Chapter 155

Hai Chao felt that he had reached his limit, his body was covered in sweat, his shirt had long been taken off, and there were still several scars on it, the most serious of which was the hole left in his chest by Along when he was fighting, almost piercing his heart! The pants he was wearing on the lower half of his body were already soaked with sweat.

At this time, the sea tide and Solon, who was exercising, and Choba, who was lying on the floor enjoying Solon’s fan, suddenly felt that the boat suddenly stopped. Several people were stunned for a moment, but immediately realized that something seemed to be wrong, so they all stopped their movements, got dressed and prepared to go to Nami, who was now in control of the ship.

“Nami, has something happened?” Kaishio walked over to Nami and asked, and just at this time Sanji, Usopp and Ace also walked over, it seems that they also suddenly felt that the boat stopped before coming.

“Whatever Miss Nami does, it’s the right thing!” Yamaji’s eyes were red, and the flower dementia seemed to have committed again.

“It’s like this, Vivi has something she wants to ask Karu to do, so she will stop the boat in this place.” Nami explained.

“Hmm.” Vivi nodded and said, “That’s right, I’m going to stop the boat.” Choba, could you please help translate Kalu’s words? Then he disembarked directly, and Hai Chao looked at it and followed, but he didn’t step forward, just stood here and looked at Vivie.

“Eh? Okay, no problem! Qioba was stunned for a moment, and then immediately reflected, and also followed Vivi off the boat.

Under the ship, Vivi took out a letter and said to Karu, “Karu, now I want to ask you one thing, that is, to send this letter to the palace of Aloba to my father.” In this letter, there are all the intrigues of Klockdar and the Baroque Work Society, as well as some information that Ikarem and I have gathered. And the fact that I returned to Alabastan alive, and how I found so many reliable companions. Can you do this? To cross the desert alone! Vivi looked at Karu with a serious face, and Karu was very excited and shouted “Ga”!

“He said he promised to complete the task!” as Choiba helped Karou translate.

“Karu, come on!” Luffy and the others shouted at Karu together.

“Gah!” Karu shouted again, and then ran towards the depths of the desert.

“He said, ‘Don’t worry, you’ll get the job done!'” Choiba translates again.

“By the way, Karu, don’t forget to help me tell my father that this country has been saved!” Vivi said loudly to Karu who had already walked away, and she didn’t know if Karu could hear it.

At this time, Ace, who had been watching all this happen, suddenly said: “Although I know that Klockdar is in this country, he is a pirate and wants to usurp power?” This joke is also a little too big! Ace leaned against the side of the ship and said, “As a pirate who wants to settle down in one place, this guy, he must not want to be a king!” After that, Ace left, he was not interested in a pirate like Klockdar, a pirate who left the sea, is there any threat to the pirate? Such a person will never become a competitor to One Piece, no matter how strong his strength is!

“Maybe there are other conspiracies behind this usurpation!” Hai Chao had already climbed onto the boat at this time, and suddenly said after hearing Ace’s words.

“Oh? You thought about this with me! Ace suddenly turned around and said, “If Klockdar is not worthy of the name, just a fake pirate, then there must be a deep meaning behind this usurpation!” And to be able to become one of the Seven Wuhai, he should not be so discredited, so having a conspiracy is the only explanation! ”

“Hehe, no matter what conspiracy he has, in fact, as long as he is defeated, then there will be nothing at all, in the great voyage, strength is always the most important, without strength, even if he can usurp power successfully, he will not be recognized by the world government, right?” Haichao looked at the sea in the distance and said with a smile.

“I didn’t expect that you had just entered the Great Voyage and could have such an enlightenment. That’s right, here, strength is everything, it is the proof of speaking, otherwise no one will listen to you. Whether it is the three admirals of the navy or the four emperors and seven martial seas, they all stepped on the corpses of countless people and walked out, but no one will be idle! Ace looked at the sea tide with interest, and then continued, “I hope that one day, I can see you in the new world, which is the sea area that belongs to the sea thieves!” ”

“There will be a day!” Haichao said, “Not only me, but when that day comes, all my partners will also grow and become characters who can stand alone, just like you!” Hai Chao also looked at Ace with interest. Then the two looked at each other and laughed.

At the same time, in a large dark room, a man stood in front of the window full of curtains, gently opened the curtains with the hook in his hand, looked at the scene outside and said: “Alabastan has been established for thousands of years, and it is still shrouded in the breath of death.” Since its establishment, this country has been shrouded in the shadow of death! “This man is one of the seven martial seas that seek to obtain Alabastan, the sand crocodile Klockdar!

“Just received the return, the hundreds of millions of elders who were sent to Rohara were all wiped out by unknown powerhouses, and I am still verifying the accuracy of this matter and the identity of that strong man.” At this time, a woman suddenly said. If they were here, they would recognize that this woman was Nicole Robin who had met them once!

Klockdar gently exhaled a puff of smoke, and then said: “There is no need to worry about the number of substitutes for hundreds of millions of elders, this matter is like a drop of water dropped in the desert, and it has no impact on my major affairs at all.” He took another puff of smoke and said, “But if someone dares to attack my people, this is a provocation to me!” Find this person, and then, pinch him to death! ”

“Got it.” Robin said, and then walked outside, saying, “In order to get in touch, I have sent the Neck Runner there.” With that, he left the dark room. It is said that a person’s habits show a person’s character, and only people with dark hearts will live in such a room all year round.

On the other side, on the Meili, Luffy looked at the land in front of him and shouted, “It’s finally here!” ”

“Finally arrived in the desert, sure enough, it will still be very hot!” Qioba, who is most afraid of heat, but at the same time is also the most curious about the unknown, said loudly.

“I heard that during the day, the desert reaches 50 degrees!” Nami said to him after hearing Joba’s words.

“What? Is it true?! Qioba said in horror, maybe he won’t have any problems at minus fifty degrees, but if it is in fifty degrees weather, he will definitely not be able to stand it! Just when Choiba was about to say something, he was suddenly interrupted by a strange cry.

“Huh? Miss Nami, what about your beautiful dancer outfit?! It wasn’t even worn on the body?!! Sanji looked at Nami in horror, then saw Vivi, who had also just come out of the cabin, and shouted again, “What? Even Vivi, you are like this?! What are you dressed up for?!!!! ”

“It’s like this, if you leak out of your skin naked in the desert, you will be burned by the sun!” Vivi explained.

“Ah, my dancer!” Yamaji lay on the ground like a dead parent, and then began to spin in circles. But the others didn’t care about him, everyone knew that he was just hit and it would be fine in a while.

But just when the sea tide wanted to throw the anchor into the sea, he suddenly found that several strange animals came out of the sea!

“What is it?” Hai Chao looked at these strange creatures that suddenly appeared under the surface of the sea strangely and said.

“It looks like a turtle.” Usopp guessed that indeed, those strange creatures had shells on their backs, similar to turtles.

“It’s a seal!” Luffy said.

“It’s Kung Fu Manatee!” At this time, Wei Wei suddenly said loudly and gave the correct answer.

At this time, one of the kung fu manatees jumped on a stone and gestured at the jewelry and began to speak.

“If you want to go ashore, come and defeat me, and if you don’t dare, let me go back to the other shore, coward!” Of course, these were carried out under the simultaneous translation of Choba, an expert in animal languages.

“Hmph, being called a coward, I can’t bear it!” At this time, Usopp suddenly stood up, and after saying something, he jumped directly off the boat and rushed over with those kung fu manatees.

“Wait a minute, Usopp!” Behind, Vivi called out to him anxiously.

Lightningly, Usopp was cleaned up by the kung fu manatee, and he lay on the ground with a blue nose and a swollen face.

“Kung Fu Manatee is very strong!” The second half of Vivi’s sentence came out at this time.

“Huh?” Usopp spat out a mouthful of old blood again, “Why didn’t you say it earlier!” ”

On the other side, it was Luffy who suddenly stood up and directly defeated a kung fu manatee!

Nami smiled and said, “It’s okay, there are people over there who won.” ”

“You can’t win!” But Vivi said again.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for collection. Sad little salt, the computer let the brother break! I can’t turn it on anymore. However, the small salt will not be changed, but it cannot be added. Now use the computer codeword of the big brother of the family, old slow! All smart spelling has to be restarted, which is fundamentally different from the little salt computer! Sadness. Well, without further ado, hurry up and write it and go home.

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