“Don’t worry about anything else, let’s quickly gather everyone!” With Dusty helping them block the agents of the Baroque Work Society, Luffy and the other three were of course happy, and Usopp said directly to the other two.

After speaking, Usopp directly fired a signal flare into the sky, and the pink signal flare directly dyed the sky red, like a flag blooming in the sky, the entire city of Albana, no matter where you can see it.

The Straw Hats scattered throughout the city also saw this signal, and then rushed towards this side quickly. Sanji arrived first, and the others followed. Only one MiSS Golden Week was placed outside a secret place by Choba and Nami because he was still unconscious, and everyone else arrived.

They were also very surprised when they saw Luffy, and after asking, they learned that Luffy had lost it when he chased Klockdar.

“It’s okay, there is still a sea tide over there, with the strength of the sea tide, you will definitely be able to defeat Klockdar!” Luffy is full of confidence in Hai Chao, because he also knows that he is really not necessarily the opponent of Hai Chao in terms of strength now!

Everyone gathered here to solve the shelling incident, let’s not mention it for the time being, and turned back to continue to look at this side of the tide. The sea tide was mighty and directly knocked Klockdar out. And with his own blood as water, so that Klockdar cannot be sandified, the two people can be regarded as standing on the same level.

“Hmph, you’re all against me!” Klockdar’s face was gloomy and terrifying. Haichao was an enemy with him at the beginning, and it made sense to target him, but now it seems that Nicole Robin, the woman, did not fully believe him when she first cooperated with him, and even figured out her weaknesses long ago, and prepared a kettle.

If it weren’t for the fact that I hadn’t always believed in other people’s thoughts, I am afraid that I would have really followed this woman’s way. Nicole Robin, as a situation where she can survive alone from the age of seven and carry a huge bounty, is certainly not simple.

“Nicole Robin, don’t think that I can only rely on you, I don’t believe that you are the only one in this world who understands this lost ancient text! This historical text must have recorded the information of Hades, as long as I take the stone tablet out, sooner or later I will be able to find Hades in this country that already belongs to me! Klockdar said frantically.

But at this time, everyone suddenly felt an inexplicable vibration, and then found that debris of stone began to fall overhead, and even a pillar supporting this underground secret room fell, and a small part of the entire secret room completely collapsed.

“What’s going on?” The sea tide is also very puzzled, it can’t be an earthquake! But it’s not right, this level of secret room cannot be destroyed by an earthquake. With such an important thing as preserving historical texts, how can this secret room not be earthquake-resistant?!

“Old fellow, what did you do!?” At this time, Klockdar suddenly shouted to Kobula, who was sitting on the ground. At this time, Hai Chao noticed that King Kobura, who had been unnoticed, was the culprit who caused all this!

“I have activated the Self-Destruct Mechanism, which is the highest authority in this Chamber of Secrets. As long as this mechanism is activated, within five minutes, the entire secret room will sink, then collapse, and finally be buried hundreds of meters deep in the ground, never to see the light of day. Even if I die, even if I destroy this Alabastan kingdom and protect the historical texts for generations, I will not let a guy like you get it! Kobula shouted weakly at Klockdar.

Then Kobula turned his head to Hai Chao and said, “Hai Chao, you hurry up and escape, escape before this secret room is destroyed.” I have no other wishes, I only hope that you can leave this country with Vivi , Alabastan has perished, Vivi she is not a princess anymore, instead of letting her live on this land after I die and thinking of avenging me, I hope she can follow you to be a pirate! Tell her, I love her! After that, Kobula gently closed his eyes, as if waiting for death.

“Hey, why are you old man like this!” Hai Chao was not moved by Kobura’s sensational words, but said loudly, “Do you want to die like this, and then throw your daughter to me as a burden?!” I tell you, you can’t die, but I promised Vivi! I also tell you, if you just give up hope of life, when I go out, let your daughter be my slave and wash my feet every day!” ”

“What?! My daughter is a princess of a country, and you dare to let her wash your feet, it is really against the heavens! Kou Bula was furious, and he didn’t want to die anything, so he stood up directly and wanted to fight with the sea tide.

Watching the two of them messing around here, Nicole Robin couldn’t help but laugh. Laughing and laughing, he also pulled the internal injuries of Xiong’s mouth, and couldn’t help but cough twice.

On the other side, Klockdar’s face was even more gloomy, the way Haichao and Kobula made him feel that he was actually ignored, he was a seven-armed sea, even if he walked to the headquarters of the navy, he was a big man of a country, when would he be ignored?! Especially now that he still holds the power of their life and death!

“Have you guys had enough?” Klockdar roared, directly waved his right hand, and the entire right arm directly turned into sand, and then formed the shape of a knife, which is one of Klockdar’s stunts, the desert diamond treasure knife! Originally, he could manipulate sand to form a treasure knife, but in this underground secret room, there was no sand for him to control, which invisibly weakened his strength.

“Drink!” Hai Chao also shouted, not even having a shield wall defense, and directly greeted it with a punch. With a bang, the blood on Hai Chao’s fist was dripping, and even the white bones were faintly visible if you looked closely. But Klockdar was even worse, he felt his right hand numb, and when he looked down, he found that the forearm muscle of his right hand was actually cracked!

“Since you are in such a hurry to die, then let me quickly send you on your way!” Haichao said coldly, and then rushed directly towards Klockdar. Changing the previous defense-based means, he couldn’t move away from Klockdar’s key points, but he was covered in blood but did not give half a step, forcing Klockdar to passively defend!

ps: Three chapters sent, ask for flowers, ask for recommendations, ask for subscriptions!

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