Bang, with a loud bang, Hai Chao slammed his shield heavily on Dongli’s head. And Dongli was not to be outdone, and slapped the shield in his hand heavily on the sea tide, and the sea tide was slapped out all of a sudden, and the direction that flew out was the direction of the volcano!

The sea tide flew out far away, but his purpose was also achieved, and Dongli fell heavily to the ground, already fainting. The purpose of stopping Dongli’s continued activities can be regarded as having been achieved. With Dongli’s current physical condition, continuing to move will definitely aggravate the scars caused by the explosion inside his body.

“I’m angry!” Luffy said with a serious face after watching the giant fall. At least Vivi had never seen him so serious. Luffy’s impression of Vivi has always been a big grin, no heart and no lungs.

“As the uncle said, this is definitely not done by another giant, and I believe that my partner will never do such a thing, so the result is that there are others on this island!” Luffy said. If the sea tide is still there, he will definitely think that Luffy’s IQ will grow up as soon as he reaches the critical moment, so simply speculated.

On the other side, the sea tide was directly slapped by Dongli near the volcano, and then after breaking N large trees, he finally fell heavily on the ground. Hai Chao moved his body to get up, and then grinned and said: “It’s really worthy of being the strongest warrior of the giant race, the strength is so strong, and that huge body does not affect the flexibility in the slightest, and it actually counterattacked when I hit him.” “This time the tide really hurt a lot. The main reason is that his shield wall was used to attack and could not be used to protect himself when he flew out. And the air wall condensed, but the giant’s power was too great, and the air wall could not resist at all and was smashed by him.

When I got up, I found that I was halfway up the volcano. Due to perennial eruptions, the upper part of this volcano still has magma flowing down, but the sea tide is where the magma flows, and there is a fiery red flower growing there!

The sea tide was shocked, what kind of plant can live in the high temperature of magma ?! He asked himself that he had read thousands of books, but he had never heard of such a magical plant! Is this the Great Route? There is such an amazing plant!

The sea tide directly condensed the air wall and carefully came to the top of the magma. He had to be careful, because even the air here was distorted because of the heat. And the walls of air he condensed were all distorted. This twist is as if steel is squeezed and deformed at high temperatures.

If he is a little careless, if this layer of air wall is broken, I am afraid that his final result will be falling into the magma, ten dead and lifeless!

Hai Chao carefully poked his arm down, constantly approaching the small flowers in the many magma. His arm had been burned by the heat, and his entire arm was covered with blisters burned by the heat wave. Even the skin of his upper body, including his face, had begun to crack, which was a sign of severe dehydration!

Hai Chao ignored it, as if it was not him who was burned by this heat wave, and continued to poke his arm towards the magical little flower. Just when Hai Chao’s hand had already grasped the stem of the flower, there was a sudden cracking sound!

Hai Chao’s face changed all of a sudden, because he could feel that the air wall he condensed was constantly cracking, which was a sign that it was about to break! Haichao directly grabbed the flower, and then with a sharp wave of his left hand, a chain he threw out. And at this moment, his air wall was finally shattered!

At this moment, Hai Chao threw out his longest chain since he got the Lock Fruit. The chain flew directly to the foot of the mountain and became entangled in a tree at the foot of the mountain. And then, the chain began to shorten rapidly, bringing the tide directly down the mountain.

Hai Chao collapsed to the ground, this time it was really nine deaths! But fortunately I got this flower, it was all worth it. Hai Chao looked at the red flower in his hand with joy, this was a magical flower that he had never seen in books!

But the tide is not yet satisfied, and he wants to find more unique, unique plants in the world that exist only on this island. Because he knows that although this flower is magical and can grow in magma, there are more magma places in this world, so although he has not seen the real situation of this flower, he also knows that this flower will definitely not be unique, and other corners of this world will definitely exist.

But Hai Chao is now weak, he is now covered in scalds, close contact with magma, wrapped in hot air, how can it be good?! So now he can only go to rest, and the matter of Dongli’s conspiracy has not yet been clarified, the island is full of dangers, and there are secret eyes staring at them. What even Luffy could guess, of course he could guess, there were definitely other people on this island, and who it was he could guess, the senior agent of the Baroque Work Society couldn’t run!

And at this time, the volcano suddenly erupted! With a rumbling sound, Hai Chao’s face changed instantly! He hurriedly condensed the air wall and ran directly from the air towards where Dongli was before.

But he was still a step slower, because after he ran for two minutes, he found that two giants had already started the battle in the middle of the island! And when he looked at Dongli, he was obviously powerless, and he was suppressed by Brockie everywhere!

“Do you want to interfere with this battle?” Hai Chao thought in his heart, but he immediately vetoed this. It would naturally be best if Dongli could be prevented from going to fight. But the two giants have already fought together, and to interfere with the battle between the two of them at this time is undoubtedly an insult to the glory of their warriors, and the sea tide can’t do this!

Haichao secretly thought in his heart: “What the hell did this guy Luffy do, he actually let Dongli come over and fight!” ”

Where did he know that Dongli wanted to fight, and Luffy naturally stopped it. But he didn’t expect that he was attacked by Dongli. That’s right, it’s a sneak attack, such a big giant, sneak attack on Luffy, it’s really a little funny. And what happened was that Dongli ‘gently’ moved a mountain beside him, pressing half of Luffy’s body underneath, so that Luffy couldn’t even move, and of course it was impossible to stop him. As for Vivi? Well, I thought too much.

And just as the two giants were fighting, everyone on the island changed. First, Princess Vivi’s mount, the fast running duck Karu, meets the killers of the Baroque Work Society, Mr.5 and Miss Valentine’s Day, in the process of running around. It turned out to be tragic.

Solon on the other side once again caught a huge triceratops, but he got lost on the way back to the ship. But he was surprised to find Nami leaning against the tree, and hurried over, and then he didn’t know anything.

Usopp and Nami were at Brockie’s house, Nami said she wanted to go back to the boat, but Usopp said proudly: “I can’t do anything about the fear of Sen Lin, so we can’t go back to the boat through the jungle!” These were originally words to show his incompetence, but in Usoppe’s mouth, it became a proud word.

“Hey, didn’t you say you wanted to be a brave sea warrior?!” Nami said, who couldn’t stand him.

“That’s a spiritual goal.” Usopp said, “I wish I could live as a man with dignity.” ”

Nami, who felt that she had despaired of Usopp, finally made the decision to go to another giant and find Luffy so that she could return to the ship smoothly.

At this time, Usopp was still bragging: “Even if one day I lose everything, when I face death alone on an uninhabited island, I will die with pride!” I am the brave sea warrior Usopp! Then, he was pulled away by Nami pulling the strap of the treasure bag he was carrying.

However, these two sad guys, not long after entering the jungle, were targeted by a terrifying long! Then, the two began to run away quickly, but unexpectedly found that the two of them ran away!

Nami turned her head, but saw Luffy under a tree, waving at her. And when he approached Luffy, it was dark in front of him, and he didn’t know anything.

Usopp ran a long way before finally finding himself and Nami separated. After he stopped, he felt terrible sounds coming from all over the forest, and suddenly he trembled with fear, and then shouted Luffy’s name and began to run wildly.

At this time, Luffy was pressed by the giant with a mountain and could not move. He kept hammering the ground, cursing the sinister villain who destroyed the giant duel. And Princess Vivi was also coming up with ideas on the side, but she couldn’t help anything at all.

And at this time, a person suddenly appeared! I saw that Usopp suddenly flew out of the forest and then hit a large rock head-on, even his nose was crooked.

However, Usopp himself didn’t seem to care about this at all, and directly stood up and ran to Luffy, who was pressed down under the mountain, and shouted loudly: “Luffy, it’s not good Luffy!” Nami was eaten by Fear Long! We ran together in the forest of Sen*, but she suddenly disappeared, what should I do! I didn’t even save my partner! ”

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for collection. Why didn’t I give a tip this month, I just noticed that one was zero. Ask for a tip, change the breakthrough of zero tip this month. Well, that’s all, welcome everyone to support, throw some flowers to Xiao Yan to evaluate something, thank you here.

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