The sea tide fell from the air on the city wall, and Gaka had already repelled the soldiers around him, he actually knew that there were baroque working society crooks in the king’s army, and of course he couldn’t let those guys hear his conversation with the sea tide.

“Hello, my name is Gacca. On behalf of this country, I would like to thank you for your help! Jaka said with a bow directly to the sea tide.

“Don’t say this, I met Klockdar before and fought him, that guy is indeed very strong, even the city wall can definitely not stop his rustling fruit.” Although I don’t know what his purpose is, he definitely wants the king’s army and the rebel army to fight, take me to the king, some things must be discussed well!” Hai Chao said solemnly.

“The king … His Majesty the King is gone! Jaka hesitated for a moment before finally speaking.

“What? Disappeared?! “This time it was the tide’s turn to be shocked. The king is definitely going to stay in the palace, the guards who protect him are absolutely indispensable, and there must be masters to protect him, but they were quietly robbed by the other party?! However, Ma Haichao reacted and said to Gaka, “It must be a senior agent of the Baroque Work Society!” Those people are all Devil Fruit powers, and there must be some special abilities like stealth! ”

“But the most important thing now is not this, we still have to stop the rebels first!” Jaka hurriedly said.

“Nope! Both things are just as important! Hai Chao said solemnly, “You should have heard that the reason why the rebel army came to attack Albana was mainly because of the king’s problem. Mr. 2 in the Baroque Work Society is a person who imitates the fruit ability, can imitate anyone, he did the destruction of cities and the massacre of civilians in Narohana, and I suspect that the weapons and equipment of the rebel army are also provided by the Baroque Work Society. ”

“If you want to stop the rebels, you can’t do it by force alone. If the King’s Army and the Rebel Army fought together, it would be hundreds of thousands of casualties, which is definitely not what anyone wants to see! But if we can find the king and prove that he was captured during the time of the attack on Narohana, plus the relationship between Kosha and Vivi, it won’t be necessary! And in the end, we will also face the counteroffensive of the Baroque high-level, as long as we kill them, then everything is over! Haichao said.

“Don’t worry, I know what to do. I will immediately send soldiers to search for the whereabouts of the king! Jaka said immediately after hearing Hai Chao’s words.

“Now it can only be like this, the rebel army has many powerful people, but it is just a group of rabble, if there is a real battle, it is easy to stop them with the king’s army, and the real difficulty is not to fight.” And there is an even more troublesome Klockdar! Hai Chao said that his brows furrowed tighter, and he was also stumped now.

And most importantly, Klockdar said Luffy was dead! Although he didn’t want to believe that this was true, through the shout, he discovered that any of Luffy’s methods were useless against Klockdar! The impact of attacks such as his own air cannon may still be able to block it, but Luffy’s guy who can only fight with brute force can’t hurt Klockdar at all!

“That’s not right!” Haichao suddenly thought, “I really wanted to hit Klockdar before, and that guy seems to have a nosebleed!” He suddenly thought that after Klockdar grabbed him before, and then sucked up the moisture, he spat on his face with a mouthful of phlegm, and then summoned the shield wall to hit Klockdar’s face. Originally, I just wanted to humiliate him before I died, but I managed to escape, and I also hurt Klockdar!

“In this case, Klockdar’s weakness…” The more Hai Chao thought about it, the brighter his eyes became, and he had already guessed Klockdar’s weakness!

On the other side, a fat and fat woman is nagging and talking: “Hurry up and fight, why don’t you fight yet, hurry up and fight, now you can’t do anything like this, why don’t you fight yet!” ”

“Huh, huh, huh, huh.” Next to him, a fat man with a more fat figure smiled, but he spoke slowly, and the fat woman was simply two extremes, and no one could have imagined that these two people were husband and wife! And behind the two of them, a middle-aged man was tied, he was Kobula, the king of Alabastan!

“I don’t care if he’s a king or whatever, whatever he is, I don’t want to guard him all the time, don’t want to, no, no, not at all!” The fat woman muttered again, in short, this mouth just can’t be idle!

“Huh, huh, huh, huh.” Only the fat man’s laughter answered her.

“Avoid the guards of the palace and tie this old guy out, although only the two of us can do it, but after completing it, I know that it turned out to be such a boring task, boring, too boring, boring!” The fat woman said.

Among the two of them, the fat woman is a mole fruit ability, and she is very good at digging holes. Although he can’t be invisible, he can approach the palace from underground, and then tie Kobula directly, and then come out from the underground, so that he can not alarm any guards. Although it is different from the stealth guessed by Hai Chao, it is also the same.

And it was at this time that everyone had already gathered in Albana! Vivi and the others could already see the walls of Albana in the distance, and the rebel army also came to the vicinity of Albana.

At this time, the sky was already dawning, and Klockdar had already arrived in Albana City, but he had already hidden in the city.

The sea tide has relaxed at this time, as long as he can find Klockdar, then he can kill him alone! Knowing Klockdar’s weakness, he is very easy to deal with, especially when Klockdar has a strong fruit ability, but his physical ability is very low!

ps: The second chapter, the third chapter is gone, it’s so cold, I’m going to sleep on the kang.

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