“Usopp, ignore him.” Solon said to Usopp, then turned to Nami and said, “Nami, since the exit has appeared, let’s leave quickly, Luffy and Haishio and the two of them don’t know where they are.” ”

“yes, I’m worried about the two of them now.” Nami said the same.

But at this moment, the Meili suddenly shook! And it’s not just the Meili, even the surface of the water where they are swaying! Finally, they immediately understood that it should be this whale shaking violently!

“What’s wrong? What happened!? Everyone on the boat said in surprise, and then hurriedly grabbed the boat so as not to fall. At this time, Nami suddenly pointed to the ‘island’ and said: “Look, it’s not an island, it’s a boat!” And it seems to be made of metal! (In the anime, the Chinese translation is made of iron, I don’t know if Oda reads less, I don’t know if iron melts in stomach acid, or the problem of the Chinese group, so I changed it here.) This is probably a common sense mistake. )

Sure enough, everyone saw that the ‘island’ was constantly shaking with the waves in the vibration of the water, and it was indeed a small boat!

And Usopp also shouted loudly: “Of course! This ‘sea’ is gastric juice, and ordinary boats will melt away if they take a long time! Even a wooden ship cannot withstand such corrosion! ”

“Hey, what’s going on!? Explain it! Usopp shouted at the old man, since he said that this was his vacation place, then he must be familiar with this place, so he must know what happened!

The old man glanced at them and said, “This whale…” After a pause, he looked at the whale again, “Rab started hitting the Red Earth Continent with his head!” “An amazing news came out of the old man’s mouth, this whale is shocking in hitting the Red Earth Continent!

“What?” Sanji, Usopp and Solon were all shocked and said in disbelief.

And Nami thought for a moment and said, “Speaking of which… This whale’s head is indeed scarred! And also yelled at the sky. ”

“What’s going on?” Usopp asked suspiciously to Nami.

“So it is, I know!” Nami said, “This whale is in pain!!” ”

“I understand, it turns out that this is the purpose of this old man! He wants to kill him from the inside of this whale! It turned out to be so despicable! Usopp said with some disdain.

Solon interrupted Nami and Usopp’s speculation, and then said: “Okay, now that the mystery is basically solved, let’s get out of here quickly, if we continue to stay here, we will be melted away!” ”

“We have no reason to care about whaling, nor are we obliged to save this whale, so leave quickly.” Sanji also said.

But at this moment, the whale is constantly hitting the red earth continent, causing the gastric juice to roll very violently, and the Meili shakes too much. Usopp shouted, “Damn it! The wave is so big, do we have a way to get to the door? ”

“I can only paddle, hurry up and help!” Solon took out a large oar and shouted at Sanji and Usopp.

“Let’s get out of here quickly, I’m worried about Luffy and Haishio now!” Nami also shouted loudly.

“Don’t worry, Luffy has been rescued by the sea tide!” Solon said to Nami. “The sea tide has the ability of air walls and can walk in the void, so it will not fall into the sea, and the two of them will not be in any danger now.”

But at this time, Nami suddenly saw that the strange old man jumped directly into the stomach juice! So he shouted to the crowd: “That old man jumped down!” ”

Several other people were also very strange, muttering, “What is he doing?” It will melt down! ”

At this time, Luffy and Hai Chao were guilty. They were walking through the metal passage, but suddenly noticed that the passage began to rotate continuously! And there is no regularity, just random shaking. Both were thrown away, and in order to avoid the two of them scattering, the sea tide could only lock him and Luffy together. And the use of two wall shields to protect the two people, so that they will not constantly hit the surrounding iron walls.

But even so, they were shaken and dizzy, and they couldn’t tell the difference between east, south, north, up, down, left and right.

At this time, the two of them suddenly fell down, got up and slowed down, only to find that they came to another passage, this passage was much larger, like a large underground pipe. Luffy kept asking Hai Chao, “Where is this?” Sea? River? Or sewers? Haichao was annoyed by the question, because he didn’t know where it was.

I could only perfunctorily say to Luffy: “I don’t know, let’s take a look, we should be in the body of the big whale now.” ”

At this time, the two of them suddenly found that this passage began to tilt continuously. Hai Chao hurriedly stabilized his figure and kept himself clinging to the wall. But Luffy, this guy, slipped under his feet and fell directly! Haicho forgot that he had locked the two of them together before, so unfortunately, he was pulled by Luffy and slipped under his feet, and then both of them slipped!

The speed of the two people falling faster and faster and faster, Hai Chao tried to regain his balance several times and use the air wall to stop himself, but because Luffy, the guy with his teeth and claws, all failed! And then they started running like that, and they couldn’t stop at all!

At this time, the sea tide did not dare to use the air wall to slow down. You know, although the air wall is only a layer of air, it is harder than the dirt wall! And if he hits it at this speed, Luffy won’t be injured because he ate the rubber fruit, but he will definitely get hurt! Although it is not necessarily too badly injured, in this unknown mysterious place, it is certainly not a good thing to be injured.

At this time, he and Luffy suddenly saw two people in front of them, a man and a woman, still holding weapons in their hands. But the speed of the two of them is too fast to stop at all! So it directly hit the body of the man and the woman, and then they flew out directly, because behind those two people turned out to be a door!

Suddenly, he rushed out of the passage, and the sea tide immediately reacted, immediately condensing a wall of air under him, and then he and Luffy stopped on it steadily. And Hai Chao hesitated, and condensed the wall under the two people, preventing them from falling into the ‘sea’ below, after all, it was the two of them who knocked each other away.

And at this time, Nami and they suddenly saw Luffy and Hai Chao rushing out of the door, and they were all stunned for a moment, and then Nami quickly shouted loudly: “Hai Chao, Luffy, we are here, hurry up!” ”

After hearing Nami’s words, Haicho walked directly over, and brought the two guys to the Meili by the way.

“Hey, how did you two show up here!?” Nami asked strangely.

“After you were all swallowed by the big whale, the two of us were in a hurry and finally decided to kill the whale and rescue you. But suddenly found that there was a door on the head of this whale! Then we came in, and then we met you. But here, what the hell is it!? When Haichao said this, he also looked at the blue sky and white clouds above his head in amazement.

“This is the stomach of the whale, and the blue sky and white clouds above the head are drawn by a strange old man.” Nami explained for Kaishio.

At this time, they found that the whale had stopped and did not continue to hit the red earth continent. At this time, they finally turned their attention to the other two guys, that is, the two who were knocked by Luffy and Hai Tide, and then rescued by Hai Chao.

“Who are you two?!” Hai Chao asked a little strangely. I didn’t notice it before running too fast, but now I see that these two guys are really weird enough, and the man has a crown on his head, as if he is a king. The woman is okay, she looks very beautiful, I didn’t see Sanji there to dedicate himself to the idiot!

“Mr.9, they are pirates!” At this time, the woman whispered to the man.

“I know, MissWednesday, but it’s okay to explain it to them, it should be…” At this point, he himself felt unconfident, and the pirates, what can he explain?

“So you’re still here, scoundrel!” At this time, the strange old man suddenly came out and said to the two people, “You guys give up, as long as I live here for one day, I won’t let you hurt Rab!” ”

Everyone looked at the old man strangely, before Usopp and Nami guessed that this old man was going to kill the whale, but how to listen to the meaning of this, it seems that he is still protecting the whale? And Luffy and Hai Chao wondered who this old man was.

“Huh-huh-huh.” At this time, the woman suddenly laughed and said, “Even if you say so, we can’t go back.” ”

“Killing this whale is our mission, today you want to hinder our whaling, we are going to open a big hole in his stomach!” The man also answered and said, and then jointly raised the weapons in his hands and aimed them at the stomach wall of the whale on the head!

ps: second more. Ask for flowers and collect, especially collection, friends passing by to support it, thank you!

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