“How? Are you going to continue drawing nautical charts? Choiba asked suspiciously, he thought Nami had finished drawing, otherwise why would it come out?

“Do you still need to say this?!” Nami looked up and said, “I just drew one, and the Magnetic Drum Country, Cactus Island, and Alabastan didn’t draw it.” What’s more, my goal is to draw a map of the world! ”

“It’s really hard, this kind of woman is really charming!” Kaishio looked at Nami with his lips and said, once again nostalgic for the taste he had tasted.

“There won’t be a fine of 100,000 Baileys.” Choiba was still afraid of this, and secretly said to Usopp and Miss Golden Week.

“Maybe.” Usopp nodded, and MiSS Golden Week also looked like this.

“Okay, Yang Fan, go full speed ahead!” Nami shouted, and then the sails fell in response and went full speed!

And so, two days passed peacefully, this day.

“Hey, hey, there’s fog ahead, it’s such a big fog!” Usopp said, standing on the lookout. Everyone stood on the deck and looked ahead, such fog was basically never encountered in the East China Sea, but it was often encountered in the Great Voyage. The Great Shipping Route is truly the most dangerous sea area in the world, and many ships may not be destroyed by man-made disasters, but by natural disasters.

“Wait a minute, I really want to see something!” At this time, Usopp suddenly said loudly. He had two goggles that allowed him to see much farther than everyone else even in thick fog, so when he spoke, everyone looked at him.

Usopp constantly adjusted the focus of his goggles to figure out what was ahead. But just when he saw the situation ahead, he was taken aback: “Not good, there is a naval warship in front!” ”

“What?! Warship?! Could it be that those navies of Alabastan chased after them ?! Hai Chao said suspiciously.

“It shouldn’t be possible, we’ve been away for so many days and haven’t seen a warship, so it’s impossible to chase us up.” What’s more, if they were chasing us, I am afraid that they should have discovered us and opened fire. Nami retorted.

“That means these navies should have met us unexpectedly!” Haichao nodded and said.

“That’s right, it should be. But we are really ‘lucky’ to meet the navy on such a vast sea. Nami said sarcastically, also with a hint of self-deprecation.

In fact, the reason why they ran into the navy was because of the storm the other day. Because of that storm they deviated from the normal course pointed by the record pointer, otherwise they would have sailed out of this sea area, and it was impossible to encounter the Navy, which can also be regarded as fate.

“Let’s not discuss this, we are surrounded by the navy and have been surrounded. Let’s think of a way to do it, if we are discovered, we will be beaten into a hornet’s nest in the first place! Usopp said to the crowd tremblingly, his voice was quiet, and he did not dare to speak loudly, he was afraid to be heard by the navy.

“It’s okay, even the navy can’t see far in such a dense fog, and it should not detect our presence.” Nami said to everyone, “So now everyone should be careful not to make a sound, we will slowly pass between the warships of the navy!” Just keep it that way. ”

“Good!” Everyone shouted quietly. Ahem, why is it so awkward to talk like this!

And at this moment, Yamaji suddenly said: “Nami, wait a minute!” ”

Nami looked back at Yamaji and saw that he was looking somewhere ahead, so she followed Yamaji’s gaze and found that there was a group of children standing on the side of the navy, not knowing what they were thinking.

And it was precisely at this time that the child turned around and saw the ship of Nami and the others, and then found the pirate flag painted on their sails, and was immediately shocked, and then accidentally fell off the warship!

“Air wall!” Hai Chao drank softly, and then condensed several walls of air in the direction where the little boy fell. In order to avoid him falling, the strength of the condensed walls of the sea tide this time was very low, like a balloon that burst with a light poke. After several walls of air were crushed by the little boy, he received a buffer speed and slowed down, and the tide jumped directly onto the air wall below to catch him.

But what Haichao didn’t expect was that this little guy didn’t know if he was sick or some other reason, and he fainted. Haichao had no choice but to bring him back to the pirate ship, and he could not be put on the warship. Otherwise, he wakes up and tells the Navy that the pirate ship has been found, and I am afraid that they will really turn into a hornet’s nest.

It didn’t take long for the boy to wake up, looking as if he had passed out only because he was suddenly frightened.

“It’s all right, sober medicine smiles. He only fainted suddenly because of it, and there was no illness in his body. Qioba looked at the little man who woke up and said to everyone.

“What is this place?” The first reaction of the little boy when he woke up was to sit up and lean against the wall, obviously he was very insecure when facing so many strangers, but suddenly, he felt the wall move, and then a face appeared next to him and said to him, “This is the pirate ship of the Straw Hat Pirates, little naval comrade.” ”

“Ah!!!” The little boy was so frightened that his tone was raised by four or five, and then he directly rolled his eyes and fainted again.

Bang, Nami punched Haishio in the face and directly blasted him out. It took a while before the sea tide came in through the doorway. Just now, it was he who used the ability of the wall fruit to startle the little boy from the outside.

Seeing that Nami was going to beat him, Haichao quickly covered his head and said: “Don’t beat, I’m just scaring him, I want him to be tighter at that time, otherwise it will be troublesome to leak our affairs to the navy, who knew he was so unfrightened!” ”

“Hmph, Qioba just said that he fainted because of excessive shock, you still scare him so much, can he not faint?!” Nami said viciously to the sea tide. However, he did not hit the sea tide again, after all, the sea tide is also for everyone’s sake, “But after he wakes up, you must apologize to him, he is still just a child!” ”

“Good, good, I’ll do it!” Haicho immediately promised that if he didn’t promise Nami, he would definitely not let him go easily!

After a while, the little boy finally woke up, and when he woke up, he shouted: “Ghost, there is a ghost!” ”

“Don’t worry, there are no ghosts, I scared you just now, I’m really sorry!” Hai Chao quickly stepped forward and apologized to the little boy and said.

“Don’t come here!” Who knew that the little boy was really frightened by him, and when he saw him come over, he got directly into the quilt, and he was so scared that he trembled. Haicho looked at Nami helplessly, not what he wanted to see.

After Nami glanced at him, she walked over to the little boy: “Don’t worry, there are no ghosts, he is just teasing you.” Nami is a beautiful woman after all, she has a natural advantage in dealing with children, and after coaxing for a while, the little boy finally raised his head and found that there were indeed no ghosts, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, at this time he was already sweating.

“By the way, where is this?” The little boy asked again after calming down. I was just frightened by the tide and didn’t hear him at all.

“This is the pirate ship of the Straw Hat Pirates, and I am Captain Luffy!” Luffy stood up and said to the little boy.

“You are pirates?!” The little boy shouted again, and immediately took on guard. He is purely afraid of ghosts, but for pirates, he is completely resistant, and how can he say that he is now a member of the navy, although he is only a cook.

“Frightened, eat something.” At this time, Yamaji came in from outside and brought a plate of soup.

“Hmph, I don’t want to eat what pirates make!” The little boy said very hard.

“Huh.” Yamaji, however, was not angry at all, and said to him, “Don’t you taste the soup made by pirates?” There’s no poison in it. If you have something in your stomach, your mood will be calmer. ”

The little boy wanted to say something, but suddenly saw the soup that Yamaji put in front of him, and then he was stunned: “You can make such a clear soup!” “With such a high-level craft, I’m afraid that the head chef on the warship will look like this!”

Then he couldn’t help but bring the soup plate up and started drinking it with a spoon. It didn’t take long to drink all the soup on the plate, and then said to Yamaji, “I am full, thank you so much.” ”

“Thanks for tasting.” Seeing that he had drunk all the soup, Sanji said happily.

“My name is Takio and I am a midshipman chef on a naval warship.” Takio shouted at Yamaji, “Mr. Yamaji, your craftsmanship is amazing, what a waste of your craftsmanship on such a pirate ship!” He said excitedly, not caring about other people’s feelings, it was Yamaji’s craftsmanship that surprised him.

“Hey, hey, what is a broken ship, my ship is not broken at all!” Luffy said unconvinced.

“That is, this is the ship that Miss Keya gave us, it is our most precious thing, so it is not a broken ship!” Usopp was also unconvinced, saying that this ship was his treasure, and no one was allowed to slander it!

“Okay, okay, don’t argue!” The tide interrupted Usopp, and then said, “Takio, how did you just appear on the side of the ship and fall so accidentally!” ”

“Actually, here’s the thing…” and then Takio began to recount his experience. It turned out that he was just a trainee cook, and today it was a dinner for the captains of several nearby warships, and when it was their turn to prepare food, the chef made the best naval curry.

“Navy curry, very famous, is one of the navy’s most delicious foods!” Yamaji said immediately after listening to it.

“That’s right, the head chef’s navy curry is the most authentic!” Takio said proudly, and then said as dejectedly as a frosted eggplant, “But I accidentally knocked over an entire bucket of curry.” The head chef told me that if I did something wrong, I would be punished, and since I had overturned the curry, I would have to compensate for a bucket of curry, after all, it was the work of everyone in the restaurant. ”

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Yamaji nodded as he moved, agreeing with the head chef’s words.

“However, I’m just a trainee chef, I haven’t even cooked a few times, most of what I do on the boat is brushing the dishes, and after trying to make it a few times, it doesn’t taste right!” Then I thought about scattering on the side of the ship, but I didn’t expect to accidentally fall off, thanks to you saving me. ”

“Takio, how long have you been a cook?” Nami asked suddenly.

“It’s only been half a year.” Takio said with his head bowed.

“Half a year is enough.” Sanji took a puff of his cigarette and said softly.

“How is that possible?!” Takio retorted, “It’s only been half a year, and I wash and peel dishes every day, and I haven’t cooked a few times at all, not to mention this is a dinner between captains, if they eat unauthentic naval curry, I will definitely not be able to stay on the warship!” ”

“Hmph, if you’ve been on the ship for half a year and still can’t make it, then you might as well apologize to the head chef.” Sanji said with some disdain, and then turned around to leave.

“No, in that case I will definitely be driven away!” Takio said loudly.

“Oh? Why do you have to stay on that ship, it’s a warship, and a teenager like you shouldn’t have stayed there in the first place. Sea Tide was interested and said to Takio.

“That’s because… Do you know ALLBLUE?! Takio suddenly became excited, “The four oceans of the East Sea, the West Sea, the South China Sea, and the North Sea are separated by the Red Earth Continent and the Great Shipping Route, and there is a legendary place where all the fish of the four seas gather, and they can all be found in that place, that is, the legendary ALLBLUE!” I must find ALLBLUE, so I can’t be kicked out of that ship, and only by following the warship can I continue on the great voyage and finally find the place that all chefs dream of! “_

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