Outside the city, Joba got out of the camel’s back and asked in a low voice, “Are you all right already?” The camel called softly, and Choiba breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to the camel, “Thank you really this time, but why did you save me?” That’s exactly what makes Chopa weird.

Then he heard the camel call again, “‘No reason, am I handsome?'” ‘Hahahaha, you’re really funny. Qioba said with a little crying and laughing, I really don’t know what kind of camel this is, it seems to be very narcissistic.

“Thank you so much!” Choiba stood on the ground and shouted to the camels walking towards the city. Although he thought this camel was strange, he was still very grateful, if it were not for the camel, I am afraid he would have been caught by those strange people! Although I don’t know who those people are, you can see from those guns that they are definitely not ordinary people!

“It’s a little strange, but he’s such a nice guy!” Looking at the distant camel, Choiba muttered, “But who are those people?” Forget it, no matter, let’s go back to Rohara first. But in which direction is Rohara? Choiba sniffed carefully in the air, and then determined, “Gag, over here!” “He judged it by the smell of that disgusting perfume.

On the other side, Sanji couldn’t find Choba, so he had to wait for him for a while. Fortunately, Choba’s nose is very sensitive, and he finally found it through his sense of smell, so he returned to the place where everyone had gathered before with Yamaji. Of course, everyone was very happy to see Sanji and Choba return, because Sanji and Joba brought them back a lot of food. The tide, Solon, and Usopp couldn’t care about anything, and they all gulped food into their mouths.

At this time, Nami and Vivi changed into the clothes that Sanji bought for them, which were the clothes worn by the dancing girls. Nami came to Haichao in this outfit, twisted it gently, and then said, “How about I wear this?” Saying that, he also flew a glance at the sea tide.

“Uh-huh-uh-uh.” Haisho didn’t know what to say, in short, he said a lot of words, but Nami couldn’t understand it. Because at this time, Haichao’s mouth is full of food, how can he speak?

Bang, after a loud bang, Haishio fell to the ground with a mouthful full of food, but the culprit Nami continued to admire her new clothes as if she was fine, and complained that Haishio didn’t understand anything about this guy.

And Sanji is deeply attracted by Nami and Vivi, the two were originally the best beauties, and now they are wearing a dancing girl’s clothes, which is simply beautiful!

However, Vivi said: “Yamaji, it doesn’t seem appropriate for us to wear such clothes!” ”

“How could it be inappropriate? Miss Vivi, you are so beautiful after wearing this dress! Sanji’s eyes were full of red hearts, looking at Nami, looking at Vivi, they were already busy.

“But what I need is clothes for civilian ships!” Vivi said a little helplessly, how to cross the desert in this outfit, and it is too conspicuous, it is simply a light in the night, isn’t it obvious to tell Klockdar and the group of Baroque Work Society to come back!?

“How is it not the clothes worn by civilians, and the dancing girls are also civilians!” Yamaji justified himself, he just didn’t want the two beauties to take off this dress, otherwise how could he be feasted on his eyes?!

Sanji turned around and looked at Hai Tide, who had also changed into the civilian clothes of Alabastan, Solon and Usopp said: “Compared to the two ladies, the three of you look like a gang of thieves!” ”

“Hmph, you’re not the same yet?!” Solon and Sanji had never dealt with each other, and hearing Yamaji taunt them, they also retorted.

At this time, Usopp noticed that Qioba was wrong, only to see that he had been lying on the ground since he returned, and his two hooves were also covering his nose, and he didn’t even eat, so he stepped forward and asked: “Qioba, what’s wrong with you?” ”

“Crooked nose!” Listening to Usopp’s questioning, Chopa replied.

“By the way, where the hell did you run?” At this time, Yamaji also came over and asked.

“A lot of things have happened anyway!” For a moment, Choiba couldn’t say anything, because there were so many things that happened, from the fact that he was about to suffer from heat stroke, to going up to the carriage to escape the heat, to being dragged away, escaping through a camel, and sniffing the smell of perfume that made him sick… No wonder his nose is crooked!

“What’s wrong? Is he not feeling well? At this time, Nami asked with some curiosity.

“This kid was put down by perfume!” Sanji replied affirmatively.

“Perfume?” Vivi said strangely, and then suddenly realized, “Yes, Qioba’s nose is too sensitive, and these perfumes have very irritating things in them.” We smelled naturally and didn’t feel anything, but Joba he…” Although he didn’t finish speaking, he knew what Vivi wanted to say by looking at Qioba’s appearance at this time.

“Is this it?” Nami smiled wickedly and took out a bottle of perfume that Yamaji had just bought, and then gently sprayed it twice.

“Ah, don’t!” When Qioba saw this scene, he immediately shouted loudly, and then he was smoked with snot and tears flowed out together.

“Ah, even if you want to go to hell, I must love you!” Yamaji looked at Nami’s bad look and suddenly felt that his heart was about to break!

“You’re such an idiot!” Solon looked at Sanji’s performance, pouted disdainfully, and then said.

“What did you say?!” Shan knew that of course he had to refute it, so the two men started arguing again.

“Now that the supplies are ready, then we are about to set off, and the most important thing now is to get Luffy that fool back.” After Haicho had eaten and drunk, he said to Nami.

“yes, but where the hell did that idiot go?” Nami also knew that this was the case, but Luffy ran away in the blink of an eye, and Sanji and Choiba walked around the city, but they didn’t find him.

“Everyone, I still have something I want to say to you.” At this time, Wei Wei suddenly said, “We need to pass through a desert in the middle of our trip to Baba, and in the desert, as long as we take a wrong step, we may be doomed!” I was hesitant to take you there, but I’m going to say now, please help me! ”

“Hehe, you should have said that a long time ago!” Nami looked at Vivi who had already wanted to open and suddenly smiled. Vivi never wanted to drag them down, just wanted to do it herself, and didn’t want to involve everyone in Alabastan’s affairs. But in fact, everyone has long been ready, waiting for only Wei Wei’s words that have asked for help, only by helping each other can they be regarded as real partners!

“I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but I’ll promise we’ll be the same as when we’re at sea!” Sanji looked at Vivi and said.

“That’s right, just the same as before.” Solon also stood up and put the three knives he had untied back at his waist.

“That’s what a partner should do!” Haichao burped deeply, and then said.

“I’m curious about the desert too!” Qioba said with a curious look. But he didn’t know that soon he would start hating the desert and would never want to set foot in the desert a second time in his life!

“Okay, then let’s head towards Choba!” Usopp shouted, and then everyone answered in unison.

On the other side, a shirtless man carrying a package on his back walked down the street of Rohara. If you look closely, you can also see that he has the logo of a white-bearded pirate group tattooed on his back.

At this time, an old man stepped forward and said: “Look at this, this is the legendary golden apple, as long as you eat one, you can live for a thousand years!” “This kind of person knows at first glance that he is a liar.

“I’m sorry, I’m not interested in living for a thousand years, I just need to live today.” The man said softly, and then walked straight forward. This answer directly stunned the old man who promoted Apple, he has been selling fake golden apples for so long, or the first time he heard such a statement. The average person’s statement, at most, is not to believe, no one has ever said that they do not want to live for a thousand years! So such an answer directly made him speechless, and could only watch the man in front of him walk by.

At this time, two voices suddenly exclaimed: “Golden apple? Can live a thousand years!? Those two people were none other than Usopp and Choba, two fools, “Is this true, found in ancient ruins?” So, under the foolishness of the old man, the two people shouted to buy it, but they were directly repaired by Nami.

“I really can’t stand you, can you grow a little brain!?” Nami said with an angry look.

“Don’t take this kind of thing seriously!” Haichao said, opened a curtain, and saw that there was a person inside who was painting the apple gold with a pen!

However, the two fools still firmly believe that it is the golden apple and have been struggling, but they can’t compete with Nami. She launched a rush, but everyone on board was afraid.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for collection! Let’s give some support, click to collect it when you pass by, how can this book still have two or three hundred thousand public chapters, don’t read it!

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