“Hehe, no swordsman has ever dared to talk to me like that. And no matter how many knives you have, there will be no more than me, and all parts of my body can be turned into knives! “Mr.1 did not get angry after hearing Solon’s provocative words, anger will make people lose their minds, and a killer is absolutely not allowed to fight the enemy irrationally, so many years of combat literacy has long made Mr.1 develop the psychology of Furui Bubo!

“As I said, I’m not three knives but three knives, and the two are different!” Solon said, and directly rushed towards Mr.1 and MiSS, unexpectedly wanting to fight one against two. Of course, if he doesn’t fight one against two, then Nami is dangerous, her combat power is not even as good as Usopp, how can Usopp be regarded as an ADC, she is just a vase at the moment.

“Arrogant!” Mr.1 also drank, and then rushed straight up, and the two people clanged and fought. However, Solon was obviously suppressed, his sword could not cut the opponent at all, but he had to dodge the opponent’s attack, and he was suppressed as soon as he came and went.

“Hehe, it seems that your partner can’t even protect himself, so let me kill you next.” Don’t resist, I’ll let you die in an instant, there will be absolutely no pain. But if you resist, it may not be, if I stab off, you will have to suffer the pain of life and death. MiSS twisted her seductive body with both fingers towards Nami, and the words were still scaring her. This is similar to the magic effect of Zhang Ka’s two front paws to intimidate the prey when the praying mantis preys, the key is to make the prey dare not resist!

But Nami is not an ordinary person. Although the strength is not good, but in the past eight years, he has wandered around various vicious pirate groups and stolen their treasures, and he has long been immune to this level of intimidation, otherwise how dare he steal the treasures of those pirates?! Thereupon……. Nami just turned around and ran!

She knew that if she fought, she wouldn’t have the slightest chance! Although this woman has not yet shown any powerful skills, as a member of the senior agents of the Baroque Work Society, or a partner of the powerful Mr. 1, how can she not have any skills? So running away is the most correct option at the moment.

“Huh, can you run away?” Miss chuckled twice with both fingers, and slowly walked towards the direction Nami fled like a cat playing mouse. Although it seems slow, it is faster than Nami running at full strength!

“Hoo-hoo-huh.” Nami kept gasping on her knees, running for a long time, even she didn’t know where she ran, “Let’s get rid of that difficult woman now.” Nami said tiredly as she wiped the sweat oozing from her forehead.

“Little girl, where are you looking?” But just when she breathed a sigh of relief, she suddenly heard the sound of Miss’s fingers!

“Huh!?” Nami looked up where the voice came from, only to find Miss standing upside down on a beam that spanned two buildings, as if the soles of her shoes were glued to them! Nami exclaimed, then turned around and tried to escape.

But Miss’s fingers were faster, and when Nami turned around, he was already in front of her, and said with his hands crossed at his waist: “Don’t run, I’m tired of playing with you, let’s die honestly.” With that, he raised his right foot.

At this time, Nami noticed that the reason why Miss was able to stand upside down on the beam with both fingers was not because of the glue, but saw a long thorn growing under her feet! Looking back, there were two small round holes on the beam where Miss had just stood with her fingers, which should have been pierced by the thorns under her feet!

“Hehe, I’m a Thorn Fruit powerhouse, which can make thorns grow on any part of my body. Am I very merciful now that I will pierce your heart with this thorn and make you die in an instant? Miss said to Nami with a smile on both fingers.

Benevolent? No kidding, in Nami’s opinion, Miss’s fingers at this time are like patients who ran out of the sixteenth bed of a mental hospital, and there is a little bit of contact with Benevolence?! So there is no nonsense, turn around and run, turn and run into an alley. However, when Nami was turning, she felt as if she had tripped over something under her feet, and then her body lost her balance and fell to the ground all of a sudden, and three short sticks made of unknown materials rolled out of her arms.

Originally, Nami used a wooden stick as her weapon, but what kind of enemies can a wooden stick deal with? As the Straw Hat Pirates continue to grow, the enemies they encounter are getting stronger and stronger, and Nami has become more and more reduced to a vase in addition to having a role when sailing, and she also wants to fight, so she secretly asks Usopp to help her create a new weapon, which is the three short sticks that have just fallen out.

The reason why it was said secretly was because Nami knew that if Haishio knew, he would not let himself act arbitrarily. Although Haichao doesn’t say it, it’s actually a bit macho, don’t look at the usual fights, Haichao never cares, but at the critical moment, Haichao will definitely not agree to let her fight. Because in the consciousness of the sea tide, it is natural for a man to protect his woman.

Usopp also said this when she asked Usopp, but Nami said at the time: “You invented weapons with such care, you should also want to become stronger and fight with everyone, then your mind should understand!” ”

It was this phrase that moved Usopp to finally get the weapon she wanted ready before reaching Alabastan.

“Yes, Usopp has fulfilled his promise, then I will also fight, just use the secret weapon that Usopp invented for me!” Nami picked up the two short sticks that had fallen to the ground and said through gritted teeth. Then after she stood up, she did not continue to escape, but stood facing MiSS with her fingers.

“How? Little mouse, finally not ready to escape? All this time, MiSS has always treated Nami as a little mouse with both fingers, unable to escape the palm of her hand, just playing with her.

“I’m going to defeat you, just use this weapon in my hand!” Nami said firmly into MiSS with two fingers.

PS: There will be another chapter in a moment. Please subscribe, the first order is quite bleak! Originally, Xiaoyan didn’t know about the shelf, didn’t tell the book friends, plus there was no manuscript saved, the outbreak was insufficient, and I didn’t say much more, I just wanted to ask book friends to help!

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