Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 117: 117. Beautiful and delicious

  Chapter 117 117. Beautiful and delicious

   Beijing Suburb Camp.

  The **** passed the decree, folded his hands in front of him, and waited in the tent without any impatience.

  Behind him stood two young eunuchs, bowing slightly, one of them was holding a bright yellow imperial decree in both hands, waiting quietly.

  On the other side, the lieutenant general stood aside with a serious face, waiting solemnly.

  Suddenly, the tent door was opened from the outside, and then a tall and majestic figure walked in, "Grandpa Xu has been waiting for a long time."

  Eunuch Xu is the **** who delivered the order, "It's not in the way, General Tang, please accept the order."

  Tang Jinghong took a few steps back and led the soldiers to kneel on one knee, respectfully listening to the imperial decree.


  After Xu Gonggong announced the decree, he immediately rushed back to the palace with the little **** to return to his order.

   Tang Jinghong looked at the content of the imperial edict with serious eyes.

  The imperial decree said that the drought in the northwest was severe, and the refugees were out of control, and they were pouring in the direction of the capital. Tang Jinghong was asked to lead his troops to the northwest to assist local officials and properly deal with the refugees.

   And prepared 100,000 tans of grain, which is already waiting in Xiling Town in the northwest.

  He passed the imperial decree to the generals around him, and he began to think about how to deploy his troops.

  After reading the imperial decree, Fang Zerong walked up to Tang Jinghong and said, "General, the refugees are out of control. At least the number of them has reached more than 50,000. We need to bring more soldiers over."

   "In addition, a catastrophe is usually accompanied by an epidemic. I suggest that the general bring Miss Qing Zhi, she has excellent medical skills, and if she encounters a difficult disease, she can be solved immediately, so as not to make things worse."

  A lieutenant general came over, "General, Doctor Fang is right, sometimes the epidemic is more terrible than hunger."

   Several other generals also echoed.

  Tang Jinghong listened to everyone's suggestions, thought for a moment, and said, "Shen Yufeng, you should immediately mobilize the first battalion and the second battalion to Xiling Town to **** food and grass, and head northwest. If you encounter refugees, you can give porridge as appropriate."

   "Tan Yibin, you mobilize the people from the third battalion, fourth battalion, and fifth battalion to prepare, and set off in an hour."

   "The remaining lieutenants, stay in the camp and pay attention to the movements of the capital."

  Each battalion is about 1,000 people.

   All the lieutenants responded in unison, "Yes, General."

  Tang Jinghong walked out of the barracks, rode on a fast horse, and rushed to Chujia Village.


  Chu Family Village.

  Chu Qingzhi is planning the place to build the workshop, and the planning will be finished soon.

   "Qing Zhi." Tang Jinghong's voice came, she thought it was an auditory hallucination, and Tang Jinghong left for less than half an hour.

  Li Qingyu hurriedly walked towards Chu Qingzhi, "Qingzhi, Jing Hong came to see you, look at him, there is something urgent."

  When Chu Qingzhi heard this, she hurried home, "Jing Hong, what happened?"

  Tang Jinghong got off his horse, and he spoke very fast, "Qing Zhi, because of the drought in the northwest, the refugees are out of control. The emperor ordered me to deal with it. I want to take you with me. Are you willing?"

   "Of course I would, just wait for me for a while." Chu Qingzhi returned to the room, took off all the jewelry on her body, and changed into the usual clothes, then packed two sets and left the room.

  She handed a piece of paper to Shen Ruyue, "This is the next plan written on it, you follow the plan, I will go to the northwest with Jing Hong, I don't know when I will come back."

  Shen Ruyue said solemnly, "Don't worry, leave everything to me."

  Chu Qingzhi patted Shen Ruyue on the shoulder, "I believe in you, after I leave, this home will be handed over to you."

  Shen Ruyue said, "I will watch carefully."

  Chu Qingzhi explained some things to Li Qingyu again. Li Qingyu is actually in charge of this family, and then went out to meet Tang Jinghong.

  Tang Jinghong took Chu Qingzhi's burden and asked her to get on the horse first. He sat behind Chu Qingzhi, "Uncle Chu, Auntie, let's go."

  Li Qingyu urged, "Be careful."

  Tang Jinghong nodded and replied, "Okay."

   The two drove away on horseback.


  The barracks are strictly prohibited. The first and second battalions have already set off, and the third, fourth, and fifth battalions are also ready. They are standing at the gate of the camp, waiting to set off.

  Tang Jinghong parked his horse at the gate of the camp, "Zerong, prepare a horse for Qing Zhi immediately."

  In such an occasion, it is not suitable to ride together.

  Fang Zerong walked over leading a horse, "It's ready."

  Chu Qingzhi dismounted, took the horse from Fang Zerong's hand, and stroked it with her hand, "Mr. Fang, thank you."

  Fang Zerong smiled and said, "Miss Qingzhi, we should thank you."

  Tang Jinghong looked at the soldiers and ordered in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

  Chu Qingzhi raised her eyes and looked at the man in front of the army. She was calm, domineering and majestic, and her cool appearance was very charming.

  She has a feeling of being a little girl.

   Under the order, more than a dozen generals in the front quickly mounted their horses, and the soldiers behind followed with long guns in their hands. Under the leadership of Tang Jinghong, they left the camp.

  Chu Qingzhi rode behind Tang Jinghong, walking in second place. She regained her long ponytail, exuding a sassy look.

  The matter is urgent, the marching speed is very fast, and the first rest is already after dark.

  All the soldiers were well-trained. After arriving at the first resting place, they immediately set up camp, lit a fire and cooked, and everything was in order.

  These resting places have been surveyed by former soldiers, and they are very suitable for soldiers to rest.

  After dismounting, Tang Jinghong immediately went to help Chu Qingzhi, helped him off the horse, and quickly handed him water, very carefully, "Qingzhi, thank you for your hard work."

  Chu Qingzhi actually doesn’t need help, but now that she’s in a relationship, relying more on a man will make the other party feel needed and deepen the relationship, so she will act as a weak woman.

  She smiled slightly, "Don't be so polite to me."

  Tang Jinghong looked at Chu Qingzhi's smile, as if seeing a blooming crabapple flower, it was very beautiful, "The camp has been set up, let's go in and rest."


  After Tang Jinghong sent Chu Qingzhi to the camp, he was very busy arranging the next thing without stopping.

   He didn't return until it was time to eat.

  Fang Zerong brought in the food for the two of them, "General, Miss Qing Zhi, please eat slowly."

  Chu Qingzhi was hungry, "Doctor Fang, why don't you sit down and eat together?"

  Fang Zerong quickly waved his hand and glanced at Tang Jinghong. If he stayed, Tang Jinghong would definitely torture him to death secretly, "No, no, no, you eat, I eat, you won't be enough."

   After finishing speaking, he ran away as if fleeing.

  Chu Qingzhi said amusedly, "Your military doctor is afraid of you?"

  Tang Jinghong served Chu Qingzhi some food, and then said something very domineering, "Everyone is afraid of me."

  Chu Qingzhi laughed, she reached out and touched Tang Jinghong's face, she was handsome and cool, "It's so beautiful, it won't be scary for a while."

  Tang Jinghong handed the chopsticks to Chu Qingzhi, "You are described as beautiful and delicious, but I will let you look at it."

  Chu Qingzhi took two mouthfuls of rice, "It's delicious."

  Tang Jinghong was amused by Chu Qingzhi, "Cute."

  (end of this chapter)

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