Let’s not talk about the fact that Joba, who was alone on the empty ship, was fooled and lame by Robin, and he was talking about a few others.

After Luffy ran into the forest, he ran directly to a group of monkeys. Then he remembered his task, picking fruit. But this territory all belongs to this monkey group, how can the monkey group let him pick fruit?! Then this guy did something that no one could have imagined, and he actually started arguing with the monkeys. Of course, no one understands anyone. But really speaking, this is what fits Luffy’s character.

Solon, on the other hand, complained that he had to listen to Nami as a woman, while working seriously. Although Solon complained, he never slackened in his work.

He found a dense forest, which was full of fruit trees, and then drew his three knives, two in his hands, and one in his mouth: “Three knives flow, tornado!” “Whew, as if there really was a tornado blowing, a gust of wind blowing past Solon’s side.

Click, click, click. Solon’s three knives were sheathed. Then he walked around with the basket and caught the fruit from the tree that he had chopped down. But then an accident happened, because the fruit in the location he chose was too dense, so in an instant, countless fruits fell, directly burying Solon without the slightest preparation!

Although Yamaji also went into the forest and began to collect fruit, he thought about what Nami was doing from time to time. Finally, I couldn’t help it, secretly found the place where Nami drew the chart, made two cups of juice from the fruit I just collected, and then rushed out directly to send it to Nami.

And Nami happened to be drawing a chart, and as soon as she looked up, she saw Yamaji rushing over, and a face appeared directly in her telescope. Frightened, she threw herself straight back, and grabbed the juice that Yamaji had brought over. The end result was that all the juice sent by Yamaji was spilled on the chart that Nami had just drawn halfway.

Nami gloomy face and gently shook her neck twice, making a clicking sound. Then Tian Jiao said: “Say, how do you want to die?” Then, the cry of the mountain wolf crying and howling came from the forest, and the reverberations were endless.

And the most lazy person is, of course, Usopp. Directly threw aside the basket that Nami gave him, and he lay on his back on the grass, yawning and saying, “Oh, really, where is the mood to work in such a good weather!” ”

“Hahaha, there is a way. I didn’t pick the fruit, so it’s good to go back and make up a lie when the time comes. With my great lying skills of Captain Usopp, you will definitely not guess it, maybe you will worship me because of my lies, he Saying that, Usopp laughed first, he had already imagined the adoring gazes of Joba, Luffy and the others. Of course, only these two guys on the entire ship will believe Wuyan.

“By the way, what lie will I tell then?” Usopp sat up, put his left hand on his right, and then gently rubbed his chin with his right hand, and began to think about his lie. With this idle work but not to work but to do this, Usopp is really enough!

“There is a way, just say so!” Usopp suddenly jumped up and shouted, “They will definitely worship me to death!” Hahahahaha. Said and laughed out loud again narcissistically.

“At that time, I will say that I was attacked by a huge eagle king, and I couldn’t even breathe.” Saying that, Usopp also began to practice, lying on the ground, as if he didn’t even have the strength to speak, “I’m sorry, because of this, I didn’t even pick a single fruit, I’m really sorry.” But don’t worry about me, I have a fierce fight with the Eagle King…” 10,000 words are omitted here.

Haichao holds a magnifying glass in his hand, constantly searching for plants that interest him. The plants that Haichao is now interested in are not limited to whether they are rare and cherished, the most important thing is whether they can improve their strength.

Since fighting Klockdar, Haichao has learned the power of drugs. Although this is not a power obtained by one’s own cultivation, and it is quite risky to use it, it is a life-saving straw! Sailing on the Great Voyage, you never know what kind of danger you will encounter in the next moment, and if you can carry a pill or two of the same medicine as last time, you can turn defeat into victory at a critical moment. Not only can you save your own life, but maybe even your entire team!!

It’s just that although the effect of the last drug is strong, the side effects are too intense! Haichao almost ate both legs after eating it, so no matter what he said later, Choiba did not agree to make it for him. And listening to Choba, this order was issued from Nami, and since even Nami said so, Haicho knew that Choba would definitely not make it for himself.

So this time on the island, Haichao also wanted to find out if there were plants that could replace desert poisonous scorpions and psychedelic cacti. The first two are too strong, if you can find some weaker alternatives, maybe you can make drugs with less powerful side effects!

The tide kept searching for plants that he had never seen before, or had only seen in similar subjects. From time to time, one or two leaves of the plant are also put in the mouth to taste. Then often after eating, it is a sad face.

In fact, in nature, very few plants are delicious when they are born, except for fruits, which are only the leaves of plants, also known as wild vegetables. Like the dandelion that the sea tide often eats in the previous life, it is very bitter to eat in the mouth, and if you are not used to it, I am afraid that you will not be able to swallow it until you eat it in your mouth.

Haichao’s current practice is like Shennong’s tasting hundred herbs, constantly testing the characteristics of various plants. Fortunately, he has rich knowledge of botany and can be called a master. For those poisonous plants are respected, even if they may have an effect, they are collected first, he does not dare to taste them first, otherwise I am afraid that he will not be able to go back.

But despite this, Haichao also made himself sad, because for this short time, he had tasted all kinds of tastes of sour, sweet, bitter and salty, and now he felt that his tongue had been completely numb, even if he put yellow in his mouth, he could not even taste the bitter taste. _

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