’t worry about anything?! How can you go on like this without worry? Those warships only need a salvo to sink the Merly! Nami shouted at Luffy, having never seen such an irresponsible captain.

“We just need to find Gunkanjima before they do, and then let Long Ye get better, can’t we?!” Luffy said with a smile.

“Don’t say it so simple, maybe the long cave has sunk to the bottom of the sea!” Yamaji retorted at this time.

“That’s right, even if it is as long as Long Ye remembers, the long cave will still float up, then I am afraid it will take time. And if the time drags on for a long time, it is quite unfavorable for us, after all, there are too many fleet warships in the navy, and if they surround us, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape. Haichao also said at this time. He had already changed his clothes and rubbed his wound medicine, and the injuries he had received before were just small to him.

“Then we’ll go directly to the bottom of the sea to find it!” Luffy said with a big grin.

“You dry duck really dare to say it!” Hai Tiao roared angrily. He remembered that Luffy had just given him a free day trip to the bottom of the sea, even now he felt like there was still a lot of sea water in his stomach!

“Don’t say so much, in short, we have to go back quickly, but there is not so much time and navy to consume!” Nami said.

“Miss Nami.” Yamaji said suddenly, “It seems that things will not go so smoothly. At this time, everyone saw that another naval warship was sailing towards them. And that warship turned out to be unusually large!

“That’s cool! It seems to be a devil’s face! At this time, Luffy, the nervous bar, shouted again. He saw the bow portrait on the opposite warship, which was indeed more domineering than the sheep on their Merri.

“No, not a warship, but a fleet!” At this time, Usopp, who had better eyes, suddenly shouted loudly.

And Haichao and others also saw that there were more than a dozen warships behind the warship on the opposite side! It’s just that the first warship is too big, so it blocked all the warships behind, but after the fleet dispersed, it showed its hideous appearance in front of Haichao and others!

“How so, how many warships are there in the Navy!” Sanji said with some shock as he took a cigarette.

At this time, Hai Chao was shocked to find that the other party was constantly scattering, and what shocked him was of course not this, but that those boats were wearing giant chains one after another, connecting all the boats together!

“How, what’s going on?” Hai Chao rubbed his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him with some disbelief. Then he suddenly reacted: “Yes! In this world, there is no battle of Chibi, and there is no plan to burn the company camp! ”

After these warships were pierced with chains, they formed a semicircle and surrounded them. Coupled with the few warships following behind them, they were actually surrounded like this!

Everyone on the ship frowned when they saw the scene in front of them, and Abbis said even more anxiously: “What to do!” ”

“Jump into their boat and slaughter them, then cut the rope again! That’s the only way! Usopp, who was standing beside Apis, said suddenly.

Abbis looked at Usopp adoringly and said loudly, “You are so good! You can do it, Usopp! ”

“Up, Luffy, Kaishio, Solon, Sanji!” At this time, Usopp finally couldn’t pretend, pointed ahead and said to the sea tide and others, and Abbis was instantly struck and said, “I know.” After these few days of getting along, even Albis has understood his character, and the method of rushing up and directly ending the other party is definitely not something he can do.

“Hmph, that’s a good idea!” Solon pushed the knife out of its sheath and said with a grin.

“Ah, are you serious?!” Albis said with some shock, “This is not enough for several lives.” “You know, there are more than a dozen or twenty warships on the other side, rushing up and not knowing how many naval attacks to face, how can it be done!” Of course, this is in Abis’s consciousness, and others are different from him.

“That’s right, it seems that there is only one way to do it so far.” Kaishio also followed and said, and then looked at Luffy and Sanji.

Sure enough, these two people also looked eager to try. Nami stepped forward, patted Apis’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, Apis, there must be a way.” But you have to move faster! The last sentence was said to the tide of the sea and their words.

“Okay, ready to go!” Luffy yelled. At this time, waves suddenly appeared on the side of the Meili, which were shot by the shells of the warship. However, it did not hit, but only made the Meili shake up and down because of the waves.

Luffy not only did not get afraid, but shouted loudly: “Yo roar, it’s so comfortable!” Now, rush! ”

Bang bang, bang bang, shells kept banging. The Merry, on the other hand, dodged left and right, avoided all the shells, and constantly rushed towards the front fleet group connected by chains. And at this moment, a shell was fired impartially in the direction of the Meili.

Nami shouted loudly, “There is no way left on my side, you guys hurry up and get it!” “She’s done her best to dodge so many shells, she couldn’t have performed better.”

“Okay, leave it to me!” Hai Chao just wanted to step forward to take the shell, but Luffy shouted, directly used the rubber balloon trick, and immediately bounced the shell back. This frightened the navy all and couldn’t figure out what kind of monster Luffy was! However, everyone on the Merry breathed a sigh of relief, not for fear of being hit by a shell, but for fear that Luffy would mess up again.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for collection. I don’t want to say more about the rest

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