When Klockdar and Robin came out of the Swift’s underground base, the entire base had begun to sink. All the gamblers are running madly, because below the swifts is the sea!

Klockdar and Robin calmly walked across the only way to the sea castle, the swift, which was a bridge, and then his face immediately became gloomy! Because he saw that at the end of this bridge, there were people lying on the ground. He already recognized that these people were none other than the million elders under him!

“Who was talking to me just now?” Klockdar said with a gloomy face to the guys lying on the ground.

“Yes… It’s me…” said a million-strong elder with a bloodied face struggling to get up, and said to Klockdar.

“Didn’t you say you’ve caught that Mr. prince?!” Looking at him, Klockdar’s face suddenly calmed down.

This subordinate did not know what was in Klockdar’s mind, and he said it as it was. It turned out that there were three people on the other side, and one of them was his partner Miss Golden Week! The three men grabbed him and beat him up, then threatened him into saying that he had caught the other.

And then, a very tall guy rushed to the door of the swift and knocked down all the millions of elders.

“So, what you just said lied to me?!” Klockdar suddenly smiled.

“Old… Boss, I didn’t mean it, it was… They forced me! The guy said with a sad face.

However, Klockdar had not listened to his explanation, directly grabbed his head, and then saw that the unlucky guy’s moisture slowly lost, and then the person turned into a person!

“To lie to me is to betray and stop, and all those who betray me deserve to die!” Klockdar said gloomily.

And at this time, he suddenly saw a strange person. Wear a long robe and place half of your head behind the wall. But immediately after that, the person he saw immediately changed his face, because the person he saw turned out to be Miss Golden Week, his former subordinate, and now his enemy!

And at this time, the two people over there also saw him, and then immediately turned around and ran. Of course, Klockdar couldn’t let these two guys go, and hurriedly chased after them, in his opinion, the strange strong man just now should be Prince Mr.

But just chased over, as soon as he turned around, those two people actually disappeared! Klockdar stopped in the street and looked around with a solemn face. It was not surprising to him that Mr. Prince disappeared in an instant, because he did not know each other in the first place. But how did Miss Golden Week disappear?!

On the other side, inside the Swift Casino. Wei Wei sat on the ground decadently: “It’s over, what should I do now?!” The only passage is gone, and there is definitely no escape! ”

“Not only can’t you get out, but the other party can’t get in either.” At this time, a voice sounded beside him, and Vivi looked back and found that it was Yamaji! This guy is also sitting leisurely on a chair playing slot machines!

“Sanji?! Why are you here?! Vivi asked in surprise.

“Hehe, this is all my calculation, and the bridge was also blown up by me, just to rescue Luffy and buy them time.” Sanji stood up with a smile and said, “Let’s go, they are in a hurry to come to Luffy.” ”

On the other side, Luffy and the others were in the cage, watching the sea water in the basement grow higher and higher, and the banana crocodile also rushed out a lot, destroying the entire basement in a different way, leaking faster, and it had already spread over their feet!

“Ahhhhh, stupid banana crocodile, come and bite me, can’t bite can’t bite!” At this time, Nami seemed to be crazy, constantly twisting her body and yelling at the banana crocodile.

“Nami, are you crazy? What are you doing with him when you have nothing to mess with?! Usopp asked strangely.

“Stupid, I’m attracting banana crocodiles to bite us, and if it can crush this cage, then we’re saved!” Nami said to Usopp.

“Oh, so it is!” Usopp and Luffy both suddenly realized, and then the two joined Nami, constantly bouncing to attract the banana crocodile and make it come and bite the cage.

“It’s useless.” At this time, Smog said to them. But no one paid attention to him, Luffy, Usopp and Nami continued to bounce to attract the attention of the banana crocodile.

The banana crocodile was really attracted by the three little guys, and then came over and opened its big mouth and took a bite. Just when everyone was expecting, they found that all the teeth of this banana crocodile were broken!

“As I said, it’s useless, the sea lou stone is the hardest thing in the world, and the banana crocodile can’t bite him to pieces.” At this time, Smogg said again.

“Ah, I have no strength!” At this time, Luffy suddenly shouted, and then it was about to soften. It turned out that the sea water had already flooded to the knee position, and Luffy’s strength as a Devil Fruit ability had been greatly limited!

Usopp quickly hugged Luffy so that he did not fall into the sea. But this is not a way to continue, once the sea water overflows the cage, then they will all be drowned, even if it is other non-devil fruit ability, they will not be able to escape the fate of drowning.

And at this moment, everyone suddenly saw the banana crocodile in front of them whose teeth had been shattered suddenly flying. Then they saw that Yamaji this guy actually appeared in front of them.

He took a gentle puff of smoke and slowly lowered his raised legs. This handsome scene made Smog stunned. And at this moment, Yamaji suddenly spoke: “Miss Nami is already in a hurry, seeing me, the prince falling from the sky, has she forgotten that fool of the sea tide and has fallen in love with me?!” This opening completely destroyed his temperament.

“Stupid, hurry up and kill the banana crocodile, and then find the key to save us, don’t stink there!” Nami couldn’t help but shout at him.

“Yes, Miss Nami, I will do everything you order!” Yamaji replied with a twist of his body again, and then rushed into the banana crocodile, “Miss Nami, which bastard ate the key?!” ”

“How do I know? They all look the same! Nami said helplessly.

“Count the third from the left.” At this time, Smog suddenly spoke.

“How do you know?!” Everyone else looked sideways at Smogg, and even Solon looked at him strangely.

“It’s a roar, didn’t you notice that his roar was the same as the one that ate the key earlier?” Smog said flatly.

Luffy and Usopp looked like they didn’t understand, and turned to look at a few banana crocodiles. Just a few banana crocodiles roared softly. Then they turned their heads and said, “I don’t understand.” “I really can’t hear the roar any different!

At this time, Sanji was already powerful, punching and kicking the banana crocodile, beating it up and vomiting continuously, first spitting out a step, the same piece it bit off when it attacked Vivi. Then it turned out that it was not a key, but a round ball one person tall!

“Hahahaha, I’m finally out, the wax ball is broken!” At this time, a guy with the word 3 on top of his head came out of the wax ball, covered in no moisture, like a dried corpse!

PS: Chapter three today. Three chapters are about more than seven thousand, yesterday seven thousand seven, plus today, I still owe you fourteen chapters! By the way, ask for flowers and give some flowers to support! And even better for collections!

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