“No, it’s been too long! If Nami can’t reduce her fever within today, she must find a doctor, a professional doctor! Haichao said directly after hearing Weiwei’s words.

“No, no.” At this time, Nami who was lying on the chuang suddenly said, and then actually sat up from the chuang.

“No, you are now a patient, lie down quickly!” Haicho walked over and pressed Nami directly on Chuang, and then continued, “You are a patient, I am a doctor, although I am an amateur, but you must listen to me about this matter!” ”

Haishio’s words are very tough, which Nami has never felt from Haishio’s body. But at this moment, such words made her seem to have psychological dependence, and she lay down at ease, but still said: “In the drawer of my desk, there is a newspaper, you go and bring it to me.” ”

Haicho looked at Nami, then walked over and took out the newspaper, but after handing it to Nami, he still said, “No matter what reason you can say, I will insist on taking you to the doctor!” ”

Nami smiled slightly at Haichao, and then said softly: “Haichao, thank you.” Although she was a little confused before, she knew about Haichao’s single-minded care of her. Giving her medicine and seeing a doctor made Nami very moved.

Then she opened the newspaper and handed it to Vivi on the side and said, “Look at this, there is a report about Alabastan on it.” Wei Wei hesitated, and then took the newspaper, but after reading it, her whole person was directly stunned, and she was frozen there, as if she had lost her soul.

“How so, how so.” Vivi kept muttering, and all that flowed from her eyes was despair.

“What happened?” Haichao looked at Vivi and couldn’t help but have a bad premonition, plus Nami didn’t want to go to the doctor and insisted on going to Alabastan, could it be that there was something wrong with Alabastan? On the other side, Sanji and Luffy also got up from the ground and asked what was going on.

“The 300,000 king army surrendered to the rebel army, the original king army of 600,000, suppressed the 400,000 rebel army, and now the situation has completely changed!” Vivi trembled and read out the contents of the newspaper.

“The riots in Alabastan are finally coming to the surface, and that was in the newspapers three days ago.” Nami said to Vivi, “I’m sorry, I thought it wouldn’t be faster even if I showed you the boat, and I didn’t want you to worry, so I hid it.” Understand, now absolutely can’t delay time, my own body I know myself, it’s just a cold, can’t delay time because of this. Nami’s last words were said to Haishio, not wanting him to continue to stop him.

“I just feel like it’s serious.” Luffy said at this time, it seems that he still has a little brain.

“It’s useless for you to say anything.” “I am now a doctor and I have to be responsible for the patient’s body. I don’t know if you have a cold, but I do know that if you continue to have a fever like this, I’m afraid you will become an idiot! Haicho put his hands on the edge of the chuang, and his two eyes stared at Nami’s eyes without blinking.

Seeing the slow concern in Haichao’s eyes, Nami smiled slightly and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” ”

“I went out to take a look, Solon was driving the boat, I was not at ease.” Nami said as she struggled to get up.

“Lie down honestly!” Haichao directly pressed her on the chuang and said, “Your only task now is to rest and recuperate, and leave the rest to us.” The sky is falling, there are tall people on top, don’t hold everything in your arms! ”

Nami smiled and said, “Okay, okay, listen to you. But if you dare to speak to me like that, I will punish you for doubling the money you owe me. Although he said this, he listened to Hai Chao’s words and lay down on the chuang honestly.

The tide walked straight out of the cabin and saw Solon staring ahead while holding dumbbells. So he stepped forward and asked, “Well, the ship’s course is not wrong.” ”

“Don’t worry about it, the ship has always been in a straight line, and I am watching.” Solon said to the tide without looking back, “You seem to care about Nami’s appearance.” Suddenly, Solon said again.

Hai Chao paused and said, “We are partners, and it’s not just me who cares about her, Luffy also cares!” ”

“Is that so?” Solon glanced at Hai Chao and grinned, but then did not continue to say anything.

Hai Chao didn’t want to talk to Solon more, a little bit of a deserted escape. Then buried himself in the sea of books again, looking for a description of Nami’s condition that matched Nami’s symptoms at this time, so as to give Nami the right medicine, otherwise it would be difficult to cure Nami in this way.

It is a pity that they do not have basic books on medicine here, after all, there are no doctors on board, and they do not pay attention to this aspect. Because these freaks on board were basically not sick. Including the tides that have crossed over, this is the case. Only when Solon was slashed by Hawkeye Mihawk and then fought repeatedly, and the wound was soaked in sea water and inflamed, that he fell ill. It’s just that at that time in Coco Yaxi Village, there was a doctor to treat him, and it only took one day for this guy to go down.

And just after Kaishio returned to her own room in the cabin, Nami did not obey Haishio’s orders and walked out of the cabin. Looking at the record pointer that Solon casually placed beside him, and then looking at the direction the ship was sailing, Nami said to Solon: “What are you looking at?” ”

“What for, the ship is sailing in a straight line, isn’t it?!” Solon looked at Nami with some surprise, wondering why she was angry with herself.

“Yes, sailing in the direction of right angles! You have to take a good look at this pointer! Nami said loudly to Solon.

“Don’t look at that kind of thing, just stare at the biggest cloud in front of you!” Solon said indifferently.

“Stupid, clouds can also move and deform!” Nami shouted loudly, then covered her head and said, “The head hurts!” ”

“Let you go and rest, here I can!” Solon said to Nami.

“It’s because I can’t do it, that’s why I came out!” Nami covered her head and said. Then he suddenly looked up and said, “The air seems to have changed, this is…”

“Air? Nothing has changed, it’s always been sunny. Solon also tried to feel it, but felt nothing. If he can feel it, then he is also a qualified navigator. It’s a pity that not only is he not a navigator, but he is also a super road idiot.

“Don’t talk so much, hurry up and call everyone out!” Nami did not explain to Solon, but ordered him.

At this time, everyone in the Chuang cabin was listening to Wei Wei. Vivi shoulders the mission of saving the fate of the country, although everyone knew this before, but has never understood it in detail, but now synthesized the news in the newspaper, but has a certain understanding. The lives of the entire country’s king army plus the rebel army of one million people were all on her shoulders!

And at this time, Nami is sick, and there is a war in the country, she is now very contradictory, she does not want Nami to have an accident, and she wants to rush to Alabastan as soon as possible, so she is the most painful at this time, more painful than the sick Nami!

At this time, everyone suddenly heard Solon shouting: “Hey, you guys, all come out to work!” ”

Everyone walked out of the cabin, but saw Nami standing on the side of the ship. Solon, on the other hand, directly ordered: “Adjust the direction of the sail and let the port side wind!” “These are all things Nami told him to do before.

And at this time, Hai Shio also walked out of the cabin, saw Nami at once, walked directly over and put his hand on her forehead, and suddenly exclaimed: “What’s going on!?” Your body temperature seems to be higher! ”

“Leave those alone, now there are more important things!” Nami said seriously, but she seemed weak, and her weakness could even be seen by a fool.

“Nami, I know you’re for Vivi, but don’t be too stubborn!” Sanji said suddenly at this time.

“Less verbose, quickly do as I tell you!” Nami shouted at everyone. It has to be said that she has accumulated a strong majesty in peacetime, she ordered this, but no one dared to refute it, and hurriedly adjusted the direction of the ship.

However, another person ignored her order and directly picked her up. This person is Haishio, pick up Nami and walk inside the cabin.

“What are you doing, hurry up and let me go!” Nami exclaimed shyly. After struggling a few times, he had no heart at all, and could only weakly raise his fist and hammer a few times at the mouth of the sea tide to express his dissatisfaction.

“Okay, don’t make trouble!” Haichao said like a child, “Now that they are doing what you tell them to do, you can rest in peace!” Saying that, he walked directly into the cabin and put her on the chuang.

“No, they can’t do anything without me, I have to go and see.” There is a strong wind coming from the front, if you don’t get it right, the boat will capsize, and then we will all die! Although Nami was carried in by the sea tide, she still wanted to go out.

Haichao directly pressed her on the bed for the third time, and then directly grabbed Chuang with both hands and brought his face closer to her and said: “You always care about others, have you ever thought about yourself?!” It used to be Kokoa West Village, now it is Vivi, so what do you do?! ”

Then, he directly conjured up several chains and tied her to Chuang, so that she could not move, and then said: “You will stay here today to rest!” If the ship capsizes, then everyone dies together, and I have no regrets if I can die with you! I don’t want to watch you die alone while we survive! With that, he walked out of the cabin to help.

PS: Please collect. Click to join the bookshelf by passing, the collection has not only not risen in the past two days, but also has a tendency to fall. What a situation is this! Today a collection did not rise, 287, and then sometimes fell to 286, and then restored to 287, so that Xiao Yan is very contradictory, and the heart is grabbed! In addition, ask for flowers, everyone give more support. Let Xiao Yan still have the mood to write a novel in the busy exam, otherwise the exam hanging subject will be troublesome, and then the novel score will plummet, which is even more troublesome. Really, I want to break it today. But if I think about it, if I really break it, then I am even more sorry for the reader, so I insisted on writing it down. I am quite satisfied with this chapter today, I hope you can like it and support it!

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