“Don’t worry, I’m fine.” Haisho gently patted Nami’s hand and said. The sad atmosphere just now only affected his heart, not that something was wrong with his heart.

Everyone dug a pit and buried the corpse that Vivi found. Then, Luffy stuck a dead branch on top of his grave that he didn’t know where it came from, stood up and said, “Let’s hurry up, I can’t hold it anymore!” Saying that, Luffy also twisted his shoulders and made a clicking sound.

“I also want to see if Klockdar, one of the Seven Martial Seas, is as strong as Hawkeye Mihawk and can break my shield wall!” Haichao stood up, wiped his shield wall, and then said.

“Okay, then we’ll leave for Choba right away!” Vivi also stood up and said loudly.

“The leader of the rebel army is there, right?” Solon asked softly as he wiped his knife.

“That’s right, we’re just going there to convince the rebel leaders to stop the riot!” Vivi said firmly.

“Persuasion?” Solon, and everyone else, all looked at Vivi in horror and said.

“That’s right, persuasion. This war was all caused by Klockdar, and I don’t want to see anyone die because of this war, so I will definitely do everything I can to convince the rebel leaders to stop the riot! Wei Wei said, her tone was exceptionally firm, and she had even infected other people.

“Persuasion? How do you convince? But at this time, Hai Chao turned his head to Wei Wei and said, “You are really naïve, do you really think that war is a family affair? Just because of one person can stop? ”

“Just go and tell them the truth, tell them that all this is a conspiracy of Klockdahl, isn’t that okay? I believe that the rebel leader who can support such a powerful force will definitely understand what I mean. And isn’t the reason for their rebellion because people’s lives are not guaranteed? Now as long as Klockdar is the culprit, then all problems will be solved! Wei Wei looked at the sea tide and said word by


“Hehe, it seems that you really treat war as a family affair. I have already said that sometimes wars are not transferred by the will of one or two people! Even if the leader of the rebel army is really very sensible, and you have successfully convinced him that all this is Klockdar’s conspiracy, but have you thought about it, as long as Klockdar’s people set out to assassinate any rebel officer, without attacking the leader, you can easily give the king army, and even the king army is likely to have members of Klockdar’s Baroque work society, and…”

“Haichao, don’t say it!” Before Kaishio could finish, Nami gently pulled his hand, stopping him from continuing. Because every time Hai Chao said one more word, Wei Wei’s face was a little worse, because some of the words Hai Chao said were indeed what he was worried about.

“Okay, I won’t say it!” Looking at Vivi’s ugly face and Nami’s warning eyes, Kaishio said, “But I reserve my opinion, the opinion of a pirate!” ”

After taking a few steps, Hai Chao turned back to Vivi again and said: “Let me say one last word, I am a pirate, and Klockdar is also a pirate, I think sometimes using pirate means to deal with pirates is the best way!” ”

In the end, the crowd did not quarrel, and Haichao agreed to act according to the plan of action formulated by Vivi, so they embarked on a journey to Taiba.

In the desert, the crowd has already walked once. And Luffy was holding a dead branch, pulling his tongue, and said weakly: “Ah, it’s so hot, I’m already hot and don’t sweat!” ”

“Hey, Luffy, can you stop howling? Wouldn’t that be even hotter?! Nami listened to Luffy’s call, couldn’t help but say something to him, and then looked at Luffy who continued to howl, and said helplessly, “It’s really useless!” “Luffy, this guy, how can others easily persuade him?

On the other side, the tide dragged one of its shield walls to the ground and strolled forward. And the little guy Choba is lying on his shield wall. No way, this little guy really did not adapt to the climate in the desert, just entered the desert, did not go far, and it was already impossible. And others can find him if there is a problem, but if he has a problem, he can’t find anyone else, so he can only show himself. In the end, there is really no way to do it, only to affect the tide.

Fortunately, it is the sea tide, he carries two shield walls on his back all year round, each of which weighs a ton, so adding a choiba is not a big deal.

“I can’t, I’m most afraid of the heat, although I’m not afraid of the cold at all.” Qioba spit out his tongue to dissipate heat, and said weakly.

“Who called you furry? Might as well take off your toy fur! Usopp looked enviously at Qioba who could be dragged away, and said with jealousy in his tone.

“What do you say? Look down on the reindeer?! Choiba suddenly became very huge and roared at Usopp.

“Hey, Qioba, change back to a smaller form, you are very heavy!” Haichao turned around and looked at the two people who were arguing and said.

“Ah, monster!” Usopp was the least daring and was taken aback by Choba’s sudden enlargement.

“Who do you say is a monster!?” Qioba hated that people said he was a monster, so he roared directly, “You proboscis monster!” ”

“How dare you laugh at my nose?!” Usopp also hated people talking about his nose the most, so he was also angry, although his still trembling legs exposed his heart, but he still met Choba.

“You two, don’t argue!” Haichao had no choice, so he could only walk over and separate the two people, and then force Qioba to change back to his small form, “Isn’t it hotter for you two to quarrel like this?!” ”

At this time, Yamaji suddenly said: “Weiwei, you don’t seem to have anything!” Indeed, among the people, that is, Vivi and Ace, the two people performed the best. Ace is a person with the ability to burn fruits, even at high temperatures, he doesn’t matter, but Vivi’s performance is better than Luffy and the sea tide!

“I grew up in this environment, so I’m used to it.” Vivi said.

“Ah, I thought that the terrain could be flatter after entering the depths of the desert, but I didn’t expect that there were so many sand dunes!” Usopp looked at the sand dunes with no end in sight, and screamed sadly.

“Because this is an ancient desert, I heard that there are still 300 meters of sand dunes!” Vivi said to Usopp after hearing Usopp’s words.

“Three, three hundred meters? Isn’t that as tall as a mountain?! Usopp listened to the three-hundred-meter-high sand dunes and was shocked again. Even some of the shorter mountains are not as high as 300 meters!

Seeing that everyone was already hot and had no strength, Hai Chao lifted another shield wall, and then directly enlarged, covering everyone inside, and then said to everyone: “Everyone don’t go out of the shadow of my shield wall, you can cool down inside.” ”

“Ah, Haichao you are so good!” Usopp shouted in surprise at the tide.

“It’s okay, this can also be regarded as a practice, such a practice is even more testing a person’s will!” Hai Chao said indifferently.

At that time, Solon, after hearing the words of the sea tide, walked directly to the outside of the shield wall: “It’s okay with me, you can advance in the desert with your shield, even if I don’t shade the sun, I’ll be fine.” Listening to that tone, obviously don’t you want to fall behind the tide? These two guys usually train together, so the mind of the competition has not faded.

At this time, Luffy said, “It’s so hot, even under the shield wall of the ocean tide.” After saying that, he took out the kettle and wanted to take a sip of water.

Nami on the side reminded him, “Luffy, drink less, just take a sip and put it in your mouth.” ”

Luffy this guy is really obedient, Nami said to take a sip, he really drank it, and directly puffed out his cheeks so that even the rubber fruit was highlighted!

Bang, Nami punched Luffy in the head, directly knocking his water out. Then he yelled at Luffy, “Drink too much!” ”

“That’s right, there are almost 13 mouthfuls, and I am also divided!” Usopp shouted from the side, too.

“By the way, didn’t you drink it just now? It should be up to me now! Sanji also came over to make a splash, and then went directly to grab the kettle. Three people grew up in such a situation!

“Don’t fight, won’t this consume more physical strength?!” Wei Wei hurriedly stepped forward to persuade. But how could such three living treasures listen to her, the three people still argued, anyway, no one admitted that they were wrong.

The crowd continued to walk ahead, and the incident soon reached night. The crowd chose a relatively remote place with a few rocks to rely on and set up camp. I’m going to rest here tonight. Then a fire was built and the food was warmed.

Luffy still looked like a starving ghost, and he wanted to stuff the meat into his mouth before it was cooked, but was stopped by Sanji, otherwise all the meat roasted by the fire would have been eaten by this guy!

ps: Sadly, since it was written on my eldest brother’s computer, I didn’t use the document, I coded directly on the web page, and as a result, all of a sudden, the computer convulsed and restarted! And then………… Crying in the toilet! It took more than an hour to redo it, two thousand words! Also, ask for a flower collection, monthly pass rewards, and readers comfort Xiao Shio’s wounded heart!

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