Thanks to the book friend ‘Stardust Feng’ for the monthly pass and Cui Geng ticket. However, 9,000 words is really no way. In the morning, my brother had a job, and our village was determining land ownership, not knowing if it was national in nature. My brother is a village official and has to use a computer in the morning, so I can only write in the afternoon. And when it’s dark, you can’t leave someone’s house! So it’s up to 6,000 words a day, and it seems that I can’t get 9,000 words of Cui!

Just as Takashi and his men were ready for war, everyone suddenly saw huge round balls suddenly appear on the sand dunes opposite. Nami suddenly asked with some surprise, “What is that?!” “Because when they look at it, those balls, each one is about the size of a ship! 、

“The super big shell mantis is coming, the super big shell mantis is coming!” After seeing those huge balls, the sand thieves immediately shouted, which also indirectly answered Nami’s question.

“Super big shell mantis? What is that thing? “Luffy and Sanji, Solon are a little strange. Luffy, in particular, added a sentence at the back: “Can I eat it?” “Bang, I didn’t say it, such Luffy was directly suppressed by Nami with an iron fist.

“Those are super bugs that specialize in carrying super dung in the desert, and in the desert, hundreds of people are crushed to death by dung every year!” Long looked at the big balls and said seriously.

“What? Crushed to death by dung?! Luffy and the others were all shocked, and Nami said directly, “If this happens, I’d rather commit suicide than be crushed to death by dung!” Even Luffy had an ugly face, no matter how he ate, he never thought of trying to eat big dung!

And at this moment, the huge ball at the top of the dunes had rolled down! If Luffy and others can see it, they will see that the huge shell mantis is also sweating, and it doesn’t want to push the dung ball down, but the feces shell mantis pushes the dung ball upside down, and accidentally pushes the dung ball off the dune.

The dung ball rolled directly towards the ship where everyone was, and in the middle it also pressed an enemy, which was the leader of the other party. However, looking at the trajectory of the dung ball, you can see that if you continue like this, the dung ball will hit the big ship where everyone is!

“What to do, boss, if you continue like this, you will hit the bullseye!” At this time, a sand thief ran over and shouted at Long.

“Let me come!” Takashi shouted, jumped directly off the big boat, and rushed towards the rolling ball of dung. With two hands stretched out, they directly resisted the huge ball of dung. But his two legs are constantly sliding backwards, his face is red, and he looks like he has used all his strength!

But even so, he only lasted for three seconds, and the huge ball of dung rolled directly through his body, pressing him underneath. And with his body continued to ram towards the big ship.

Seeing that the huge dung ball was about to crash into the boat, I saw a figure flashing by. And the two sand thieves were dumbfounded, and the knives in their hands had disappeared. When they found their respective knives, they found that two knives had reached Sauron! Brush brush brush, several blade lights flashed, and the huge ball of dung had already broken apart.

The remaining pieces continued to fly in the direction of the ship, and Sanji kicked them all to pieces with a few kicks. As for our captain, he was vomiting on the side, and he was just trying to stop it, but a rubber gun hit it, but half of his arm was trapped in a ball of dung. Then, he was kicked away by Nami, lest the big dung on his hand touch his body.

“Guests, I’m so sorry!” At this time, the dung ball was underground, covered in large dung, and said to everyone.

At this time, a person suddenly stood up above the dune, it was the leader of the enemy who had accidentally been overwhelmed by the dung ball before, that guy was covered in dung, and because his face fell directly to the ground, he had a nosebleed, shouting to the people of the legend nag: “Let you guys go this time and let you hold Xiaoming!” Then he ran away without a head, and all his junior brothers disappeared with him.

On the other half, above the sand boat, the cadre said to Rasha: “Lasha, let’s wait for them!” But he saw with his own eyes that Lasha knocked the other party into the quicksand pit, and although he knew that there was a reason for this, he still couldn’t bear it, after all, it was two lives!

“No need, since they haven’t caught up for half a day, it means that the other party only has this ability, let’s go find the wood ourselves.” Lasha said grimly. Falling into the quicksand pit, even she, the person with the best sand boat skills in the Balu Balu Group, dare not say that she can escape 100%!

But at this moment, the two people suddenly felt that the sky seemed to be overcast! Then the two looked up, and then they were stunned. Because above the two of them, a road paved with sand was straddling there, and which road was still extending forward, and then a shadow quickly passed over their heads, and the two people swallowed a mouthful of spit at the same time, and Sabi said in disbelief: “I’m not mistaken, their sand boat seems to be walking in the sky!” ”

And by this time, the sand road above their heads had disappeared, as if in a dream. The two people quickly accelerated towards the front, but they saw a sand boat falling from the sky in front of them, landing on the sand. The two people on the sand boat are the two people who they think have fallen into the quicksand and died!

“You guys seem to be slow, we’ve caught up.” Hai Chao sat behind the sand boat and said lightly, while Wei Wei operated the sand boat in front. The two people behind were all stunned, even wondering if they were hell! However, the two of them have not seen the world, and they immediately reflected it, just like normal.

In this way, everyone soon came to the Melias Oasis. However, Haichao frowned: “Was this place an oasis before?” I really can’t see it at all! ”

“Yes, it used to be a very lively city where many people lived, but now…” said Vivi.

Haichao could see that Wei Wei seemed to be in a bad mood, so he said: “Wei Wei, have you been to this city before?” ”

“That’s right, it’s a resident here who gave me a small sand boat in honor, so I learned to drive the sand boat.” Vivi replied, “But that was a long time ago, when my father was touring the country, I used to be here. “|

“I’ve been waiting.” At this time, a voice suddenly came, Hai Chao and Vivi looked over, it was Rasha! I only heard her say, “At that time the king said that if something happened to this oasis, he would rush over, no matter how small the sound, he would ufangzaixinshang.” ”

“You really were then…” Vivi seemed to recognize who Rasa really was.

“In the end, everyone gave up this oasis buried in sand, and all the people in the city have gone, even then I am still here waiting for your arrival, I believe in you!” As a result, the king did not come, and of course neither did you. Lasha said.

“That’s because at that time similar things were happening all over the country, and the king was thinking of countermeasures every day!” Vivi explained.

“I don’t want to listen to your excuses!” Lasha directly and rudely interrupted Vivi’s words, “In this vast desert, I am waiting for you alone. Later, I couldn’t even tell the difference between the rising sun and the setting sun. By the time Long picked me up, I couldn’t feel the burning heat of the day and the biting cold of the night. ”

“I think it’s incredible that I’m alive! The words of the king kept echoing in my head! Lasha said, “I still don’t understand, obviously so painful, what am I waiting for?!” What sustains my life, anger or hatred, or almost non-existent hope? By the time he said this, Lasha was already crying.

“Sorry! I’m so sorry to keep you guys waiting, I’m sorry! Vivi kept apologizing, and even she was crying when she said this.

“Huh.” In this case, Hai Chao could still laugh, “If you want me to say it, you are stupid!” ”

“What did you say?!” As soon as Haichao’s words came out, Saabu and Rasa all said angrily to him.

Even Vivi stopped him from continuing.

“Don’t want to hear my understanding?” Hai Chao ignored them and continued, “I don’t know how long you have been waiting here, and I don’t want to know.” Because the longer you wait, the more you will prove your stupidity and your inner weakness! ”

Haichao directly poked open Lasha’s wound and said: “Many times, waiting is a sign of cowardice! Because you’re too weak, because you’re not strong enough, you just have to wait. If you’re strong enough, you don’t need to wait, you can change all that! Vivi you listen to me! Hai Chao stopped Vivi who wanted to speak, “Do you know what Vivi was doing while you were waiting here?” She went to find the truth! Go find out why there is no rain in Alabastan! Go against an entire killer group and go undercover under people~”

“Vivi faces a life and death crisis every day, and unlike you, there is Long to save you! She is the princess of this country, only she will save someone else’s share, who will save her?! Hai Chao said sharply, “Some things will never be achieved just waiting, and you can only be rewarded if you do it yourself!” If you can’t wait for the king, why not go to the national capital to find him? Because you’re afraid! You are afraid to get answers that you don’t want, and that’s a sign of cowardice! ”

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for collection!

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