At this time, everyone also saw the magnificent scene on the top of the mountain. Then they rushed straight up, sent directly into the air by the huge waves, and the crowd released and cheered, and then the Meili fell directly into the downward river, which was the passage to the great voyage!

Then, the Meili fell sharply down, and everyone stood on the ship and looked ahead, where they realized their dreams, where the greatest ocean, the great voyage!

At this time, Luffy came to the bow statue, and then looked ahead and shouted: “See, ahead is the world’s greatest ocean great route, the onepiece is somewhere ahead, rush!” One Piece, I’m coming! ”

Then, everyone rushed down on the Meili, and soon rushed directly into the clouds. Although the view was blocked, it could not block the flame of enthusiasm burning in the hearts of everyone, and they all cried out loudly to show the excitement in their hearts.

At this time, Solon suddenly said: “Hey, did you hear anything just now?” ”

“What? What did you say? Everyone was too focused just now to hear Solon, Nami asked rhetorically.

“Didn’t you just hear a strange sound?” Solon repeated his question.

“It’s the wind.” Nami replied nonchalantly, “Maybe it’s because the terrain here is so special that this strange wind sound appears.” After listening to Nami’s words, Solon did not speak, but he always felt that things would not be so simple.

And at this time, Yamaji, who was standing on a high place, suddenly shouted loudly: “It’s not good, Miss Nami! There’s a mountain ahead! ”

“Mountains? How could there be mountains? Nami asked in disbelief, “After the twin capes in front, it should be only the sea.” ”

“But there really is!” Sanji reported loudly.

“Leave it alone, rush!” Only Luffy shouted loudly regardless of it.

And it was at this time that their ship finally broke out of the clouds, and the thing in front of them was finally exposed to everyone’s eyes.

Luffy shouted first, “That’s not a mountain, it’s a black wall!” ”

The others objected in unison: “No, it’s not the wall, it seems to be… A whale! Everyone was horrified to find that there was a huge whale in front of them, not even smaller than the giant sea king they had seen!

“How, how, how? Do you want to fight? Usopp stammered at the frightened face of the big whale and said to everyone.

“Stupid, we can’t beat him!” Nami shouted loudly, how could such a big guy have beaten it!?

“Cocoa Cocoa is blocked by him, what are we going to do!?” Usopp continued to ask in a panic.

“Wait a minute, it’s just a wall so close, where are his eyes!?” Sanji said.

“Yes!” Nami reacted immediately, “Maybe he didn’t notice us at all, so we can go around!” ”

“Quickly think about how to get around, it’s about to crash!” Solon said. Bumping into this kind of guy is probably no different from hitting the Red Earth Continent, the ship will be shattered, and they will also be buried in the sea!

“There is a gap on the left, you can go over, go to the rudder!” Hai Chao’s eyes were sharp, and he saw their way of life at once.

“No more! The rudder has been broken before! Usopp shouted anxiously.

“Then forcibly turn the rudder! I’m here to help too! Haishio shouted, and then together with Solon, Yamaji and Usopp, they began to work together to break the broken rudder, but without leverage, their strength was all wasted, and they couldn’t turn the rudder at all!

And Luffy this guy did not come to help, but shouted: “I have a way!” Then he turned and ran towards the cabin. Nami knew that she was going to be bad when she heard it, Luffy was famous for this guy’s mess, but before she could stop it, Luffy had already rushed into the cabin.

The four people of Haichao were still trying to turn the rudder to avoid this big guy, but Nami did nothing, just watched the Meili keep approaching the whale, her eyes revealed despair, and said softly: “This is over.” ”

And at this time, Luffy did not hesitate at all, and directly aimed at the giant whale in front of him.

Everyone was stunned by Luffy’s actions, even the four who were trying to turn the helm. And due to the reaction force of the cannon bombardment, the whole ship shook violently, and then slowly began to slow down, and finally stopped in front of the whale, but the sheep’s head in front of the Melly was still mounted on the whale and broken.

Nami accidentally fell to the ground due to the shaking of the ship, and after realizing that Luffy had attacked the whale with a cannon, she muttered to herself, “Am I already dead?” “No way, Luffy’s approach is too surprising, even if the Melly slows down and stops, but if the whales notice them, I’m afraid it’s just as difficult to escape!”

At this time, Luffy was shocked than everyone else, or more appropriately described as angry. Because he found that the bow statue was broken, and there was his special seat!

Everyone else collapsed on the ground, but the whale’s anger they imagined did not appear, and at this time they realized that the whale was too large, so the bombardment of the cannon just now did not seem to make him feel it, because it was like a mosquito bite to him!

Solon swallowed a mouthful of spit hard, and then said to everyone: “Take advantage of now, run away!” Then the four men began to row desperately with their oars, sparing the whale’s side!

Usopp didn’t understand what was happening at this time, how the cannon hit the whale, and he didn’t react. After the sea tide explained it to him, he also understood, so he hurried to speed up, and what they were thinking about now was how to quickly escape from the whale’s side!

At this time, the whale suddenly chirped “softly”. Of course, it was a gentle chirp for him, but for Hai Chao and the others, the sound was louder than the sound of the earth-shattering thunderbolt, which directly shocked them all to cover their ears, and they couldn’t even care about rowing. The sea tide only felt that their ears seemed to be deaf!

At this time, Luffy came out of the cabin, only to see him standing under the eyes of the giant whale, and said angrily: “What exactly did you do to my special class!?” “Then a rubber gun hit it!

Everyone else looked at Luffy in shock, all bursting into tears and crying out. You can’t afford to have such a captain!

A punch hit the whale’s eyes that were larger than the Melly, and then he saw the huge black pupil glance down and aim at the Meili. And everyone on the Meili screamed in horror, this time they were really going to die!

Only Luffy, the guy, was still angry and shouted at the big whale there: “How is it, come on!” ”

“You idiot shut up for me!” The crowd rushed up and directly threw him to the ground, preventing him from continuing to provoke the whale.

At this time, everyone found that the whale had actually laid down its previously upright body, and then after roaring, they found that the Meili uncontrollably began to move towards the whale’s mouth!

The Merry shook strongly, and Luffy, the guy, accidentally fell directly under the ship! The tide hurriedly threw a chain, and the others pulled Luffy back. But the ship swayed again, and the chains thrown by the tide did not succeed in entanglement Luffy, but entangled!

In a hurry, the sea tide jumped directly from the ship, and then directly condensed the air wall and ran towards the direction Luffy fell. Grabbed Luffy all at once before he fell into the sea.

But at this time, the two of them turned around, but they were completely dumbfounded, because they found that the entire Meili was directly swallowed by the whale! The two of them were angry at that time, they didn’t want to think about anything, they just wanted to save their partners!

Luffy stretched his arm straight out, trying to grab the Melly. And Haichao also used the strongest degree of lock fruit for the first time, and then he saw countless chains suddenly appear from his side, stretching out towards the whale’s mouth, wanting to pull the Melly back. But neither Luffy nor the tide failed, because the whale swallowed too fast, and in an instant the Merlie disappeared!

And the mouth of the big whale actually closed like this, and the Meili completely disappeared in the eyes of the two people.

Luffy was furious and frantically began to hit the giant whale with a rubber gun, but this attack did not seem to be of any use, because the whale did not even move, as if he did not feel it at all.

Moreover, the whale actually sank directly down. How could Luffy just let him go like that? Hurry to catch up. But he was pulled by the tide, because if once Luffy enters the sea, there will be no strength, let alone chase whales, but he himself will be drowned, don’t forget that the Devil Fruit ability is a dry duck!

“Follow me! We sabotage directly from inside his body and then into his stomach to rescue the others! Hai Chao said grimly to Luffy. This time he was also really angry, if he couldn’t save his partners in a short time, I was afraid they would be digested by whales! And the way to stop all this is naturally to kill this whale!

But the whale is too big, and it is too difficult to kill him if you want to attack from the outside, so the sea tide decides to enter directly through the breathing hole on the whale’s head. But when they came to the whale’s head, they found that there was a skylight-like door on his head!

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