Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 128: 128. Cunning tricks

  Chapter 128 128. Cunning Strategies

  Zhan Hongjun successfully joined a small group of refugees by using his outstanding acting ability and medical skills, and became the boss.

  Beside a birch tree, Gui Yuzhou, a sallow-faced and thin young man, approached Zhan Hongjun and asked in a low voice, "Little brother, since you are good at medicine, why have you become a refugee?"

  Zhan Hongjun was dressed in ragged clothes, with simple eyes open, and waved his hands old-fashionedly, "Even if I have superb medical skills, I can't live without rice before this harmful drought."

  Others listened to the two talking and felt that what Zhan Hongjun said was right. Even if the emperor came, there was nothing he could do in case of drought.

  Gui Yuzhou asked again, "Brother, what about your family?"

  Zhan Hongjun's eyes turned red, and the water flashed, "They lost with me. I don't know where they are now, or they may not be there anymore."

  After hearing this, the people in the small group couldn't help feeling sympathetic to Zhan Hongjun. Of course, Zhan Hongjun said that on purpose, no, the goal was achieved.

  Gui Yuzhou was full of loyalty, "It's okay, we will take care of each other in the future, and when this matter passes, if you are still alive, we will help you find your family."

  Zhan Hongjun put on a grateful look, "Thank you, I am so lucky to meet you." What a toothache!

  The people in the small group smiled a little embarrassedly, and they recognized Zhan Hongjun more in their hearts.

  Zhan Hongjun glanced at the crowd, his clear eyes flashed a light, "I also have some questions to ask you."

  Gui Yuzhou said without hesitation, "Little brother, just tell us, we will tell you everything we know."

  Zhan Hongjun waved to Gui Yuzhou, and Gui Yuzhou moved closer, watching the two seem to be whispering, "I want to ask why you are here?"

  Gui Yuzhou spoke naturally, obviously it was not a secret, "Someone told us that we could find water sources along this direction, so we followed suit."

   "Find the water source?" Zhan Hongjun thought to himself, in the current direction, at this speed, he will arrive at the capital in ten days, and go to the capital to find the water source?

   Zhan Hongjun had a bad premonition in his heart. He couldn't explain why, but he just felt something was wrong. "Then have you ever touched a water source?"

   "I came across a small river, but we drank all the water in the river immediately." Gui Yuzhou was bitten by a snake before and almost died. It was Zhan Hongjun who rescued him, so he trusted Zhan Hongjun very much and knew everything.

  Zhan Hongjun thought for a moment, then asked, "Then do you know where you will end up in this direction?"

  Gui Yuzhou shook his head, "I don't know, but we don't care where we go, as long as we find water to keep us alive, nothing else matters."

  People in the small group echoed this sentence one after another.

  In the face of disaster, it is really a luxury to live, but as long as you work hard, there will still be a glimmer of life.

  Zhan Hongjun was a benevolent doctor, and when he saw the plight of the refugees, he felt very sympathetic, "Who told you that you can find the water source?"

  Gui Yuzhou said, "I don't know who it is, anyway, this word has spread among the refugees."

  Zhan Hongjun patted Gui Yuzhou on the shoulder and encouraged, "We will definitely find the water source."

  Gui Yuzhou nodded, "Yes."

  It is noon, the sun is strong, and everyone agrees not to hurry. Zhan Hongjun sat aside, leaning against the birch tree behind him, thinking about what Gui Yuzhou said just now.

   Someone told them that they can find water in the direction of the capital. Who is this person? what purpose?


  A certain cave.

  Wan Zhilin slapped his subordinate **** the face, and blood flowed from his nose immediately, "You bastards, you have worked so hard to grab a pile of sand and gravel for me?"

   At this time, there were many carts transporting food and grass in the cave, and the bags on the carts were all cut open, revealing brown sand and stones.

   All the killers lowered their heads and did not dare to speak. How did they know that Tang Jinghong was so cunning that he used sand and stones as food!

  The subordinate endured the pain and knelt down on one knee, "This subordinate is not effective in doing things, this subordinate deserves to die, please master punish me!"

Wan Zhilin felt a deep sense of frustration in his heart. During this time, he was either put together by Tang Jinghong or obliterated by Chu Qingzhi, a hard-to-train killer, "Go, find out where the real food is. Burn it straight away!"

  The subordinate responded, "Yes, master."

  Then he asked again, "Master, what about the refugees outside the cave?"

   Wan Zhilin said cruelly, "Kill them all!"

  The subordinate bowed his head, "Yes."

  Wan Zhilin's heart was full of anger, he flicked his sleeves heavily, walked out of the cave, and left.

   His subordinates led a group of killers out of the cave, raised their knives, and killed all the refugees who were waiting outside for food distribution.

   More than thirty people were killed by them like cutting vegetables, and blood flowed all over the ground.

   Then several people got on their horses and walked away.

   Half a day later, Shen Yufeng found this place. Looking at the corpses all over the floor, he felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't sympathize. "It's better to be a human being, otherwise you will become the soul of the executioner at some point."

  He waved to the soldiers behind him, "Check around."


  A group of soldiers dispersed, some went around, and some followed Shen Yufeng into the cave.

  After entering the cave, Shen Yufeng was stunned, "Who, who told me what's going on? Why is the grain and grass all sand and stone?" Looking at his shocked expression, he didn't know the inside story.

  The soldier next to him was also shocked, "No wonder the general just looks anxious, otherwise he must have come to track him down himself."

  Shen Yufeng suddenly knelt down on the ground, "General, you are really good at predicting things. Thank you, subordinate, for your foresight, otherwise I would be a big sinner."

   While he was shouting, he suddenly saw a white thing, and he hurried to look.

  The white thing was a jade pendant. He picked it up and wiped the jade pendant twice with his thumb.

   "Looking at the fineness of this jade pendant, it is worth at least one thousand taels. People who come to rob food and grass will definitely not wear such a precious jade pendant. It is very likely that it belongs to the master behind the scenes."

  Shen Yufeng carefully put away the jade pendant and continued to search in the cave.

   After searching for about a stick of incense, nothing was found. Shen Yufeng led all the soldiers, moved the bodies of the refugees into the cave, and buried them with sand and stones.

   After all, they are poor people. If it weren't for this natural disaster, these people would not have exposed their corpses to the wilderness.

  After the body was buried, Shen Yufeng led his men and went back to find Tang Jinghong.


   Outside the city.

  The herbs that Chu Qingzhi needs to prepare the drug are not precious, so they have collected a sufficient amount in Xucheng.

  She took it to the tent, prepared the herbs one by one, and used her spiritual power to make them into powder.

   "Jinghong, come in." She didn't deliberately avoid Tang Jinghong, but she needed someone to guard outside the tent, so Tang Jinghong was outside.

  Tang Jinghong entered in response, "Qingzhi, is the medicine ready?"

  Chu Qingzhi said, "Jing Hong, you distribute these powders to the soldiers, spread them evenly over a large area, dig a pit, put the powder in the pit, and ignite it. It's almost time."

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "OK."

  (end of this chapter)

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