“Just ahead, you can already see it!” Luffy and the others struggled to walk in the desert, but at this time, Wei Wei, who was sitting on a camel and walking in the front, looked ahead and suddenly said.

“Oh? Has it already reached the rain ?! Luffy, who was still moaning just now, suddenly shouted loudly after hearing this, “Come on, I must knock Klockdar away!” ”

Everyone else ignored the guy’s madness, and Usopp groped his chin and said, “By the way, do you say that the Baroque Work Society will now know that we are already in this country?” ”

“You should know, after all, we have met Mr.2, and that guy also has the ability to imitate fruits, as long as you compare the portraits of us obtained by the Baroque Work Society before, you can easily judge it, not to mention that Mr.3 should have already met with them!” Nami sat on the camel and analyzed seriously.

Her analysis made sense, Mr. 2 and Mr. 3 had already come to Alabastan, and then the high-ranking figures of the Baroque Work Society had already met, and even knew that their head was Klockdar. It’s just that the only difference from their judgment is that Mr. 3 has not met with those high-ranking spies, but has been executed by the angry Klockdar!

“Then we can’t act at will in the rain!” Usopp said cautiously.

“Oh? Why? Luffy looked puzzled, this guy never knew the meaning of the word caution!

“Fool, if they find out that we are in the rain, won’t they be able to use various means to deal with us?” Usopp replied to Luffy.

“That’s right, after all, the other party is a killer organization, and what he is best at is assassination!” Solon also said seriously. Although he is not afraid of the other party, there are still two women, one man and three ordinary people in their team, and it is still very dangerous to face the assassination of the killer group!

“Okay, I see!” Luffy said just as seriously, “I’m going to knock Klockdar away!” Then there was a shout.

“Do you understand!?” Usopp couldn’t stand such a captain, but he couldn’t beat him, so he could only yell at him twice to vent.

“No matter what happens, I will definitely protect Miss Vivi and Miss Nami!” You can call me Prince! At this time, Yamaji, the big flower idiot, twisted his body and said to the two ladies.

“Prince?” Solon glanced at Yamaji disdainfully.

“Bastard, I’m going to slaughter you!” Yamaji shouted at Solon after seeing Sauron’s eyes.

“Prince, I don’t want to care about anything, I just want to drink water!” Usopp exclaimed loudly with his long tongue out.

“Me too!” Luffy suddenly shouted at this time, and then ran directly towards the city in front of him.

“Hey, Luffy, wait for me!” Usopp shouted at Luffy, and then hurried after him.

“You two slow down, take the money and go!” Nami shouted from behind, but the two guys had already run away, “I hope they don’t run into a strong boss, otherwise these two guys who want to drink overlord water will be miserable.” ”

Luffy and Usopp ran straight to the shop selling water in the rain, all thanks to Usopp, otherwise Luffy might have gotten lost again.

Two people slapped the table and shouted at the boss: “Water water water, hurry up and give us water to drink, I want five barrels, five barrels!” ”

The boss first moved two buckets of water to them from the counter behind him, and these two guys were not polite at all, directly raised the bucket and poured it into their mouths.

But just after the two of them filled their cheeks, they suddenly found that the two guys sitting next to them seemed to be acquaintances! One is none other than Smogg, the smoking gun who has been tracking them, while the other is Sauron’s nemesis, the female swordsman Dusty!

The four people looked at each other like this for a long time, or the two pirates were the first to hold on, and directly sprayed out the water full of cheeks, right in the bullseye, and the two navies were sprayed!

“Hurry up and run!” Luffy yelled at Usopp and snatched straight out the door. Usopp also followed, and Luffy, the guy, did not forget to bring a little water back to his partners in the end, directly stretched his arms, carried two more buckets of water behind the boss and fled!

“Dusty, I’ll go after them first, you hurry up and gather the navy!” Since these two guys are here, then the other pirates of the entire Straw Hat Pirates must also be in this city! Smog ordered Dusty and ran out after him.

Usopp and Luffy were running down the street holding buckets, and Usopp panted and asked, “Why is there a navy here?” ”

“How do I know? Let’s run away! Luffy shouted loudly, then quickly sped up.

And at this time, Nami and the others were hiding in a shady place waiting for these two guys to come back, and then they heard a fierce shout, Sanji poked his head out to take a look, but found that the initiators of all this were Luffy and Usopp, the two fools, and behind them, was a large group of navies: “These two fools are being chased by the navy again!” ”

After hearing Sanji’s words, Nami also poked her head out to take a look, and then shouted anxiously: “Why are these two stupid people running this way!” Hurry, let’s run away too! “Then start packing up.

“Wait a minute, Choiba just went out to the bathroom and hasn’t come back yet!” At this time, Wei Wei suddenly said loudly.

“There is no time to wait for him to return, he will judge this little scene himself!” Solon said, and hurriedly picked up the salute and began to flee, since the navy is in the city, then his nemesis must be there, he doesn’t want to meet that guy!

“Run fast, run fast, this will be discovered by the people of Klockdar!” Usopp shouted to everyone.

“It’s late!” After hearing Usopp’s words, Solon suddenly said. Because he had just seen it, there were many people around with photos in their hands, hiding in the corner and watching them. And in a flash, he could see that the people in those pictures were exactly a few of them!

“Go straight to Klockdar!” At this time, Luffy suddenly made a decision, “Where is Klockdar now?” After speaking, he immediately asked Wei Wei.

“See that house with crocodiles on the roof? That’s the casino ‘Swift’ that Klockdar runs in the rain, and Klockdar is in that house! Vivi said to everyone.

“Okay, then go there!” Luffy shouted to the crowd and took the lead and ran in that direction.

“Let’s escape separately now!” Looking at the navy soldiers who were chasing closer and closer, Sanji shouted to everyone.

“Okay, then separate here and meet in the crocodile house!” After shouting at everyone, Luffy jumped up directly and jumped onto the roof of a house in front of him. And everyone else scattered.

Just after Luffy jumped up, he found that Smog had chased him. In order to reduce the pressure on the others, Luffy took the initiative to provoke Smog and said, “Smoking man, try to catch me!” ”

“Hmph, Straw Hat Kid, you’re really crazy, don’t think you can run away every time! This time there is no shield man to help you, I see how you escape! Smog said and shouted, “White Snake, check and balance! With his loud drink, he directly turned into smoke, hovering and flying up like a snake, directly tying Luffy! It seems that after the last battle, Smog has also improved!

“Rubber, balloons!” Luffy was in danger, gulped, and then took a deep breath. I saw that he suddenly swelled, and directly stretched out the smoke avatar of Smogg, who was bound to him with smoke! Then this guy landed smoothly on the ground and continued to escape, he didn’t think he could beat Smog now!

At the same time, everyone else is in trouble. When Choiba came back from the toilet, he found that there was no one. Through his sensitive sense of smell, he found that everyone was dispersed, making him very confused, and then he saw a group of navies rushing over and knocking him down directly, and this time he understood.

Solon and Vivi meet the millionaire elders of the Baroque Work Society, he asks Vivi to go first, and then he stays behind to block the people of the Baroque Work Society, but accidentally meets his nemesis Dusty and can only continue to escape.

Sanji helps Nami and Usopp block the navy and let them go first. But the two guys who escaped also accidentally encountered a million elders, and two ordinary people had to escape. Fortunately, Usopp played a temporary role, and actually pushed the unknown things piled up in a small alley, successfully stopped the pursuers, and then continued to escape.

At this time, Nami and Usopp, as well as Solon and Luffy had arrived at the door of the Swift Casino, but did not see several other people. But Smogg chased him closely behind Luffy, so everyone decided to rush in right away!

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for collection. I don’t know why, I lost contact with the editor, sadly, I really don’t know what to do.

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